Rubies Supreme Stormtrooper

The FX helmet may be oversized on some, but it's the right size for me. I once bought an "accurate" helmet, but it wouldn't fit over my head. So I'm quite happy with my FX suit. Plus most people in the real world think it looks great, so the tiny minority of people who can't resist insulting it come off a bit sad to me. You know, "get over it" and all.

So, if the new Rubies suit looks half as good as the images, would the 501st be told to "Get over it" and all as well? It's just galling how the 501st members here are casting it down already, sight unseen, yet you personally take offense because very few propophiles think the FX suit is worth the a$$ache.
Hey I am one of the ones in the 501st hoping for the day that the FX helmets are no longer accepted to new membership! The helmets are hidious - the armor its...ok... :unsure

We (501st) need to strive for accuracy in all of our costumes - not with just the face characters and stand alone characters...
Hey I am one of the ones in the 501st hoping for the day that the FX helmets are no longer accepted to new membership! The helmets are hidious - the armor its...ok... :unsure

We (501st) need to strive for accuracy in all of our costumes - not with just the face characters and stand alone characters...
I mean, I saw some pretty inaccurate characters in there. Come on, a fat Anakin? Imperial Officers with glasses and facial hair? Accuracy seems to be a subjective term with SOME of the 501st, so you would think if the RotJ Trooper suit looks half as good as the pics, the 501st would be encouraged.
So, if the new Rubies suit looks half as good as the images, would the 501st be told to "Get over it" and all as well? It's just galling how the 501st members here are casting it down already, sight unseen, yet you personally take offense because very few propophiles think the FX suit is worth the a$$ache.

The 501st doesn't have any rules or policy regarding any one particular set of armor, so there is nothing to tell them to get over. I think the negative reaction is in large part because of Rubie's reputation, so many aren't expecting a quality product to result. I take offense to the people who use any excuse to make jabs at the 501st. I don't care if people hate the FX suit, actually.

Hey I am one of the ones in the 501st hoping for the day that the FX helmets are no longer accepted to new membership! The helmets are hidious - the armor its...ok... :unsure
Then you'd basically be ruling me out of the Legion, with a TK suit at least. The smaller helmets simply don't fit my head. And on my 6'2" size, it doesn't look out of proportion.

I mean, I saw some pretty inaccurate characters in there. Come on, a fat Anakin? Imperial Officers with glasses and facial hair? Accuracy seems to be a subjective term with SOME of the 501st, so you would think if the RotJ Trooper suit looks half as good as the pics, the 501st would be encouraged.

So the 501st should tell fat people to take a hike? You can have a very accurate costume and be overweight. We're not going to start discriminating against people themselves based on their body type.

Do we really want to get into that here. As I said... it is a two-way street...

Sorry, I'm just so tired of seeing the same old people here who just can't get over insulting the 501st at every possible opening. It's THAT nonsense that I'm referring to.

The 501st doesn't have any rules or policy regarding any one particular set of armor, so there is nothing to tell them to get over. I think the negative reaction is in large part because of Rubie's reputation, so many aren't expecting a quality product to result. I take offense to the people who use any excuse to make jabs at the 501st. I don't care if people hate the FX suit, actually.

Let's go back to the newer member here who quit because, on a prop board, people were downing the FX suit in its inaccuracies. I've said it before, there are great members of the 501st, but there are also some tools. Just like the cop bashing threads, people will not focus on the numbers of GOOD people in the 501st. Those people will be overshadowed by the jerk offs.

Rubies reputation is because it just does not stand up to the scrutiny of all of us geeks here. If you walked into a grocery store in a Rubies Vader, I guarantee you that people would immediately know what it was, and some would admire how cool it was.
Rubies reputation is because it just does not stand up to the scrutiny of all of us geeks here. If you walked into a grocery store in a Rubies Vader, I guarantee you that people would immediately know what it was, and some would admire how cool it was.

Thats a fair point the Rubies Vader i would say is comparable in accuracy terms to the FX trooper armour, to the average Joe a Rubies Vader is Vader same as FX trooper armour is a trooper but 501st don't accept the Rubies as an off the shelf costume.
Thats a fair point the Rubies Vader i would say is comparable in accuracy terms to the FX trooper armour, to the average Joe a Rubies Vader is Vader same as FX trooper armour is a trooper but 501st don't accept the Rubies as an off the shelf costume.
That's a pretty good comparison. I think it is easier to get away with a shoddy trooper because it is not as intricate as a Vader.

Captain Obvious awaaaaaaaay!
Skaught - what would you think of my idea to combine the budget Master Replicas lid with FX armor? I'm 6'1, 180 pounds.

Guys, I'm simply trying to get the best bang for my buck. I don't want to spend hundreds of my hard-earned dollars on any trooper armor set that is crap. I'd like to buy something that, if not 501st worthy right away, could be made acceptable without the work and cost that I faced with my Rubies Supreme Vader. So I understand the concern about their trooper costume. Before all the back and forth about the 501st, I think only one person has tried to explain what aspects of the FX may be inaccurate.

So, what is good and what is bad about the FX armor? Is my FX / MR combo idea a waste of money?

Every aspect of the FX trooper is off in terms of accuracy, that's not rubbishing it's just plain simple fact, sizes are wrong,contours are wrong,details are wrong throughout the entire suit, there's really little point in listing whats wrong with it because everything is.
Thats the bad thing.

The good things.
It's readily available from several vendors at varying prices,it comes ready trimmed and is easy to assemble,it's very sturdy armour,it will fit a larger range of people than.
unfortunately the 501st is like many other sci-fi clubs in that it can be a haven for small egos who seek gratification in power even when its in a made up setting. Im a member of the 501st and Ive seen some jacked up stuff. Same sort of nonsense happend in the SCA, STARFLEET and the KLINGON fan clubs. It seems any time you combine fans with a heirarchal organization and fictional ranks you are begging for trouble. Its not the 501st, its an ugly truth of fandom...I think my new slogan will be.."I troop alone"
Dont get me wrong I have some great friends within all these groups but a lot of the time the little power junkies tend to pee in the pool...
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