Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)

I LOVE the title.

It's ominous.

And I think it suggests major change. Change which I welcome, frankly.

I would not mind if, for example, the Jedi do indeed die out in this film...but are replaced by something newer and more vital. Something more about balance than about what the Jedi of old were about. (At least as depicted in the prequels, where they seemed more about ascetic denial of emotion, which ultimately came at their own expense.)
So we went from RETURN of Jedi to LAST of Jedi separated by one film?!!

Meh again. Meh meh meh and meh.

That's the sucky part, we didnt get to see the whole Returning part, with the new academy, Luke's students, etc. Though I'm sure we'll learn more about it, or even get flashbacks.
he better not pull some obiwan crap, i want to see him go ape ***t and take out snoke! :devil
I don't mean stand there and let him take him out, I mean as he's killing snoke smoke kills him too. Then they both die. Just the sacrafice himself part. Rather him not die a stupid pointless death.
I LOVE the title.

It's ominous.

And I think it suggests major change. Change which I welcome, frankly.

I would not mind if, for example, the Jedi do indeed die out in this film...but are replaced by something newer and more vital. Something more about balance than about what the Jedi of old were about. (At least as depicted in the prequels, where they seemed more about ascetic denial of emotion, which ultimately came at their own expense.)


I get the feeling that a big underlying concept in this new trilogy is that the Jedi is just a particular religion (and the Sith too, for that matter). These organized religions are not the only way to go about being a Force user/believer/etc.

Look at how they were seeding the idea in Rogue One with that blind Asian dude. He wasn't a Jedi but he was into the Force.

I get the feeling that a big underlying concept in this new trilogy is that the Jedi is just a particular religion (and the Sith too, for that matter). These organized religions are not the only way to go about being a Force user/believer/etc.

Look at how they were seeding the idea in Rogue One with that blind Asian dude. He wasn't a Jedi but he was into the Force.
I personally dont like it as a religion, or devoting people to it if they cant use the actual Force. Thats what I liked about the OT. Would you really need to believe in something if you saw someone in front of you doing stuff that a Jedi/Sith could do? I mean, I see how people would be envious of it, but its kind of along the lines, either you can do it, or you cant. And nobody knows why, I think thats the cool thing about it.
I think in seeing the way the prequels were done, I got a sense that the Jedi was actually treated sort of a religion with certain rules to abide by. If you didn't follow them, well...

I get a sense that in what Luke has learned that is different than how the old ways of the Jedi are, is that you can't have light without dark and that there is a big gray area, such as we deal with things in everyday life. You can't just have one view of the force and must learn and embrace all aspects, though the way of the Jedi are built on strong foundation principles to follow and branch out from.

You learn to control it and do what is right, but that there is no one way to manipulate the force.

As we have seen, the Force is a mysterious power with unlimited potential which must be harnessed carefully. We've seen what awful things it can do as well as great things. I'm interested to know in the years Luke had been gone, what sort of new things has he discovered that have never been unlocked before?

Sorry if that all sounded crazy. I just feel the times and the way the force was perceived have changed from those times to what we'll see in Ep8.

It would be interesting to see the flip side of this and find out why the dark side of the force is a way some choose to follow and what sort of things they get from it. All we know is they use it to do bad, but as we've seen in Kylo Ren, there's also some conflict happening. I think there's a lot more to him that people criticize and it will get more interesting.
No anger, love, etc, is denying a large part of yourself. I like the aspect of a new way of looking at it that embraces the whole. Luke telling Rey - it's ok to get pissed off. People get mad. It's ok to fall in love. Love can make people stronger - can also make them weaker, but again, it's a part of what a person is. You have to keep the balance within yourself.

- - - Updated - - -

As for his fate, i think even if he was slated to die in 8, he won't know. They simply can't kill off the entire old cast. I think it'd be a huge risk of people turning on them. Personally, i think han may have been the only one intended to die, but Carrie's death can but them in a spot. I see luke surviving all 3 and being a 'drops in here and there' type going forward.


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