STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

I guess it is Tuesday, so haters have to hate something.

First let us remember that this Leia is 16 years old here. And although I am sure she is mature for her age (or at least when compared to 16 year olds in our galaxy) she is a teen and therefore,,, you don't know crap about her so don't pretend to know what she would wear.

Second. The show is called Rebels. Not sure if you seen any of the OT movies but spoiler alert... She's a frickin' rebel! I think most here were wondering "when" she was going to appear on the show, not "if".

exactly! she's like head trouble maker to the empire! so glad they decided to throw her in the ring!

This show needs to stop being a tribute to itself and start telling some big stories.
I don't think that'll happen any time soon; certainly not in the same way that The Clone Wars evolved during it's seven seasons. Disney owns the franchise now and they want to keep shows like this "kid friendly", which means simplified plots so that young children will be able to understand them. Children are far more intelligent and aware than most adults give them credit for being, and I think Disney is doing their audience a disservice by imposing such restrictions. But they haven't consulted me, so my opinion has about as much value as a three-dollar bill. :D
I think her costume is fine.

I would like to see Delta Squad, from the Republic Commando game, come back and be helping the Rebels. They've had a cameo in TCW already, and we never found out what happened to Sev. Plus in the books (yeah I know are not canon now) they were all gung ho loyal to the new Empire.
I guess it is Tuesday, so haters have to hate something.

First let us remember that this Leia is 16 years old here. And although I am sure she is mature for her age (or at least when compared to 16 year olds in our galaxy) she is a teen and therefore,,, you don't know crap about her so don't pretend to know what she would wear.

Who's hatin'?

First off, I think it's pretty cool that she's showing up. I imagine she'll be her defiant, confident young self, as in ANH. Perhaps more so, b/c she's a young teen. Isn't Rebels 4-5 years before ANH? So 14-15?

Second, on the costume: some of the concepts for the original Star Wars were awesome & some weren't. Many of them (especially on the first movie) simply weren't used because they didn't fit the look that the director ultimately decided to go with. A lot of the early design concepts - in my opinion - hewed too closely to the SPACE MOVIE ideas of the mid 70's. Skin-tight suits & low cut necklines that were intended to titilate the young audience at the time. Lucas decided to leave this look behind, to make Star Wars stand apart visually from what people expected from Scifi movies. So, from my perspective, this costume selection looks out of place - even if it was a legit piece of early Leia concept art.

So no, I guess I don't know what Leia would choose to wear as a young teen. Perhaps it's representative of fashion 5 years before the era we're used to. Maybe she was rebelling from Dad a bit, I dunno. I'm not saying "ZOMG, Leia would nevar wear something like that!!1" To me, it's a bit inconsistent with what we've seen on her, but I think it's mostly that the look is inconsistent with the ANH era. There are a lot of jumpsuits in Rebels. They're practical, sure, and definitely easy to animate! But few of them (at least on main characters) are skin-tight. Meh, just a design choice I don't care for. There are a lot of those in SW, doesn't stop me from loving it.
Who's hatin'?

First off, I think it's pretty cool that she's showing up. I imagine she'll be her defiant, confident young self, as in ANH. Perhaps more so, b/c she's a young teen. Isn't Rebels 4-5 years before ANH? So 14-15?

Second, on the costume: some of the concepts for the original Star Wars were awesome & some weren't. Many of them (especially on the first movie) simply weren't used because they didn't fit the look that the director ultimately decided to go with. A lot of the early design concepts - in my opinion - hewed too closely to the SPACE MOVIE ideas of the mid 70's. Skin-tight suits & low cut necklines that were intended to titilate the young audience at the time. Lucas decided to leave this look behind, to make Star Wars stand apart visually from what people expected from Scifi movies. So, from my perspective, this costume selection looks out of place - even if it was a legit piece of early Leia concept art.

So no, I guess I don't know what Leia would choose to wear as a young teen. Perhaps it's representative of fashion 5 years before the era we're used to. Maybe she was rebelling from Dad a bit, I dunno. I'm not saying "ZOMG, Leia would nevar wear something like that!!1" To me, it's a bit inconsistent with what we've seen on her, but I think it's mostly that the look is inconsistent with the ANH era. There are a lot of jumpsuits in Rebels. They're practical, sure, and definitely easy to animate! But few of them (at least on main characters) are skin-tight. Meh, just a design choice I don't care for. There are a lot of those in SW, doesn't stop me from loving it.

Since Ezra had his 15th birthday (he was born on Empire day) and Leia was born shortly after, we know she is at least 15. The question now becomes how much time has past since then. So 16 or getting close to 16 is plausible.

As far as basing what her teenage style would be based on what we see in the OT movies is flawed. In A New Hope, she is a senator and wearing here senatorial robes. From there on, she tends to wear military uniforms, clothing available/given to her. She is never in a situation like she is on Rebels.

We also can look at Padme, not just because it is her mother but because she is also someone who is of high social class and also a woman of action. Her white outfit in Attack of the Clones is very similar in fit and might be influenced by the old Leia design.

And while the idea of Lucas trying to get away from typical si-fi designs in order to separate his movie from past, they can relax now... mission accomplished. In fact, you can find 40's and 50's style sci-fi influences in the movies especially Naboo.
Star Wars: Rebels Five Episode Names Revealed.

Our incredibly awesome friends over at came across a great scoop of the titles for the next five episodes of Star Wars: Rebels. The next episode that kicks off the restart of season two is “A Princess on Lothal” which we reported here in the last few days. The next episodes are as follows:

  • 2×13 “The Protector of Concord Dawn”
  • 2× 14 ” Legacy of Lasan ” running on 3 February
  • 2 × 15 “The Call ” runs on 10 February
  • 2 × 16 ” Homecoming ” runs on 17 February
  • 2 × 17 ” The Honorable Ones “runs on 24 February
Not really sure if their is any reveal in these titles, but “The Call” definitely has sparked my curiosity. Thanks again to Florian at Jedi-Bibliothek.
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Not really sure if their is any reveal in these titles, but “The Call” definitely has sparked my curiosity. Thanks again to Florian at Jedi-Bibliothek.

Well, the first one, plus the First Look for same, reveals Concord Dawn is a Mandalorian planet, as hinted at in Clone Wars, and has now canonized Mandalorian Protectors. That's a biggie for me.

New trailer for the remainder of season 2:

Exclusive Star Wars: Rebels video teases a surprising link to The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

As fans of Disney XD’s animated Star Wars: Rebels series already know, the show is set in the nascent stages of the Rebellion, between the events of Revenge of the Sithand the original 1977 Star Wars.
But the remainder of Season 2, which returns on Jan. 20, will have some ominous ties to The Force Awakens, even though that story is set many decades later.

In this exclusive video teasing the final upcoming episodes, there’s one shot in particular that may blow some minds: Ezra Bridger, the young Jedi in training (voiced by Taylor Gray), ignites a crossguard lightsaber similar to the one wielded by Kylo Ren in the new film – only this one is green and seems to be of much sturdier construction.

We know from a Disneyland display of props for The Force Awakens that Ren’s saber, with its distinctive laser quillons, was an “ancient design” that the the Darth Vader obsessed young man recreated himself in crude fashion. In the upcoming episodes of Rebels, Ezra will apparently encounter a similar weapon.

As the first half of the Season 2 came to a close last year, Ezra learned about the fate of his parents and also felt the pull to the Dark Side of the Force. This teaser suggests that temptation will only grow, and he will cross paths with some familiar Force-sensitives from the past. Not just Yoda, but a hooded and mysterious man who says he should be called “Old Master.”

This figure was obviously meant to stir the imaginations of fans, but if you peer deeply into those shadows you can see some markings on the face of “Old Master” that clearly reveal his identity.

Entertainment Weekly will spell out exactly who he is later on Friday when we publish a deep dive into this new footage with Rebels executive producer Dave Filoni. We need to hear more about teenage Princess Leia’s appearance in the show, Darth Vader’s return, and most important: Who exactly is that deep voice warning about Ezra being drawn to the Dark Side?

Is it just me, or does that sound a little … Snoke-like?

For more Star Wars news, follow @Breznican
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vader cool.jpg
Holy crap that's an amazing trailer! A few things I noticed:
-A new Inquisitor briefly glimpsed at 1:11
-Masked Jedi warriors in white? Not sure who these are
-Ezra with a cross guard lightsaber like Kylo's at 2:57
-Ahsoka and Vader finally coming face to face!
-Does Rex meet his doom? Against his former general in Vader perhaps? :(
-'Old Master' at 2:22 actually looks more like an aged Darth Maul than Snoke, maybe it's just me, but those look like tattoos not scars on his face

As long as the rest of S2 avoids all the kiddie filler stories and sticks with the main arc, culminating with Ahsoka's showdown against her former master and Ezra's temptation with the Dark Side, the show will certainly be going in the right direction.
remember how awesome the trailer for the first half of season two was?

Yeah, that's why my excitement for the rest of S2 is tempered. A lot of the good stuff shown in the season trailer was Siege of Lothal. I just hope they don't wait til the season finale to show all of these moments.
Holy crap that's an amazing trailer! A few things I noticed:
-A new Inquisitor briefly glimpsed at 1:11
-Masked Jedi warriors in white? Not sure who these are
-Ezra with a cross guard lightsaber like Kylo's at 2:57
-Ahsoka and Vader finally coming face to face!
-Does Rex meet his doom? Against his former general in Vader perhaps? :(
-'Old Master' at 2:22 actually looks more like an aged Darth Maul than Snoke, maybe it's just me, but those look like tattoos not scars on his face

As long as the rest of S2 avoids all the kiddie filler stories and sticks with the main arc, culminating with Ahsoka's showdown against her former master and Ezra's temptation with the Dark Side, the show will certainly be going in the right direction.

that's darth maul for sure, pretty sure it's the same voice actor as well

I think people are referring to the part where the white Jedi guard is talking to kanan and says " the dark side pulls to him" as being smokes voice...

I think this is a editing trick.. I think that line was dubbed over the scene and the "white Jedi guard" isn't saying that at all

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that's darth maul for sure, pretty sure it's the same voice actor as well

I think people are referring to the part where the white Jedi guard is talking to kanan and says " the dark side pulls to him" as being smokes voice...

I think this is a editing trick.. I think that line was dubbed over the scene and the "white Jedi guard" isn't saying that at all

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ahh got it. Yeah it does sound like Snoke, but could also be a completely new character. I'd just be very surprised if the film folks let Filoni spill the beans on Snoke's past before they do. Or they'll let Rebels use him for a cameo, as long as they don't reveal too much about his past.
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