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I'm not sure I entirely trust Rick McCallum's sense of "dark." I mean, ROTS was "dark," but it was dark for reasons that struck me as....odd.

Regardless, I've got this REALLY COOL idea for a sci-fi epic. Too bad my inability to bring it to screen is keeping it from you guys. Really. It's a shame. You'd love it. No joke.
I'm not sure I entirely trust Rick McCallum's sense of "dark." I mean, ROTS was "dark," but it was dark for reasons that struck me as....odd.

Regardless, I've got this REALLY COOL idea for a sci-fi epic. Too bad my inability to bring it to screen is keeping it from you guys. Really. It's a shame. You'd love it. No joke.

Write a script, or a screenplay. We'll go from there! :lol:lol

Film, and TV used to be about escaping you everyday life. Yes, the rich history of TV, and film, does include, many, many, dark stories, that seems to be all there is now, and what there is, is darker then ever before. The hole reason I got out of star wars fandumb is because of the Dark. Ever since Ep III everything is too dark. The books are TOO DARK. The comics are TOO DARK. The Games are TOO DARK. And Ep III was too Dark. I get it, it's dark times in a galaxy far, far away. it's a time of war, and unrest, but life sucks, and these are hard time in the real world.

"Oh, G, my life is like a country song, I have lost my kids, my wife, my job, my house, etc. I know I'll set down and watch an hour of misery ,to take my mind of things. I'm so going to get involved in the awful lives of these really fake characters, in a poorly developed universe, set in a galaxy far, far, away. That's going to keep me from jumping out a window." My life my not be that particular country song, but it sucks enough that I would rather spend my time in other ways.

That said, I have not been a fan for over 7 years now, and I'm not the target audience for this show, or thread, so for those that like this junk, enjoy. I would rather eat hair then watch 5 minutes of it.
I honestly thought that 1313 was going to be the tester for the TV see if people will actually go for this concept.

It certainly beats Force Unleashed for concept.


That said, I have not been a fan for over 7 years now, and I'm not the target audience for this show, or thread, so for those that like this junk, enjoy. I would rather eat hair then watch 5 minutes of it.

Well, the main thing is that you're not prejudging it ;-)
I have to agree. George has milked this cow so bad I'm surprised it's not dead. Is Star Wars all he knows? Why can't he just leave the franchise alone and move on to greener pastures?

Well Funky Jedi it seems your wish has been granted ... Lucas is retiring from Lucasfilm and move back into his garage to hamer and built some of his experimental movies that nobody wants to watch and he doesn't care if they'll ever be shown on the silver screen . . . in this galaxy or the next one up!

Smart move to retire . . . these days you do
have to really plan your retirement ahead :lol


"Hmm. That face you make. Look I
so old to young eyes?"


Star Wars TV series

Anyone know what happened to this? Is it still in the works or what? Seems like I haven't heard anything on it in the last few years.
Re: Star Wars TV series

Someone's gonna get Fyfed....

At any rate, I seem to recall Rick Berman saying "Yeah, this won't happen until Television changes to be what George wants it to be" or something to that effect.

Basically, this thing is a dead letter.
Re: Star Wars TV series

Someone's gonna get Fyfed....

At any rate, I seem to recall Rick Berman saying "Yeah, this won't happen until Television changes to be what George wants it to be" or something to that effect.

Basically, this thing is a dead letter.

Exactly, Lucas wants to have everything bend to his will per usual, if things aren't 110% his way then it won't happen. To be honest I am kind of happy to hear it is not going foward right now. I just had this bad feeling that Lucas would just end up screwing it up by not wanting to let the people who know what they are doing do their jobs.
Re: Star Wars TV series

Last I heard is they wanted to wait for better technology because right now it'd be too expensive to shoot....

I bet if they ditch the funky CGI characters the budget would suddenly become reasonable.
Re: Star Wars TV series

They need to do something in original trilogy timeline for me to be interested, at least very close to it.
I think most fans would too. Time to back off the Jedi centric stuff and get back into
the rebellion with non-Jedi making things happen.
Re: Star Wars TV series

To expensive? :facepalm

If SYFY can put out shows like BSG and half of the other cool shows on the air, you're telling me he can't do a TV version? I call B.S. on that!:rolleyes
Re: Star Wars TV series

To expensive? :facepalm

If SYFY can put out shows like BSG and half of the other cool shows on the air, you're telling me he can't do a TV version? I call B.S. on that!:rolleyes

Unfortunately you fail to realize that their largest excuse for cancelling great series is "budget". Their greedy asses don't make a large enough profit when they actually have to put forth a good amount of money and effort so they do what all lazy fat egocentric people do. They put low budget craptacular shows on their channel and increase their profit margins. Hence the WRESTLING on the SCIFI channel.
Re: Star Wars TV series

Unfortunately you fail to realize that their largest excuse for cancelling great series is "budget". Their greedy asses don't make a large enough profit when they actually have to put forth a good amount of money and effort so they do what all lazy fat egocentric people do. They put low budget craptacular shows on their channel and increase their profit margins. Hence the WRESTLING on the SCIFI channel.

Which is why I stopped watching SyFy a long time ago.
:unsureman i was so hoping this would have happened. i was hoping it would have been Vader hunting down the remaining of the jedi. now that would have been killer.
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