Superman Cape Attaching?


Active Member
Possible stupid question, but how would a Reeves' Superman cape attach? Straps that go over the shoulder, then under the arm, and Velcro or buckle together in the middle of the back?
It usually looks like it's tucked in to the collar of the rest of the suit. It'd probably be best to use the soft, sew-in velcro to put it in there if you don't want to sew it straight to the suit.
Well, I wanted something more secure than velcro, so we went ahead and tried the under-the-arm-and-behind-the back method. It worked very well, with a buckle in the middle. That cape is going nowhere no matter the gust of wind that hits it!

But now, I want a replica Reeves' belt buckle. The half-round egg design. Im not good at making round things and the fabric buckle that came with the costume just isnt up to par. Anyone have ideas to make one or have a spare laying around?
Hi Brady,

Use press studs on the shoulders of the tunic like the original. This will keep the cape in place perfectly ;)
re the belt, contact super.costumes they can make you a replica.

All the best,

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