Star Trek Beyond

Yeah Paramount need to realize Star Trek is never going to be as mainstream as those other franchises. The themes and stories of Star Trek are going to be appeal to a certain large audience, but it still won't resonate with the mass general audience as they are hoping for.

Despite Serenity not being a huge financial success, maybe Paramount is still better off acquiring Firefly from Universal and make more sequels of those instead, as it would be more in line with the space western action theme that they are hoping would result in more audience participation.

I am still very hopeful for this sequel and I think they will do a much better job with this than the last movie.
Serenity is a dead property outside of comic books and the odd video game at this point. Nobody's gonna relaunch that one.

But Star Trek is a viable brand. The thing is, the new Trek films rebranded what Trek meant into essentially Star Wars with a Trek wrapper. That was fine when we had no new Star Wars on the horizon, but now that the Star Wars franchise is resurrected and poised to churn out tons of movies and print tons of money, Trek is going to be eclipsed.

Paramount has to recognize this, and must be scared witless by it. To my way of thinking, the only sensible move is to return Trek to what it was or at least to close to what it was, which was basically a more deliberate science fiction, rather than grand space fantasy/adventure. That's not to say you can't have adventurous elements, but it's not space fantasy or a roller coaster ride. Star Trek is something else and if you're gonna bring people in, you need to showcase what makes it distinctive. That isn't the superficial elements like catchphrases, or Kirk banging green-skinned babes, or primary-colored uniforms. It's interesting, thought-provoking stories -- often about exploration -- that filter the human experience through the prism of the moderately-scientifically-plausible futuristic.

But I guess the folks in charge just see the guy next to them making money doing XYZ, and because they are supremely lacking in vision, they say "Do more of that. We can make money doing that, too."
I'd be surprised if the suits at Paramount allow Simon Pegg write a really Trek worthy script for Trek Beyond, the track record hasn't been good with this franchise so far and suits just love to take well loved IPs and make movies that bare on the most superficial resemblance to the original IP. A good example of this is the upcoming JEM movie, they're taking only the looks and the fact that it feature a girl band but none of the other elements of the original show and basically making it into another Hannah Montanna movie.
Right. It all just smacks of movies designed by committees to appeal to target demographics based on focus groups and a checklist.

Exactly ! This is what's wrong with 90 % of all the new Hollyweird drek. The fan base that made these properties profitable are completely disregarded. Then they try to make films that appeal to fans of Sharknado, LOL. I enjoy the JJ trek stuff, but only if I don't think of it as real Trek. There just popcorn movies with good special effects, Love ya ILM. Hate the lens flares. Those things were silly back when Newtek put them in the LightWave 3d program. I just hope he doesn't take the Star Wars out of Star Wars. Wait poppa George already did that, :) Cheers,

This is such nonsense. If there was anyone who wanted these movies to be universally appealing as 'movies' and not seen as just Star Trek products, it was JJ Abrams. He was so committed to distancing these films from it's own brand that he actually spoke out about how you not only didn't need to watch any Star Trek to understand STID, but you didn't even need to see the last film either! He discounted his own film to sell the sequel which in and of itself was a redo of the last one. Now Paramount wants to make the next Star Trek installment more inclusive?

(sorry, couldn't resist :D)
"Examining Humanity"

Well, what about aliens? We can't have the convenience of every alien serving onboard the Enterprise being half human and half alien like Spock so we can have more exchanged like this.

Spock: Vulcans cannot lie.
Kirk: Then I'm talking to the half-human part of you.​

Because obviously that's the only half that matters.
Re: STAR TREK BEYOND new uniform insignia revealed

Good to know, thanks. I do hope they kept the classic style uniforms in the film though, especially since they are supposed to be on their five year mission now.
If they want to make TOS-era field jackets like those in ST2 & 3, I wouldn't be upset.

(Besides, I'm sure they'll give me plenty to be upset about other than the costumes. "I'll target your life support, located behind the aft nacelle")
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