STEEL IRONMAN - heavy update - NEW PHOTOS PAGES 3,4,6

Re: my steel ironman project

Great start! Looks extremely clean :) Can't wait to see the finished product. Keep up the awesome work
Re: my steel ironman project

I forgot to answer a question sorry. Coolhankdluke. I'm not sure yet since its not finished I don't know how heavy it is. I figure it will be 100 to 150 pounds.
Re: my steel ironman project

Thanks darkside lover your work. That would work but not really what I want if I'm right the ab plating are not connected together as one unit. I have some ideas I'm going to try out of plastic before I commit it to steel. If I'm right the abs and lower back and lower sides will be able to be one complete piece that will be fully articulated. I'm not sure if it will be as flexible as that but we will see. I will update with lots of pictures if it works.

hey I just noticed that you were added in SIWDAT on Facebook. I'll try to catch you on chat one day to see if I can explain it to you through there.
Re: my steel ironman project

There is an idea our there for an ab flex system:


i second this.

fiberglass is like wearing stormtrooper armor, when you bend over, the chest and abs slide over eachother, so you have to bend a certain way as to not crack your pieces while also maintaining comfort so the abs dont pinch/jam into your body. your only problem is the steel will scratch up the paint hardcore. i suggest coat the inside of each 'step' (in the pic) with some rubber or foam trim. its a difficult system if you want mobility, but thats why you hardly see anyone in any armor not sitting down lol.
Re: my steel ironman project

Trust me I'm aware of the difficulties in wearing armor and sitting down. Hence the request. I do also plan on fully lining the suit with foam to prevent any scratches. I have an idea on how to make a full articulation work. I want to make a plastic test section first to see if my idea works. If it does I will post several detailed photos with explanations perhaps even load a video clip of the mobility achieved.
Re: my steel ironman project

I saw the words "steel" and "ironman" and I had to click on this thread. Great job so far, it's like seeing the suit actually become real. Although I am wondering how heavy this suit is going to be once you're done.
Re: my steel ironman project

I'm using 20 gauge steel. So far even though I wound up making two of everything till I was satisfied with the final product I'm only at 90 bucks worth of steel I still have a 4'x3' piece of uncut steel. I won't weigh it until final completetion. My guess is 100 to 150 pounds. I feel like tony in the cave trying to make the mark1. Trying to make it as functional and articulated as it appeared to be in the movies.
Re: my steel ironman project

Thanks darkside lover your work. That would work but not really what I want if I'm right the ab plating are not connected together as one unit. I have some ideas I'm going to try out of plastic before I commit it to steel. If I'm right the abs and lower back and lower sides will be able to be one complete piece that will be fully articulated. I'm not sure if it will be as flexible as that but we will see. I will update with lots of pictures if it works.

Thanks. Here check this video out... this is another take on the articulated midsection and is pretty much what I had in mind and what I designed my Mk VII abs to do.
Re: my steel ironman project

One question about the abs darkside. I have a very good idea just need to build a test piece to try my ideas practicable functions. But the abs for the mark vii you designed for flexibility are they one interconnected piece or several separate individual rows?
Re: my steel ironman project

i haveaquestionforyou, what gague is the steel ur using? specifically the helmet and upper chest, Also are using a plasma torch or other tool?
Re: my steel ironman project

All the steel is 20 guage. So far I have just been using hand sheers to cut it. And a mig welder to connect everything together. I have purchased a set of air powered sheers to speed up the process. Essentially I'm using a similar process to pep I take the pep files modify them in some cases make entirely new patterns.
Re: my steel ironman project

Thanks for all the interest. I do have updates to post just no extra time to do it. I'm trying to finish everything for Montreal comiccon or Toronto fan expo next week. Sooo much work sooo little time. I promise there are updates and I will post them soon.
Re: my steel ironman project

I love it!
Projects like this make me glad I haven't bought myself a welder yet :p

I sent you a PM, by the way..
Re: my steel ironman project

One question about the abs darkside. I have a very good idea just need to build a test piece to try my ideas practicable functions. But the abs for the mark vii you designed for flexibility are they one interconnected piece or several separate individual rows?

I made the pep as four separate rows that can be connected together so that they can articulate as each piece slides over the piece below it. It can also be assembled as a solid one-piece part but that defeats the purpose of the flexibility.
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