STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

It's no secret, it's already been revealed in a previous Rebels Recon video. Let's just say that she's no random stranger and leave it at that.

u think she will be revealed tonight? if not do u have a link to that recon episode? or know the exact episode number or title

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It's no secret, it's already been revealed in a previous Rebels Recon video. Let's just say that she's no random stranger and leave it at that.

This is a picture of her unmasked, is she supposed to be someone we've seen before? Certainly doesn't look familiar to me.
Not someone we've seen before but someone very familiar to at least one member of the Ghost's crew.

As for which Rebels Recon her identity was revealed, I don't know but MJF posted it here previously so if you dig around this thread you might find it. Unfortunately, that's the best that I can do, but I wouldn't be surprised if she gets identified this upcoming episode.
Looks like I was wrong about who our mystery bounty hunter is, but I do believe that they're going to introduce Sabine's sister because I'm pretty sure that in one of these Rebel Recons or some other video that MJF posted showed another bounty hunter type character that shouts something about House Wren and Clan something or the other.

On another subject, I can't wait to see that Interdictor in action, I always thought it was a pretty cool design and it's nice to finally see it added to the official canon/new canon. It looks like it's going to be capable of doing more than just pulling ships out of hyperspace and I'm guessing that, firepower wise, it's more than a match for those Corellian Corvettes that's the Rebellion's primary capital ship.

Now here's a question for you all, how does Chopper interface with computers exactly? I know he extends an arm and starts spinning the dial thing like we've Artoo do any number of times in the past Chopper seems to just extend a closed claw part way in instead of fully plugging in like Artoo. While it's obviously enough for him to spin the dial it doesn't seem like it would be enough to actually allow him to interface with the computer, so how does it work?
Looks like I was wrong about who our mystery bounty hunter is, but I do believe that they're going to introduce Sabine's sister because I'm pretty sure that in one of these Rebel Recons or some other video that MJF posted showed another bounty hunter type character that shouts something about House Wren and Clan something or the other.

The only thing I remember is the bit with Sabine shouting that she's Clan Wren, House Vizsla.

In the discussion about when the b-wing appears or not. The F-22 engineering prototype first flew in 1997. It formally entered service in 2005. So it took eight years to develop, test and start to produce the F-22 for service and it did not have a rotating command capsule, hyperdrive, or lasers that could take out an Empire ship. Even in a universe that has spaceships and lasers and all that good stuff it does not seem unreasonable to think that the B-wing would not be ready for combat service a mere 5 years after its first test fight when the hyperdrive blew up when firing the main weapon. Production lines need to be built, pilots trained, etc. all that takes time even when you are trying not to attract the attention of the bad ass Empire.

So I guess what I am saying is canon or no canon, I don't have any issues with the b-wing not being in ANH since it would barely have had the time to be fully developed at that point.

In the discussion about when the b-wing appears or not. The F-22 engineering prototype first flew in 1997. It formally entered service in 2005. So it took eight years to develop, test and start to produce the F-22 for service and it did not have a rotating command capsule, hyperdrive, or lasers that could take out an Empire ship. Even in a universe that has spaceships and lasers and all that good stuff it does not seem unreasonable to think that the B-wing would not be ready for combat service a mere 5 years after its first test fight when the hyperdrive blew up when firing the main weapon. Production lines need to be built, pilots trained, etc. all that takes time even when you are trying not to attract the attention of the bad ass Empire.

So I guess what I am saying is canon or no canon, I don't have any issues with the b-wing not being in ANH since it would barely have had the time to be fully developed at that point.

I totally agree.

But you just KNOW there will be a squadron of them on rebels in like, 3 episodes....

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In the discussion about when the b-wing appears or not. The F-22 engineering prototype first flew in 1997. It formally entered service in 2005. So it took eight years to develop, test and start to produce the F-22 for service and it did not have a rotating command capsule, hyperdrive, or lasers that could take out an Empire ship. Even in a universe that has spaceships and lasers and all that good stuff it does not seem unreasonable to think that the B-wing would not be ready for combat service a mere 5 years after its first test fight when the hyperdrive blew up when firing the main weapon. Production lines need to be built, pilots trained, etc. all that takes time even when you are trying not to attract the attention of the bad ass Empire.

So I guess what I am saying is canon or no canon, I don't have any issues with the b-wing not being in ANH since it would barely have had the time to be fully developed at that point.


It's also worth mentioning that even after a prototype is built and tested does not necessarily mean that it's ready to enter full scale production. Often times what happens is that in testing the prototype(s) they find thing that are wrong, broken, or just won't work they way they should so that means fixing these issues and testing again until you're satisfied that everything is as it should be and only then do you being production. That's if you're doing things the conventional way, alternately you could do it the same way the Navy developed the Zumwalt, the LCS, and the Ford class, along with the Air Force, Navy, & Marine Corps with the F-35 and design and build it using concurrency (developing the technologies and systems that go into a plane, ship, tank, etc. at the same time as you're building said plane, ship, or tank) and see things take even longer, costing a lot more, and not working the way it should.
Yet another terrible episode.

ok i hesitated to post about it last night. i feel the same way alittle let down again.. i understand we need this kinds of episodes to build character development. but my fear is when shows do these 20-25 episode series, they really dont have enough time to sit down and develop a good story and feels rushed. i think having 12-15 episodes is a better strategy.

i know there is allot of clone wars lovers here, but honestly all the seasons sucked for me, minus 5 and 6. the rest was horrible.. and i have the same feeling now watching season 2 as i had when watch 1-4 of CWs. and keep saying " when will it get good?"

i really loved season 1 of rebels, i felt like it was what we were hoping for with season 6 of clone wars. now after all these let down episodes im thinking differently... is filoni still heavily activated in these stories? is someone else pitching him ideas? it just doesnt feel like season 1, or better yet the siege of lothal, which was amazing!!
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