STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

I just watched the episode again. Once again, I have to say that they nailed Vader to perfection. The great thing about ANH is that he was merely another general in the galactic empire. He was the one who knew religion. That is what separates him. And they got that here. He wasn't a character who was fated or anything. He was another tool of the empire.

And his fighting style here was perfect. It made sense that his fight in ANH was simple, not because his body was mechanical, but because it was a battle of the force.

One other thing that I don't think has been mentioned yet is that "Starbuck" maneuver he does with his tie fighter. Where he spins around backwards to face the fighters on his tail. We've never seen physics like that in the star wars universe. Galactica perfected it but it felt out of place here
I think another interesting thing about Vader is that he seems like a secret weapon. He's not known by Kanan and the others don't know who he is when he appears. Whatever vader has done for the Empire appears to done covertly with no one left to tell the tale.

Which makes me wonder if at this point in time if Obi Wan knows Anakin survived or the he became Vader. This is another case when I now have to rethink my previous assumptions.
I would assume that news would spread of the name Darth Vader. And we know that anakin led the attack on the Jedi temple. Wasn't there a moment in rots where obi wan saw the emporer christen anakin as vadar on a security tape?
Another thing I never noticed was the beginning of the ANH opening crawl

It is a period of civil war.
Rebel spaceships, striking
from a hidden base, have won
their first victory against
the evil Galactic Empire.

During the battle, rebel
spies managed to steal secret
plans to the Empire's
ultimate weapon, the DEATH

It kinda tells us that there really can't be any large battles on rebels. Possibly the series end. But that battle the crawl refers to will probably e shown to us in rogue one
That victory could be speaking of the Rebel Alliance. As Dave Fioni said in the last Rebel Recon, the alliance forms somewhere closer to the start of A New Hope. Right now, it's still a bunch of factions. So there could be other victories by these smaller groups without screwing up the crawl.
That victory could be speaking of the Rebel Alliance. As Dave Fioni said in the last Rebel Recon, the alliance forms somewhere closer to the start of A New Hope. Right now, it's still a bunch of factions. So there could be other victories by these smaller groups without screwing up the crawl.
I find it interesting that it has taken this long to form the alliance. There was an outtake from rots that had Mon mothma and bail organa discussing the formation of a rebellion.

So I would assume that it wasn't supposed to be about cells that eventually form a rebellion. But a small group of political loyalists who secretly grow in strength.

Mind you, that was an outtake and isn't Canon
I find it interesting that it has taken this long to form the alliance. There was an outtake from rots that had Mon mothma and bail organa discussing the formation of a rebellion.

So I would assume that it wasn't supposed to be about cells that eventually form a rebellion. But a small group of political loyalists who secretly grow in strength.

Mind you, that was an outtake and isn't Canon

Right, not canon but I will still entertain your remark.

There were actually a few scenes cut that hinted at rebellion but it was more like taking a politely stance in the senate. You also have to understand that this discussion was not planned against the empire because the meetings were prior to the creation of the Empire, but was more of a political push to try to save the constitution and the ways of the senate. Not a "lets organize a fighting force". Once the empire was declared, it was remarked by Padme that it was not the time to take a stance against the empire.

you can read all the cut scenes here:
One other thing that I don't think has been mentioned yet is that "Starbuck" maneuver he does with his tie fighter. Where he spins around backwards to face the fighters on his tail. We've never seen physics like that in the star wars universe. Galactica perfected it but it felt out of place here

you know i felt the same exact why, i actually thought maybe it was a unfinished or rushed scene, it didn't look right to me
I think another interesting thing about Vader is that he seems like a secret weapon. He's not known by Kanan and the others don't know who he is when he appears. Whatever vader has done for the Empire appears to done covertly with no one left to tell the tale.

Which makes me wonder if at this point in time if Obi Wan knows Anakin survived or the he became Vader. This is another case when I now have to rethink my previous assumptions.

Didn't occur to me at the time, but now that you mention it - I'd find it hard to believe he could be a secret weapon at this point. It's been 15ish years since ROTS and in that time Vader supposedly got his rep as a bad ass by hunting down and killing all the jedi. Seems odd they could keep that a secret for that long. Especially if they just used him like that. He's gotta pretty much assume Ahshoka knows who he is and that he's out there now. And even if not, the fact there's a giant black suited sith bad ass out there is now going to spread like wildfire. For the level of threat they were/are, if vader really was a secret, it seems like a waste to reveal him to the galaxy over this.

I'm thinking more that Kanaan and crew stuck to lothal and didn't pay much attention to the larger picture and that Vader was known, but reserved for much higher level stuff.
Very true.

But there are a bunch of lethal death machines in the galaxy. My guess is that unless you are a jedi and came upon him, you didn't realize exactly what he was

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Yeah, but word would definitely be out about the giant ass kicking guy in black thrashing the jedi and everyone else in his way...
I would think Vader would be most effective as a known quantity instilling fear as opposed to a secret weapon.
I think you're right.

But I also think that only a jedi would sense that he's a sith. Considering that the Jedi are all but extinct, it's doubtful that anyone even knows about the sith. Even kanan would only know about them from Jedi history.

And I also think that our heroes have spent so much of their lives on the fringe that they could have easily avoided knowledge of vader
I think you're right.

But I also think that only a jedi would sense that he's a sith. Considering that the Jedi are all but extinct, it's doubtful that anyone even knows about the sith. Even kanan would only know about them from Jedi history.

And I also think that our heroes have spent so much of their lives on the fringe that they could have easily avoided knowledge of vader

Yeah, I never got the impression anyone outside of the Jedi order would know what a Sith is. To the general populace including the Imperial military he posses "Sourcerer ways".
I imagine that both palpatine and Vader keep their sith status quite a secret

That's what I believe as well. I think that may even go for the higher ranks of the Empire as well like Tarkin. I did not read "Lords of the Sith" (canon novel) but I understand that Palpatine was forced to spring into action and as a result, all who witnessed were killed to keep up his frail old man act. When you look at the fact that all who felt with him in the PT were sent to Mustifar to be killed, it would seem that Palpatine does not want anyone knowing his secret or that even he has any connection with the Sith or may have been able to reshape history as to make the Sith seem like the good guys (this could explain why "Darth" is used as a title openly... Or is it. At this point I cannot recall if the Imperials simply refer to him as Lord Vader... I simply don't know A would imagine that they simply consider Vader as an ex-Jedi whose real identity is kept secret.

Either way I think Vader was kept out of the public eye. I also do not think a lot of people who saw Vader in action out side of Imperial forces lived long enough to spread the word.
I would assume that news would spread of the name Darth Vader. And we know that anakin led the attack on the Jedi temple. Wasn't there a moment in rots where obi wan saw the emporer christen anakin as vadar on a security tape?

Without going back and checking the movie, I think he just saw video, no audio.

He did see a hologram of Darth Sidious coming to the Jedi Temple to congratulate him. So he knew Anakin was Darth Vader, but so far in the new canon he hasn't connected the armored figure to Vader (that I know of). In the old EU, Obi Wan hears the name in a news broadcast at a bar on Tatooine.

That victory could be speaking of the Rebel Alliance. As Dave Fioni said in the last Rebel Recon, the alliance forms somewhere closer to the start of A New Hope. Right now, it's still a bunch of factions. So there could be other victories by these smaller groups without screwing up the crawl.

That victory it was referring to in ANH is what we will presumably see in Rogue One, where they capture the Death Star plans. It's the first time the Rebel Alliance officially takes credit for an attack. Well that is unless Disney decides to change everything...
It does seem in ANH that Obi-Wan is VERY aware of Darth Vader and who he is.

(Which says to me that he didn't stay on tattooine for his entire exhile)

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