STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

Well I disagree. I find it very boring that they were around all this time and we just conveniently never saw them. To me it's far more interesting to see the Alliance grow ever more capable and expand, culminating in what we see in ROTJ with seemingly more advanced fighters and larger capital ships. With the introduction of A-wings and B-wings 5 years BBY, I guess in the near decade the Alliance fights the Empire, they developed or acquired no new fighters...unless one truly believes they didn't actually throw all they had at the DSII and the Imperial fleet.

No... THAT'S boring.

One of the personal hopes for me in this series is that i get some questioned I have always had about how the rebellion operates and acquires resources.

I always envisioned it that their ships and weapons were a mix of stolen, scavenged, and donated. I believe that the rebels could not develop new technology such as new ships. The undertaking to research and develop new craft is long and expensive. Not to mention where do you do this? Now if you opt for an established manufacture to supply you with craft, I find that hard to believe as well. A manufacture supplying craft would be a target for the Empire to cut off supply lines. Even in the outer rim. The Empire might have hard time getting a foot hold there but they could easily do a hit and run to destroy a company.

I also believe the Rebellion would be in a position to also accept older craft. They are not going to turn down resources. So there is no reason to not accept the possibility that A or B-Wings are actually older than X-Wings. I also believe that most of these craft existed as part of planetary defense forces. Like Naboo's N-1 was a part of their security forces. So a planet that is secretly backing the rebellion might donate craft in secret or claim they were stolen.

I also do believe that there were rebel forces not present at the Battle of Endor. There is no reason to rule out the possibility of rebel bases on planets or fleet assets that could not make it in time for the battle as it is plausible to believe the planning and attack happened quickly once the information of the second Death Star was received. Also, why would you want to bring in all of your ground forces including personnel and equipment in a battle that besides the small team on Endor was (for lack of a better term) a Naval attack. Where are all the past leadership from A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back? May some died but all?

Please note that I in no way worded the above remarks as "facts" or even a "must be true" type remark. It is simply something that makes more sense to me based on averrable info. I am truly open to any LFL canon that comes along and disproves it.

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I hope that ventress isn't an inquisitor. It would really undermine her arc.

That's how I feel too. I would like to see her again but not in that way.
No... THAT'S boring.

One of the personal hopes for me in this series is that i get some questioned I have always had about how the rebellion operates and acquires resources.

I always envisioned it that their ships and weapons were a mix of stolen, scavenged, and donated. I believe that the rebels could not develop new technology such as new ships. The undertaking to research and develop new craft is long and expensive. Not to mention where do you do this? Now if you opt for an established manufacture to supply you with craft, I find that hard to believe as well. A manufacture supplying craft would be a target for the Empire to cut off supply lines. Even in the outer rim. The Empire might have hard time getting a foot hold there but they could easily do a hit and run to destroy a company.

I also believe the Rebellion would be in a position to also accept older craft. They are not going to turn down resources. So there is no reason to not accept the possibility that A or B-Wings are actually older than X-Wings. I also believe that most of these craft existed as part of planetary defense forces. Like Naboo's N-1 was a part of their security forces. So a planet that is secretly backing the rebellion might donate craft in secret or claim they were stolen.

I also do believe that there were rebel forces not present at the Battle of Endor. There is no reason to rule out the possibility of rebel bases on planets or fleet assets that could not make it in time for the battle as it is plausible to believe the planning and attack happened quickly once the information of the second Death Star was received. Also, why would you want to bring in all of your ground forces including personnel and equipment in a battle that besides the small team on Endor was (for lack of a better term) a Naval attack. Where are all the past leadership from A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back? May some died but all?

Please note that I in no way worded the above remarks as "facts" or even a "must be true" type remark. It is simply something that makes more sense to me based on averrable info. I am truly open to any LFL canon that comes along and disproves it.

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I totally agree. As I stated before, I have always believed that the empire monitored all manufacturing of military equipment. Since they are the only military, that makes sense.

But I would like to believe that the rebel battalion is composed of civilian ships that have been outfitted with military hardware. The more I think about it, the more that works for me. Therefor and x-wing could be standard security ship (like a cloud car) that has been hot rodded to have blasters/ missiles and a hyperdrive.
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Yeah I always envisioned the Rebels fleet being catch as catch can, not the result of the Rebellion Shipyards on Sullust or something. That would make no sense, how could they possibly have a dedicated manufacturing facility? They beg, borrow, and steal equipment.
No... THAT'S boring.

One of the personal hopes for me in this series is that i get some questioned I have always had about how the rebellion operates and acquires resources.

I always envisioned it that their ships and weapons were a mix of stolen, scavenged, and donated. I believe that the rebels could not develop new technology such as new ships. The undertaking to research and develop new craft is long and expensive. Not to mention where do you do this? Now if you opt for an established manufacture to supply you with craft, I find that hard to believe as well. A manufacture supplying craft would be a target for the Empire to cut off supply lines. Even in the outer rim. The Empire might have hard time getting a foot hold there but they could easily do a hit and run to destroy a company.

I also believe the Rebellion would be in a position to also accept older craft. They are not going to turn down resources. So there is no reason to not accept the possibility that A or B-Wings are actually older than X-Wings. I also believe that most of these craft existed as part of planetary defense forces. Like Naboo's N-1 was a part of their security forces. So a planet that is secretly backing the rebellion might donate craft in secret or claim they were stolen.

I also do believe that there were rebel forces not present at the Battle of Endor. There is no reason to rule out the possibility of rebel bases on planets or fleet assets that could not make it in time for the battle as it is plausible to believe the planning and attack happened quickly once the information of the second Death Star was received. Also, why would you want to bring in all of your ground forces including personnel and equipment in a battle that besides the small team on Endor was (for lack of a better term) a Naval attack. Where are all the past leadership from A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back? May some died but all?

Please note that I in no way worded the above remarks as "facts" or even a "must be true" type remark. It is simply something that makes more sense to me based on averrable info. I am truly open to any LFL canon that comes along and disproves it.

I agree, this makes the most sense to me too. There's just no way that the Rebllion could establish its own R&D and manufacturing facilities and keep it under the nose of the Empire. Secret bases and repair facilities, sure, but entire factories, no. At best I could see them having hidden facilities on asteroids for refitting and/or assembling fighter but I just can't imagine entire factories, that would attract far too much attention. If they did it on a developed world the Empire would spot it pretty quickly for a number of reasons including a lot resources being consumed/requisitioned, a slew of new fighters that seem to constantly disappear, etc. On an undeveloped somebody is going to notice that there's an awful lot of activity going on on some backwater world with little to no industry.

Another thing to suggest that A & B wings are nothing new is their paint jobs, as I recall they were not exactly all shiny and new looking in RotJ, they looked all beat up and weathered like the X & Y wings were. This suggests to me that they've been around a good while and have seen a lot of use and not factory fresh, or even relatively new.
No, no, no. I'm not saying that the Alliance has official "Rebel Alliance Inc" dedicated shipyards churning these things out. What I'm saying is, I pictured these being donated to the cause via private entities or being made available as more and more worlds and factions join the Alliance and want to contribute what they have. Maybe it's the simple fact that they can now afford better things. I certainly think the A and B wings look more advanced than the Xwings and definitely the Y-wings, bubble canopies for better visibility (on the Awings anyways), no need for astromechs and sleeker. Weathering is not a reliable indicator of how old or new they are. As the Alliance grows, it's logical that bigger and more influential entities are convinced that it isn't a lost cause and cast their lot with them, which can easily mean better equipment and tech. Awings and Bwings being around the whole time is boring. When I see the new fighters and Mon Cal ships in ROTJ, my feeling was "wow, the Alliance is evolving and finally getting a toehold against the Empire". At least enough to make one hail mary frontal assault on the DSII.

Still, it's a moot point. In my mind Filoni took the least interesting approach but they now canonically exist long before ROTJ. Overall the episode was great though! Vader was spot on.
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No, no, no. I'm not saying that the Alliance has official "Rebel Alliance Inc" dedicated shipyards churning these things out. What I'm saying is, I pictured these being donated to the cause via private entities or being made available as more and more worlds and factions join the Alliance and want to contribute what they have. Maybe it's the simple fact that they can now afford better things. I certainly think the A and B wings look more advanced than the Xwings and definitely the Y-wings, bubble canopies for better visibility (on the Awings anyways), no need for astromechs and sleeker. Weathering is not a reliable indicator of how old or new they are. As the Alliance grows, it's logical that bigger and more influential entities are convinced that it isn't a lost cause and cast their lot with them, which can easily mean better equipment and tech. Awings and Bwings being around the whole time is boring. When I see the new fighters and Mon Cal ships in ROTJ, my feeling was "wow, the Alliance is evolving and finally getting a toehold against the Empire". At least enough to make one hail mary frontal assault on the DSII.

Still, it's a moot point. In my mind Filoni took the least interesting approach but they now canonically exist long before ROTJ. Overall the episode was great though! Vader was spot on.

That's not all that different from what MJF, I, & others have been saying, the Rebels are using what they can get their hands from just about any means necessary short of producing them from their own factories. It's quite believable that as the Rebellion gains strength and momentum, more and more worlds and/or systems are joining in and donating whatever they have to the cause. MJF has even once postulated that the uniforms we see the Rebels wearing during ANH represent some sort of donated surplus from either Alderaan or another world's militia/military.

As for the A & B wings looking more advanced/sleeker, there's something to that there but it; can also be attributed to their function, after all, form does follow function. The Y-Wing is a fighter bomber/attack craft, the equivalent of such planes like the A-7, A-4, A-10, and even the F-105. On the other hand, the X-Wing is clearly a multi-role ship like the F-15, F-16, F-18, and F-35, something that can both dogfight and drop bombs and so is sleeker than the Y-Wing and carries proton torpedoes in addition to its quad cannons. The A-Wing is an interceptor in the vain of many of the old Century series planes, and to a degree, the F-14, its all about speed so it can catch its opponents quickly before they can reach their intended targets and like the Century series they lack rearward visibility (yes, the A-Wing does lack rearward visibility, they don't have an actual bubble canopy)because they don't need it since their job is to get up fast and launch missiles. The B-Wing is like nothing that currently exists, the closest equivalent I can think of are the A-26, and the solid nosed B-25s during WW II, a medium bomber used for attack missions against trains and the like; heavy and armed to the teeth.

This could also explain why we don't see A & B-Wings during the Battle of Yavin, they'd serve no purpose. A-Wings aren't needed because Yavin isn't being attacked by waves of TIEs and are too light armed and armored to be any use against the Death Star. Remember, the Y-Wings were the primary attack craft against the Death Star with the X-Wings providing escort and to act as a backup because they also carried proton torpedoes. B-Wings wouldn't be any use because, while heavily armed, are probably too big and slow to handle the Death Star's trench.

Going along with the specialized role idea, it's also quite likely that at the time of Rebels and the Battle of Yavin the A & B-Wings are only just starting to see service with the Rebellion and they don't have them in very large numbers yet so they couldn't afford to use them in roles they were not well suited for. It's possible that Phoenix squadron is the first and only squadron equipped with A-Wings and during the Battle of Yavin were busy elsewhere. According to Wookiepedia (mostly non-canon I realize) they were sometimes used for recon missions, perhaps there were some at Yavin but got dispatched to scout for new planets on which the Rebellion could set up shop after evacuating Yavin.
GREAT episode!!!
My only gripe is that since ROTS we all know Vader has no problem slicing up children along with adults.

I KNOW it would pretty much end the story telling, but Vader had numerous chances to slice those two up without even breathing heavy!! (see what I did there?)

The plan wasn't to kill Kaanan and Ezra. The plan was to eliminate the rebels. They purposefully left a path to that shuttle and placed a tracker in that shuttle. Vader kills the two of them, which he clearly could have - then there's a good chance those on the shuttle don't leave, but stay and try to avenge their friends. Kinda kills the overall plan.

As for Ashoka, she knows. She was shocked and not at the fear/cold/etc, but because she knew who it was. Back in ESB it seemed to me that vader was trying to talk to luke after he got on the falcon and he turned to ben ignoring him. Seemed the same hear, Vader was telling her she was his apprentice so she knew who it was. At the end of ROTS, he's assumed dead by all. Between then and ANH they have to figure out who it is to tell Luke in ESB.
But the didn't tell him--Vader told him. Then Luke confronts Ben and Yoda about it. It makes me wonder if they would have ever told him had not Vader revealed it.
I'm a little late to the Siege of Lothal party but just wanted to chime in and say it was EXCELLENT and Sam Witwer voiced the emperor perfectly!

Really enjoyed this episode... so awesome they released this now to hold us over till October!
So we can all agree Ahsoka knows it's Anakin, right? Seems some people still think she doesn't know but she clearly lied to the Ghost crew.

i have to agree that she knows its anikan

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GREAT episode!!!
My only gripe is that since ROTS we all know Vader has no problem slicing up children along with adults.

I KNOW it would pretty much end the story telling, but Vader had numerous chances to slice those two up without even breathing heavy!! (see what I did there?)

remember he wanted them to escape to reveal the location of the rebel cell
That's not all that different from what MJF, I, & others have been saying, the Rebels are using what they can get their hands from just about any means necessary short of producing them from their own factories. It's quite believable that as the Rebellion gains strength and momentum, more and more worlds and/or systems are joining in and donating whatever they have to the cause. MJF has even once postulated that the uniforms we see the Rebels wearing during ANH represent some sort of donated surplus from either Alderaan or another world's militia/military.

As for the A & B wings looking more advanced/sleeker, there's something to that there but it; can also be attributed to their function, after all, form does follow function. The Y-Wing is a fighter bomber/attack craft, the equivalent of such planes like the A-7, A-4, A-10, and even the F-105. On the other hand, the X-Wing is clearly a multi-role ship like the F-15, F-16, F-18, and F-35, something that can both dogfight and drop bombs and so is sleeker than the Y-Wing and carries proton torpedoes in addition to its quad cannons. The A-Wing is an interceptor in the vain of many of the old Century series planes, and to a degree, the F-14, its all about speed so it can catch its opponents quickly before they can reach their intended targets and like the Century series they lack rearward visibility (yes, the A-Wing does lack rearward visibility, they don't have an actual bubble canopy)because they don't need it since their job is to get up fast and launch missiles. The B-Wing is like nothing that currently exists, the closest equivalent I can think of are the A-26, and the solid nosed B-25s during WW II, a medium bomber used for attack missions against trains and the like; heavy and armed to the teeth.

This could also explain why we don't see A & B-Wings during the Battle of Yavin, they'd serve no purpose. A-Wings aren't needed because Yavin isn't being attacked by waves of TIEs and are too light armed and armored to be any use against the Death Star. Remember, the Y-Wings were the primary attack craft against the Death Star with the X-Wings providing escort and to act as a backup because they also carried proton torpedoes. B-Wings wouldn't be any use because, while heavily armed, are probably too big and slow to handle the Death Star's trench.

Going along with the specialized role idea, it's also quite likely that at the time of Rebels and the Battle of Yavin the A & B-Wings are only just starting to see service with the Rebellion and they don't have them in very large numbers yet so they couldn't afford to use them in roles they were not well suited for. It's possible that Phoenix squadron is the first and only squadron equipped with A-Wings and during the Battle of Yavin were busy elsewhere. According to Wookiepedia (mostly non-canon I realize) they were sometimes used for recon missions, perhaps there were some at Yavin but got dispatched to scout for new planets on which the Rebellion could set up shop after evacuating Yavin.

There are any number of reasons why they weren't seen but I'm just saying I far preferred their not showing up until ROTJ to be a unspoken sign that the Alliance was gaining against the Empire, on the political and technological front. I think A-wings (okay they have semi-bubble canopies) and B-wings would've been incredibly useful during the battle of Yavin, intercepting TIEs before they could attack the other fighters making their runs and minimally, the B-wings would've surely been no bigger or slower than the lowly Y-wings.

Of course, I wonder if these specialized roles that had been established for these fighters even exist anymore. Was that a product of the EU?
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No... THAT'S boring.

One of the personal hopes for me in this series is that i get some questioned I have always had about how the rebellion operates and acquires resources.

I always envisioned it that their ships and weapons were a mix of stolen, scavenged, and donated. I believe that the rebels could not develop new technology such as new ships. The undertaking to research and develop new craft is long and expensive. Not to mention where do you do this? Now if you opt for an established manufacture to supply you with craft, I find that hard to believe as well. A manufacture supplying craft would be a target for the Empire to cut off supply lines. Even in the outer rim. The Empire might have hard time getting a foot hold there but they could easily do a hit and run to destroy a company.

I also believe the Rebellion would be in a position to also accept older craft. They are not going to turn down resources. So there is no reason to not accept the possibility that A or B-Wings are actually older than X-Wings. I also believe that most of these craft existed as part of planetary defense forces. Like Naboo's N-1 was a part of their security forces. So a planet that is secretly backing the rebellion might donate craft in secret or claim they were stolen.

I also do believe that there were rebel forces not present at the Battle of Endor. There is no reason to rule out the possibility of rebel bases on planets or fleet assets that could not make it in time for the battle as it is plausible to believe the planning and attack happened quickly once the information of the second Death Star was received. Also, why would you want to bring in all of your ground forces including personnel and equipment in a battle that besides the small team on Endor was (for lack of a better term) a Naval attack. Where are all the past leadership from A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back? May some died but all?

Please note that I in no way worded the above remarks as "facts" or even a "must be true" type remark. It is simply something that makes more sense to me based on averrable info. I am truly open to any LFL canon that comes along and disproves it.

Yes this. Who knows what the EU will say, but I always assumed the Rebels maybe had limited resources to source new weapons. Maybe some factories skimmed off the line and sent some fighters out the back door. Sort of how China produces genuine products during the day then churns out bootlegs products at night. I also think that the forces that were at Endor were a hastily put together force to go after what they thought was a major intel get that they had to act on immediately. Otherwise there would be a LOT more fighters there. Well that can be attributed to the difficulty/expense of filming that large an amount of fighters as well.

That's how I feel too. I would like to see her again but not in that way.

I haven't seen all the Netflix episodes, but I thought the direction they were going with Ventress was that she was totally going away from the Dark Side or at least the Emperor. I can't see her as an inquisitor.
I really liked this episode/movie. I thought there were some really good story lines put forth. Most of all I noticed more in this episode than in season one more of the Star Wars "sounds" they were everywhere from Vader's music to lots of the little beeps and bops on the spaceships. A really nice touch.

I can't believe that we have to wait until the fall for more!

Reported on Fb page.

Amazon has the first season blu ray up for pre sale for a 1 Sept release.

An update at

Scheduled for release on Blu-ray and DVD on September 1, Star Wars Rebels: Complete Season One brings another chapter in the epic Star Wars story to your own personal Jedi Archives.With 15 action-packed episodes, never-before-seen bonus material, and interviews with the cast and crew, the only thing missing is your own kyber crystal. You can pre-order the Blu-ray and DVD now at Amazon.
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Scheduled for release on Blu-ray and DVD on September 1, Star Wars Rebels: Complete Season One brings another chapter in the epic Star Wars story to your own personal Jedi Archives.With 15 action-packed episodes, never-before-seen bonus material, and interviews with the cast and crew, the only thing missing is your own kyber crystal. You can pre-order the Blu-ray and DVD now at Amazon.

...and commentaries!
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