Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release) (Spoilers)

Starting to find it annoying that Kylo Ren wears a mask when he needs none apparently. Seems to have it off half the time he is seen.
Vader needed it to survive. Boba Fett hid his identity. Kylo has his off a lot. Just weird it is. Hopefully the movie gives a good reason why he wears it besides being obsessed with Vader.
Starting to find it annoying that Kylo Ren wears a mask when he needs none apparently. Seems to have it off half the time he is seen.
Vader needed it to survive. Boba Fett hid his identity. Kylo has his off a lot. Just weird it is. Hopefully the movie gives a good reason why he wears it besides being obsessed with Vader.

It seems to me like it's battle armor but is inspired like his idol. Kinda the same principle as the jokers war paint.
Starting to find it annoying that Kylo Ren wears a mask when he needs none apparently. Seems to have it off half the time he is seen.
Vader needed it to survive. Boba Fett hid his identity. Kylo has his off a lot. Just weird it is. Hopefully the movie gives a good reason why he wears it besides being obsessed with Vader.

It's so he can drink his coffee like...

Here's a thought:eek:pen a hyper drive portal and fire through​ that at the intended target?

I kind of like that idea..but a portal that size (assuming it's about the size of a planet for full range) would probably require more power than a hyperdrive would ;o).

at this point I'm tired of all these reveals. I just want to see the damn movie already ;o). it's being so hyped up that we'll be anything but dissapointed at this point ;o).
The stormtrooper with that lightsaber repellant weapon made me come up out of my seat. After 32 years of waiting since Jedi, I can't believe it's finally happening. Star Wars.
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