Death Star plans data card - zenix's build thread

The other reason I really think it's white is because if it's silver colored, then what color are the details? Black? That's just not how circuitboards are made, and all the evidence points to this actually being a manufactured pcb.
View attachment 699467

I think the traces are covered by the white soldermask, showing through the white, like a typical circuit board:
View attachment 699470

So will the new cards you are making have the details that are in your words, under the white solder mask?

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Just tossing around an idea...


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Hey Zenix I have this pic also it's a screen shot from a Disney kids show were they went behind the scenes in the prop Room!! I was really jealous

Sent from my 2PYB2 using Tapatalk
I can't see the circuit details in the white-ish area on the new pic. That plus the white bottom bar is kind of telling me that this is a different version, maybe a stunt version? Any news on the source of this pic? It looks like a display somewhere.

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Sent from my 2PYB2 using Tapatalk
The first photos from the manufacturer just came in! The details on the circles look amazing.

It's not exactly what I wanted, but is exactly what I ordered. I didn't expect the white solder mask to visually block the traces underneath as much as it did. They're still visible, but were most likely exposed more on the real prop. I'll be reordering a new batch to remedy this, by only applying the solder mask around the traces and not completely over them.

Since we're making these from aluminum, I believe I can just put the solder mask everywhere except over the traces and big central circle, allowing the aluminum back to show through the top.


This is a small batch and will be sent to me this week. I'll have new photos for you early next week.
The first photos from the manufacturer just came in! The details on the circles look amazing.

It's not exactly what I wanted, but is exactly what I ordered. I didn't expect the white solder mask to visually block the traces underneath as much as it did. They're still visible, but were most likely exposed more on the real prop. I'll be reordering a new batch to remedy this, by only applying the solder mask around the traces and not completely over them.

Since we're making these from aluminum, I believe I can just put the solder mask everywhere except over the traces and big central circle, allowing the aluminum back to show through the top.

View attachment 706990View attachment 706991

This is a small batch and will be sent to me this week. I'll have new photos for you early next week.
Oh man! Everybody just asked me why I jumped up and did a happy dance lmao. Can't wait!!
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