Proton Pack build for Halloween 2014!

I built one for my stag do from pipe and foam. The lights were a kit from a certain well know uk electronics store. I used the stefan plans I think. It lasted the night ok, I think I'll reinforce it with the glue and bondo method at some point. It was fun but I knocked up two in a month in the evenings.
I'll check it out, if they aren't expensive I might go that route. I had seen some people selling these as "kits" on ebay for obscene amounts of money so thought I would just build my own on the cheap but if I can get one that is inexpensive then that would save me valuable time.

Anyway @mrjbarl1 I don't want to hijack your thread! Please keep us posted, I too could use the help. :)

The lights I mentioned are being sold here:

I have them in my pack, and Prop Forge Gun Lights in my wand.
So i went to HD today and got some fiberglass and resin to reinforce the shell. I also went to the cinema to watch Ghostbuters woohoo!
Well that sounds like a great day! Coincidentally, I'm watching GB at home right now as I'm surfing the web. Oh oh, the key master just met the gate keeper....I sense trouble ahead.
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I wanted something a little more robust than the thin gel film that I've seen some people use so I cut up some scrap red acrylic that I had left over from a laser cut project that I worked on before. It had a backing material that made the acrylic have a mirror finish so I removed that with acetone in an empty paint can.


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I joined the two parts together with plastic weld and will go over it later with apoxysculpt, then I went to home depot and got some resin and fiberglass, had lunch and then went to see Ghostbusters 30th anniversary re-release in the theaters! Later I came home, mixed up a small batch of resin and put in some of the fiber glass. It's outside drying out now and tomorrow I'll add more. This should stiffen it up a little I guess!

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Im sure not everyone is going to agree with this, but another idea if you are trying to build a budget pack, is the pick up the matty collector proton wand. I think you can still pick it up. Its really close on accuracy and its going to give you lights and sounds from the gun. I am building my pack this way and its been a huge shortcut. Dont have to wire my pack up for sound (as it will come from the gun). So the only electronics i need to worry about are the 5 lights in the pack itself. Again this solution is not for everyone just an idea.
I do have the matty collector wand (I got it last Christmas), my kids love playing with it and I am going to be using it on this pack, at least at first.
I still plan on building my own with a nice big speaker to give it some oompah but I don't think I will have the time/money to do that before Halloween, the matty wand will do for now.
I do plan on getting the lights working before then however, that is a must.
I joined the two parts together with plastic weld and will go over it later with apoxysculpt, then I went to home depot and got some resin and fiberglass, had lunch and then went to see Ghostbusters 30th anniversary re-release in the theaters! Later I came home, mixed up a small batch of resin and put in some of the fiber glass. It's outside drying out now and tomorrow I'll add more. This should stiffen it up a little I guess!

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Looks great so far! And lucky you for seeing the 30th anniversary release!
I'd like to build another pack as well for Halloween, but money is an issue this year. Best of luck and will check back to see the progress! :)
It rained last night and today so it's got me slowed down as I don't want my house smelling of resin. I did get the rest of the fiberglass in and the apoxysculpt on, it's curing outside on my front porch, I sure hope nobody nabs it!
robpenfold thanks for the fiberglass idea, it feels MUCH more durable now and only cost me around $15 for the glass and resin.
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Some more pictures from last nights progress. It's been raining a lot so Im not able to do as much work on it as I would like. Not to mention work and family. :)


PVC, 3d printed caps, and apoxysculpt:

After some sanding:
Just thought I would post a couple more pictures. I've got the shell painted but still need some parts which I hope to order in a week or two.
I've also started working on some of the electronics. I made the proton wand mount out of a thin sheet of aluminium.

How's your build going mrjbarl1?

I went to the HD today and got a sheet of 3/8" MDF and used it to make the motherboard. I got it primed and put on the first coat of flat-black krylon.
Finally! I'm getting some free time cleared up! I've been slowly gathering things here and there to get ready and I'm about to start the build.

I have my pack frame, most of the material, and fully lighted wiring kit complete with sound for the pack and wand on it's way!

This weekend I plan to get the majority of the pack built and or finished, and possibly start on the wand. I will soon have some good progress to show, stay tuned!

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I'm actually thinking of buying the Mattel wand they have on there.... But I'm not sure about relying on it to come in before Halloween...

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I'm actually thinking of buying the Mattel wand they have on there.... But I'm not sure about relying on it to come in before Halloween...

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I bought that last Christmas, it's what I am going to use for this pack in the interest of time. I'll build a wand later when I have the time/money.
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