Star Wars Live Action Series has 50 hours Filmed

Think I found a pic from some of this 50 hours of filmed footage.

Nowhere in that interview does he say anything was filmed.
He used "sitting on a shelf" figuratively. The scripts are sitting there waiting for a produciton method that will allow him to produce film quality at television prices.

This isn't against you, just Lucas' attitude that you are commenting on -

you can't tell me that there aren't good quality shows out there now with decent to good special effects, and are being done weekly. Not that I was a fan of V effects, but they pulled it off. If Lucas filmed everything in front of green screen like he did the prequels, where's the problem in money?

Geez, Rick MacCallum is still with him? Cut that guy and get a different producer - the shows might turn out better.
McCallum, for all his PR hyperbole, is by all signs an excellent producer. He isn't there for the creative stuff, he's there to get talented crews together and schedule efficient shoots, and he apparently does that very well. Save any blame for creative stuff for Lucas.

But, as I said in an earlier post, I have no interest in the underworld of the SW Universe. Not as the focus of the show, anyway. SW mafia? Pass. Any excitement I used to have about this project is gone.
The description of this show does sound very different, but could still be good. I believe that any concept can be entertaining if it has a decent story delivered by well acted interesting characters. ("That 70's Show" was good because of the writing, characters, and actors, not the 1970's setting)
Unfortunately, Lucas and Star Wars are not known for any of those things. Lucas should just come up with concepts (he is great at that part) and let someone else actually make it.
IF (and that's a Big If) they handle it right, this could be a very good show. the Underworld of Star Wars, if you judge by the EU written (not that Goerge is known for following any of that)

Black Sun and the Hutts Could make a good substitute for the Empire as the Heavies that the Heros will face. Boba Fett will have a chance to develope more (and I hope it's not some of the EU "ultimate Bounty Hunter who Hunts for the game, not the money. One of the Character's main lines in ESB is "He's worth alot of money to me!")

I do have the fear that we will be saddled with a paper thin copy of Han Solo and 3 Jedi in hiding, but I'm holding out more hope.
I will quit watching the first time a "lost" Jedi shows up.

They can not do that.

Put a few in flashbacks if you like. But if Jedi start turning up, it guts the whole "our last hope" stuff.
I will quit watching the first time a "lost" Jedi shows up.

They can not do that.

Put a few in flashbacks if you like. But if Jedi start turning up, it guts the whole "our last hope" stuff.

The flashbacks would help as it would set the tone and give all the jedi fanatics their moments but I agree it would ruin things. That's part of why the novels always bugged me, they'd always find folks who could use the force (even if not trained) like they were a dime a dozen or there would be sudden enclaves of missing jedi popping up. I could understand that maybe one or two would have been off on missions that never came back and lived but still wouldn't they have been noticed by Ben and Vader?
Nowhere in that interview does he say anything was filmed.
He used "sitting on a shelf" figuratively. The scripts are sitting there waiting for a produciton method that will allow him to produce film quality at television prices.

I think if there was actually that much production done on the series we would have found out about it a long time ago and maybe even seen some spy footage.

Fact is, Lucas and Co. KNOW there is a tremendous market for this and the value that comes with it. That being said, I don't see why they cannot put forth the same quality of production as what we see on "Doctor Who" which has substantially increased in both popularity AND production value over the last few years.

But I don't work for a production studio so I really can't say exactly why certain approaches are not working for this.
I will quit watching the first time a "lost" Jedi shows up.

They can not do that.

Put a few in flashbacks if you like. But if Jedi start turning up, it guts the whole "our last hope" stuff.

I couldn't agree, more, this is my worst nightmare for this show.

Well, one of them. but I can see how this COULD be done right
Fact is, Lucas and Co. KNOW there is a tremendous market for this and the value that comes with it. That being said, I don't see why they cannot put forth the same quality of production as what we see on "Doctor Who" which has substantially increased in both popularity AND production value over the last few years.

But I don't work for a production studio so I really can't say exactly why certain approaches are not working for this.

Doctor Who only has 13 episodes a series - it seems that to get over the "pricebreak" you need to turn out a lot more episodes to start turning a real profit.
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