Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

Would you like some sugar cubes for that high horse you're on?

I didnt see any part where my post became arrogant or I thought I was better then anyone else. At least it wasnt ment to come over that way. If you tell me which bit specifically offended you I will gladly clear it up.

I simply ranted about people complaining about silly things and finding any excuse to back up their opinion. Rather then trying to stick to relative info and not using the thread as yet another chance to slag of Michael Bay. It was aimed at the collective repeated complaints and also as a counter argument to the idea that you can judge a film based solely on the trailer. Especially with how strong some of the views in this thread are.
So im not sure your remark really applies here. You could just say you dont like my post or views rather then trying to make pointless remarks.
Everyone IS entitled to their opinion. But the extent to what comments go in this thread (not all granted) as well as the facebook group based on next to no footage or plot and use the trailer as their justification ruins the fun for those of us who are interested.


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I think it is perfectly fair for people to criticize the film if they do not like the appearance of the turtles. That is a large part of the franchise and the film. Also, I believe this is the perfect place for those criticisms. I think it would be redundant for a person to make a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (The Criticism Thread)" just because some people feel certain types of discussion about the material that's been released doesn't have a place in this particular thread.
I already replied to a rant like that before.....

I guess track records of people involved also mean nothing.

Fans of the property have revery right to bash what we've seen so far :).

Im aware due to your own rant a couple of posts back. But So do fans who wish to propose a counter bash argument.

Im not the one saying my opinion is definitely right. I dont know what its going to be like. And things like Lairds opinion on the trailer and design simply prove nothing then what he thinks it will be like. Not that theyre irrelevant... but people take it wayyyy beyond it being a matter of opinion. And it ruins it for the fun. Bash it by all means. But remember. Its your opinion. Not fact. And if its shared then ill do as I see to propose my counter argument if I see fit.

I think it is perfectly fair for people to criticize the film if they do not like the appearance of the turtles. That is a large part of the franchise and the film. Also, I believe this is the perfect place for those criticisms. I think it would be redundant for a person to make a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (The Criticism Thread)" just because some people feel certain types of discussion about the material that's been released doesn't have a place in this particular thread.

Your missing my point. It wasnt to demean every post that didnt like the look. It was to demean the posts that claim to know about the movie without seing it. And lets face it... the (Bay raped my childhood) comments are ridiculous amd petty. Were grown ups supposedly.

And yeh ok. To demean the comment that 90 secs of trailer mean a bad movie. It may look bad. But to say it proves it is a weightless argument.

To criticize something you havent yet seen is silly to me

Where did I say it wasnt ok for someone to criticize the look of the turtles because they dont like the look? If you show me where ill gladly admit I made a mistake. Its not how I feel I assure you. Theres a difference between saying you dont like something youve seen And preeching that something you havent yet seen is going to be horrible and more or less saying every other opinion is wrong.
Im obviously not putting it across right. As you seem to be responding to things I havent said....


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The whole "you can't judge a movie by the trailer" is completely ridiculous. If you can't judge a movie by the trailer, why do studios even make them? Studios make trailers to highlight and market the the characteristics of the movie. I'm not saying that every trailer nails the characteristics of every movie, but they certainly give one a window into what the film will be like. Given what we've seen in the trailer, what we've read in interviews, and what background we have on the crews associated with the movie... I think we can get a pretty decent feel for what the movie will be like. I think this movie is going to suck... hard. As a TMNT fan I'd love to be proven wrong though... go ahead, prove me wrong Mr. Bay.
The whole "you can't judge a movie by the trailer" is completely ridiculous. If you can't judge a movie by the trailer, why do studios even make them? Studios make trailers to highlight and market the the characteristics of the movie. I'm not saying that every trailer nails the characteristics of every movie, but they certainly give one a window into what the film will be like. Given what we've seen in the trailer, what we've read in interviews, and what background we have on the crews associated with the movie... I think we can get a pretty decent feel for what the movie will be like. I think this movie is going to suck... hard. As a TMNT fan I'd love to be proven wrong though... go ahead, prove me wrong Mr. Bay.

Feel free to judge. We all pre judge. But thats not what I was arguing is it....

Using john carter and the titanic as a grounds to argue that because they had crap trailers and crap movies means that this will be the case here is what I was arguing against.
Which wasnt really a specific post I was arguing with. It was an example.

Someone said something about people being able to judge fron 90 secs. Then I think Jeyl replied with a link to an article about john carter as a counter argument. My post was to say
'so what? John Carter was a crap movie'
How does it apply. And then to have a moan about the few individuals that seem to let it get to them far more then they should. Especially without having even seen it.

This is clearly getting no where as you cant seem to stop twisting what im saying so its probably best we just leave it here. As all in all its probably going to end up a forgetfull kiddies film not a patch on the original. And none of this will have been worth the headache.


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Second Trailer or better say the same Trailer with new scenes with the Turtles.
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A) It pains me to say it, but this movie is looking better and better to me. I hate myself.
B) The whole "rampant crime, great city being destroyed" angle made sense in the 80s when NYC was festering and the TMNT could go all Charles Bronson and clean up the town. But in a post-Guilani (sp?) post-gentrification NYC...what are the turtles gonna do, kick loitering tourists out the the Times Square Baskin Robbins? Keep a sharp eye out for shoplifters at the Disney Store? NYC's gritty rep has taken a huge hit in the last two decades. Not sure the TMNT work quite as well if they're not in a "Mean Streets" version of the city.
This...looks...AWFUL. I cant even begin to say how horrible this looks. Thank god for the 1990 version that still holds up today. Man. Right in the childhood...ouch....
Know what I just realized? the tower falling off the highrise? that's almost the same as in the first of the new Spider-Man movies.
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