STEEL IRONMAN - heavy update - NEW PHOTOS PAGES 3,4,6


Active Member
just wanted to share my ironman project with everyone. this suit is made from steel by me. it is a work in progress but is fairly far along.


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Wow that is really cool! A real Iron Man! :D
Looks like the warmachiene suit, or do you plan to paint it red and gold someday?
How did you build the Arc Reactor? Is it also made out of steel?
Keep it up! :)
Re: my steel ironman project

the helmet is a war machine. the main body legs and part of the arms are mark iv the forearms are mark vii. I bought the arc reactor off ebay actually. I plan on making one for my next suit and yes it will be steel and copper and everything nice.
Re: my steel ironman project

oh and as far as the paint this one will remain black and grey my next will be red and gold unless i decide to make the mark viii from ironman 3 the red and white suit. I have some plans I am working on to make that after I finish this one off.
Re: my steel ironman project

Now that is what I am talking about!!:love Thanks for starting a thread! I will be eagerly watching for more updates!
Re: my steel ironman project

Does anybody have any suggestions as to flexibility for the abdominal/sides and lower back area? I've got an idea for my abs lets call it version 2.0 but just wanted to see if anyone else had any brilliant ideas.
Re: my steel ironman project

Does anybody have any suggestions as to flexibility for the abdominal/sides and lower back area? I've got an idea for my abs lets call it version 2.0 but just wanted to see if anyone else had any brilliant ideas.

I actually do. My friend is a mechanical engineer and we had a discussion on how those parts can be articulated.
Re: my steel ironman project

Look up how to build bannded armor, basicaly something similar to lorica segmentata. Each plate would overlap the one below it, and sliding rivets would attatch the plates at the sides while one or two leather or synthetic straps would be riveted along the belly of the plates to keep gaps from openning up in the armor. For a more detailed look at this type of articulation I suggest checking out The Armour Archive , and searching around there. They have a lot of good build threads and even some great essays on armor smithing. The suit I had been planning months ago was going to be 16 gauge steel, and SCA combat ready. Love the build so far, would like to see some more pictures detailing the construction.
Re: my steel ironman project

Feel kinda silly, didn't realize till now that you had posted on my Darth Vader thread. Question. Where do you weld living in an apartment? By the way, that samurai armor in the back ground is awesome.
Re: my steel ironman project

Just thought I would answer some questions. I've been working with metal for about 25 years now. I mainly use to make euooean armor for a decade or so. Lol but my main passion was the samurai. About 8 years ago I got it into my head to make a suit for Halloween. My first attempt was ok good according to everyone I thought it was crap. This got me motivated I found a site not rpf but a site strictly dealing with samurai armor and period patterns for the armor. Needless to say that suit turned out great. But me being me I wasn't satisfied just with making it so most of the suit I tracked down authentic pieces of period armor that was badly in need of restoring. My passion for armor led me here where I can continue it in a more modern form.
Re: my steel ironman project

Or and a special thanks to pestilence for his info. It's kind of what I had in mind I just needed to have some conformation that it would work I will be checking that out later. I have my ways with the welding. It's all good. I have a friend who lets me weld at there place well I'm off for 2 days I think I will have to make some additions to my suit. I might be posting other projects I have done in the past.
Re: my steel ironman project

Thanks darkside lover your work. That would work but not really what I want if I'm right the ab plating are not connected together as one unit. I have some ideas I'm going to try out of plastic before I commit it to steel. If I'm right the abs and lower back and lower sides will be able to be one complete piece that will be fully articulated. I'm not sure if it will be as flexible as that but we will see. I will update with lots of pictures if it works.
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