Survivor: Fans vs Favorites

I think Russell is an effective manipulator but terrible at the social game. For all his plans, manipulations, etc. when it came to the social game he totally dropped the ball. It certainly seemed Russell was genuinely confused as to why he didn't win. Being the smartest guy in the room will only get you as far on Survivor as it translates through your season's particular social dynamic.
I've always felt there is no one way to win Survivor. Russell seemed stuck on his one strength which is the ability to manipulate people to a certain point. Once Russell hits that point his game seems to go in the toilet.

I disagree. There have been plenty of Juries in the past who would've recognized Russell's mad skills at outwitting, outplaying, outlasting everyone else on the island, and would've rewarded him with the million dollars. Russell just had the bad luck of going up against the most bitter Jury members each time, that I've ever seen on the show. Especially the All-Stars, led by Rupert et. al.

Anyone who thinks Natalie and Sandra--people who did absolutely NOTHING during their ENTIRE respective seasons--deserved the million over Russell, you live in a different world than I do.

The Wook :D

ps~Sluis, you're right, it was beyond rotten to repay Brenda's extraordinary generosity that way. I hope Eddie can capitalize on that huge betrayal.
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Brenda made her decision based on what would get her the most votes when everyone on that beach went to the jury (she was bringing Dawn with her to eat and to the final 3. The blindside was just that. it wasn't personal, it wasn't a FU to the person who gave you time with a loved one. The only one I'd really believe wanted to send a little FU to Brenda was Dawn. she did not take Brenda's choice very well. Cochran knew his time was coming up. He had to make the move when he did. I think he's that smart of a player (now). what I don't get is why no one talked to Eddie. a throw away to Erik could have ensured that Brenda was voted off.

Eddie is by far the biggest threat to the others now in a final 3 vote. He's got at least 3 votes right now (Malcolm, Reynolds and Andrea) and could get the Fan's vote just to get it away from a returning Favorite. Sheri, I don't think would get the same support since she's been avoiding being voted out since she was trying to protect Shemar. Sheri and Dawn would be the best 2 to bring to the final three for anyone who wants to be pretty sure of winning.
The timing for Brenda's blindside is most certainly unfortunate.

However Cochran did explain a few episodes ago that in order to stay in the game, (paraphrasing) you have to "blindside the blindsider" before you yourself get blindsided. In other words he heard that he was on the chopping block with Brenda mentioning his name, and felt now was the time to strike.

Truly this was the right move, as Brenda could have potentially won every immunity challenge from here on out. She actually threw the immunity challenge just to try and make amends with Dawn, however it was Brenda's undoing. I guess we'll never know, but my guess was that Brenda was going to take the million.

It truly does suck that the best time for Brenda to go just happened to be right after she makes the most selfless move of the season... however was it genuinely selfless, or just a way to secure jury votes? I honestly don't know.

I guess there does come a point in which if you are "too nice", "too honest", "too giving", and "too well liked", you end up with a huge bullseye on your back.

I don't think that the move was necessarily low as it wasn't done in malice, just terribly unfortunate timing. It was now or never. However I think that this might be the move that costs Cochran the win (how do you talk your way out of this?). I have to agree that if Eddie makes it to the final three, he'll probably take it.

[Brenda] actually threw the immunity challenge just to try and make amends with Dawn...

I'm not convinced of this. Not at all. Brenda played it up that way, both in her confessional, and in camp, but it certainly was not like she just let go of the bar and jumped in the water. She began to lose her grip, and *fought* to hang on for several seconds. Perhaps if Brenda felt like she really needed Immunity, she could've summoned the strength to outlast Dawn. But as for her just giving the necklace to Dawn, I don't buy it.

My Predictions for the Finale tonight:

If Eddie's in the Final 3, he will win, regardless of who sits next to him. (This is what I hope happens.)

If Cochran's in the Final 3, sans Eddie, he will win. (I suppose this would be okay, depending how he comports himself. He's arguably played the best game.)

If neither are in the Final 3, then I'll pray it's Eric. (But I think he'll be medevaced outta the girl in the first hour tonight.)

If Dawn or Sheri wins, I will puke.

Your predictions?

The Wook
There have been plenty of Juries in the past who would've recognized Russell's mad skills at outwitting, outplaying, outlasting everyone else on the island, and would've rewarded him with the million dollars. Russell just had the bad luck of going up against the most bitter Jury members each time, that I've ever seen on the show.

AFTER the fact. When the final two or three are getting the jury's votes, most are still ticked they got voted out and this TOOL that is sitting in front of me is going to win MY million dollars. If they voted during the reunion show, many votes would be different with a bit of time for intro and retrospection.

Russell never understood one aspect of the game. He could manipulate people like no other but would freeze in the final tribal. Admit your 'crimes' to the bitter ones, never agree it should a game of 'deserving' for being nice and never lying, and tell them you took them out because they were a threat to you.
I'm not convinced of this. Not at all. Brenda played it up that way, both in her confessional, and in camp, but it certainly was not like she just let go of the bar and jumped in the water. She began to lose her grip, and *fought* to hang on for several seconds. Perhaps if Brenda felt like she really needed Immunity, she could've summoned the strength to outlast Dawn. But as for her just giving the necklace to Dawn, I don't buy it.

Brenda has been a demon at challenges (especially the Andrea showdown). When she "let go", it looked to me as if she had a smile on her face, which (even before confessional) had me saying out loud that she threw it. So while she didn't blatantly jump in, she made it look like she lost to Dawn (just a way to make Dawn feel she won the challenge "for real" and not because someone gave it to her).

I'm watching the finale as I type. If they send Eddie home, Cochran might take the win.

The I wanted to win did. Awesome season! I think he deserved it.

Yeah, Brenda was really tough on Dawn at the end.
Gotta sit through the after show now.
great season. Loved the final 4 and how that last vote went down. And I loved that Sheri was practically ignored during the final three. And got PISSED when this was pointed out. For the first time ever she couldn't say she was in complete control and had the game in her hand.

- - - Updated - - -

anyone want to take guesses at next season? Blood Vs Water.

I'm guessing one tribe will be a family. 10 members of a family Vs 10 strangers.
As it should be. Cochran played like an Ace until the very end.

I have no comment on the Brenda/Dawn thing except to say that it's between them...

As for next season, I've thought before that a good mix up would be to put everyone on the show knowing one other person ON THE OTHER TEAM. Maybe you would know that everyone had someone they knew, or maybe you would think you were the only one who had a significant other.

Either way, I'm hoping that's what's going on.

And I sincerely hope that they do not put Russel and Branden on again.
Russell... still the greatest player ever... but Cochran ruled this season from start to finish. Amazing to see how much he changed from his first season. Kudos to him for the game he played and for owning it.
wow - the Dawn/Brenda thing during jury...Dawn did not want to do it, it was shear humiliation on national TV. wow. Unless I play the game, I will never understand the deep rooted, personal connection these people grow in a game for $1mil and where there is only one winner...

I thank my stars above that CBS/Survivor didn't give that little dirtbag Brandon any screentime during the reunion, nor was it even mentioned.

I was rooting for big C, and if there's any question how to handle jury questions, just rewind it and listen to him again. Nailed it.

I was stumped why they didn't have everyone on stage during the reunion show. There were a number of players who I didn't see sitting in that front row pan-shot....aside from Brenda's any-day-baby and lunatic Brandon, everyone else should have been on stage.

We too feel Blood vs Water is a family-thing - blood's thicker than water expression...

We'd still like to see a season where the players are all returning players - yet, these are the folks who were voted out FIRST. A whole cast of underdogs.
They only had the jury in the main seating area. The others that were voted out were sitting
in other rows off to the sides. They never got interviewed this time around.

I have one question. I thought there was only a few months between Jeff leaving the island
with the votes at the end and when he comes on stage at the finale?

Obviously, it was a LOT LONGER than that as Brenda got knocked up and was ready to deliver
by the finale. Either that or she was pregnant on the island which couldn't be to good for the baby
under those conditions.

I don't think we needed that whole Richard Hatch thing too. Seemed A little out of place from a
normal Survivor finale. Rudy, sunscreen? ugghhhh. Oh, and Cochran showed how it needed to be done during the final questions. I believe he got every vote too. If he did, how do they decide who gets the second place prize?
I wondered about only the jury being on stage too. I thought I read a tweet from Malcolm last night saying they were hiding something, but I looked this morning and it's gone. I should have taken a screen shot.

There did seem to be a lot of filler last night - not many were interviewed even on the jury. Something seems 'off'.
Russell... still the greatest player ever... but Cochran ruled this season from start to finish. Amazing to see how much he changed from his first season. Kudos to him for the game he played and for owning it.

Agreed, Russell remains the best player in Survivor history. In fact, when Malcolm and Jeff were talking during the Reunion show about how challenging it was for Malcolm to have no break between his first and second seasons, it reminded me that Russell did the same thing, and what a monumental achievement it was for Russell to maneuver himself to the Final 3 in BOTH seasons! With absolutely NO time to recover, or reflect on what he'd done right, and what he could improve upon. What makes it even more impressive is that Russell did it in his second season against a cast of All-Stars, each of whom had all the time in the world to reflect and fine-tune their games.

But what was most impressive of all, in BOTH seasons, Russell was in the minority in the beginning, a lone wolf who convinced a couple of outcast girls to grab onto his coattails. He then methodically eliminated his threats one by one, until he and his allies became the majority. To anyone who claims Boston Rob is the best player ever, I remind them that the one time Russell and Rob played together on the same tribe, Russell single-handedly orchestrated Rob's exit from the game. Don't get me wrong, I really like Boston Rob, but he got pwned by Russell, and I remember pitying him, as he walked around camp helpless, knowing Russell had targeted him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

However, Rob did learn a lot from being schooled by Russell, which he put to good use the next time he played, earning him the million dollars. But regarding that win, BR acknowledged during that season's Reunion show that had he and Russell been given each other's tribemates, the outcome would've been very different. In other words, he was lucky as Hell he was given a bunch of stupid lemmings, and that Russell was given a bunch of bloodthirsty sharks who were hellbent on purging him, the one All-Star assigned to their tribe. Nevertheless, Rob played a perfect game, and won. But never ever did Boston Rob overcome odds like Russell did in his first two seasons. No, Boston Rob is great, no doubt about it--but he is only the second best player in Survivor history.

Ummm, congrats to Cochran. I'll comment on this season tomorrow. It's 5 a.m. and I'm pooped. I only finished the Reunion Show an hour ago, and I'm too tired to write anything more right now.

The Wook
I think they film both seasons back to back during the summer. Which would mean Malcolm had done both shows before the first reunion show. They might have guessed at him being a favorite or were just in a jam for the final favorite.


Now, not being a fan of Russel, was his back to back appearances in the same tv season (like Malcolm) or was it jan/feb and sept?
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