STEEL IRONMAN - heavy update - NEW PHOTOS PAGES 3,4,6

Re: my steel ironman project

Thanks darkside that's what I thought. Not exactly what I had in mind I'm really looking for a way to articulate everything while still have it all connected as one piece I have a thought that should work if not then I will for sure be using this idea. Thanks for the help!!!
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

I finally had a chance to upload update pictures some are old as in the work in progress. There will be more to come.
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

i was thinking of doing the same thing but o don't have benders and other materials to shape the metal sheet.:) post more updates of this neat build!:)
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

Ah, it's great to see another armourer in this forum. I thought I was going to be the first one to attempt an Iron Man suit out of steel but I guess you beat me to it. I hope that you can help me along as I start building the suit too.

As for the articulation for the abs, I think the best idea is long sliding rivets and maybe some sort of strap keeping everything from going beyond it's range of motion as someone else here has said.

Also, if you don't mind, can you send me the patterns you have made while working on this?
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

Any assistance I can offer lastnight I will be more than willing to provide. As far as my patterns are concerned... I used several that are available on this site. That being said I did do considerable modifications to certain parts in some cases a full custom design however I did not use the designer to creat them I created them on paper by hand. I used robos file for the back abs biceps shoulder bells. The cod is a combination of dancing fools mark 3 robos mark 4 and myself. The legs are dancing fools mark3. The helmet was me by hand.
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

In regards to lining the inside with foam, have you given any thought to a bed-liner type spray? It would add a little more weight but can be applied as thin or thick as you see fit for each application. You can get it in several different colors, doest scratch or flake.
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

Well wicked my reasoning for the foam is to add a layer of comfort and padding as well as to prevent any roughness on the inside. I will be posting more pictures very soon. As well as a update on my ab articulation.
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

Are you planning on wearing this for extended periods of time? Dude you must be ripped to pull that off!

People wear heavy armour in the SCA all day long so keeping this on for a day is most definitely possible. You'll just be extremely tired at the end of the day.

Samurari169, did you happen to make a paper pattern for your helmet? If so, can you take a picture of it for me?
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

I think that you can wear it all day but without moving. You will have to be static allowing people to take photos with you. :)

Alluminum would be lighter and more confortable, but more dificult to work with (I believe).

Anyway its an incredible suit that would be an incredible ornament in my flat. ;-)
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

First off yes I am a fairly big boy lol. I could loose 20 pounds to get to the ripped state that was mentioned. I do plan on wearing it for extended periods of time but as I've told people in the past that have asked how I can wear something so heavy the weight is displaced over your entire body similar to gaining weight it is not all concentrated in one area. As far as aluminum is concerned steel is a stronger metal harder to form aluminum may cause issues when welding I'm not sure. I know it is possible to weld just trickier it would be lighter that's for sure. The helmet pattern I will need to find for you lastknight I made it a while ago and im not really sure where I put it. I will try to find it if you don't mind being patient. Right now I'm heavy into the build trying to complete it. I really want to remake the back to add more custom detail work into it. This might have to wait till the rest of the suitors complete. I need to remake the chest. I went to fan expo in Toronto last week and got Stan Lee to sign it so I kind of want to protect the finished piece I now have.
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

Your suit looks awesome but I've been wondering.. Looks like you went for a mark IV/VI but did the mark III shins ?
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

Sorry lastknight I haven't had a chance. With the build occupying all my spare time I haven't had a chance to look yet. Oh mrbibou most of the suit is mark iv I decied a while back to take whatever sections I liked and create something more me more of a original creation. My chest back abs biceps shoulder caps neck and cod are mark iv my legs are mark iii forearms are mark vii. In a strange way all but my helmet and the colour could be considered screen accurate due to errors made by the cg department. My helmet is war machine. I'm stressing a little to try to complete the build before Halloween.
Re: STEEL IROMAN - heavy update

How did you manage to get all your pieces to be soo cleanly finished? Even with the proper stakes and tools, it seems amazing that you got your helmet to look so perfect.

And also, how long have you been working on this for so far?
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