Millennium FX Dr Who Sonic Screwdriver

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Yes, that was a very contentious post. Is there something specific there you'd like me to have a look at?

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Yeah all of it, jedibugs all of it. There is not one part of the thread, but all of it, this shows how a thread turns out when you get involved. :thumbsup
This thread jedibugs was the introduction to you and this type of trolling from other supporters of ct that you do now, with reference to any one making or having a go or even talking about the same product that ct offers. Even if it’s was not intended to be screen accurate. You did not let up until it was locked out, like most threads that you participate in.

Without re-hashing the original conflict there, I can say that you took measures to resolve our complaint and we continued to argue the points after they no longer mattered. That was wrong and I have apologized for it.
As to the assertion that I did not let up until it was locked, that is inaccurate. I was the one who realized that the argument no longer mattered and asked for a truce. When the thread was locked, I did not know that it was at your request and I PM'd the mod and asked that it be reinstated so that you not be punished for us getting out of hand. In that one thread, I admit that I was the pig-headed one. But I tried to make amends.

It was after that thread that I was accused of always derailing sonic threads, like you just now accused me. So I went back, distrustful of my own memory, and read through EVERY sonic thread I had participated in. And the accusation does not hold water. Go have a look.

Sorry again about your thread. But it's not my MO.

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Without re-hashing the original conflict there, I can say that you took measures to resolve our complaint and we continued to argue the points after they no longer mattered. That was wrong and I have apologized for it.
As to the assertion that I did not let up until it was locked, that is inaccurate. I was the one who realized that the argument no longer mattered and asked for a truce. When the thread was locked, I did not know that it was at your request and I PM'd the mod and asked that it be reinstated so that you not be punished for us getting out of hand. In that one thread, I admit that I was the pig-headed one. But I tried to make amends.

It was after that thread that I was accused of always derailing sonic threads, like you just now accused me. So I went back, distrustful of my own memory, and read through EVERY sonic thread I had participated in. And the accusation does not hold water. Go have a look.

Sorry again about your thread. But it's not my MO.

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Well Ok, are, I’m a bit lost for words jedibugs, I did not expect that from you.

I would have like to have seen that statement earlier jedibugs, but never the less I do understand that you are passionate about the finer details in a prop and strive to have the most accurate sonic there is, and you believe you have found that sonic, I wish you well with that.

I on the other hand, like to make them and share what it takes to make props from a design to manufacturing point of view.
Once again I am using this space to respond to CT's attacks on me which have resulted from this thread.

I never claimed that "the Aztec heads were salvaged for both of them" (them being the two season 4 sonics) I claimed that the Aztec head was used on one of the props, the one MFX researched and the one David Tennant now owns. Please read more carefully.

You claim "I possess the Aztec head CAD files and what you see in my Mk1 S3-4 sonic IS the Aztec head."
I have seen absolutely no evidence to support this claim.

And you have always asserted, up until now, that that your mk1 Tennant sonic was extrapolated from the sonic you said you had examined--the season 1 Eccleston slider prop.

You write "All other comparisons were done with either screenshots of the 'a' prop or comparisons to the Aztec head used on my Mk1 sonics. According to you, the 'a' prop used an Aztec head, it means my comparisons were inadvertently correct which does not render them invalid but actually lends weight to them. Nice one ********, thanks for that".

Once again, I have never seen any evidence to show that you're mk1 Tennant resembles the Aztec head.

You're now claiming that your mk1 Tennant sonic uses the cad files from an Aztec sonic.
But this is in direct conflict with everything you've previously said about this prop.
You've always claimed that your Eccleston sonics, and the Tennant mk1 sonic that you extrapolated from your Eccleston replica, were made from your references of "the Penny Howarth made hero prop", and specifically not the Aztec prop. ""It was extrapolated from the idealised S1-2"
The Celestial Toystore: Ok, I'm going to take this slow.....

" As I have stated on record, this was derived from my Season 1-2 sonic from which I had extrapolated from". The Celestial Toystore: The Ultimate Edition 10th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver

"I had not had access to the Tennant prop. I have never claimed it was 100% perfect and never claimed anything other than it was extrapolated from my near 100% accurate Eccleston sonic." The Celestial Toystore: Omygod they killed Kenney (you bastards!)

"Just to make sure that the moron Phez is 100% clear on this point, I have never claimed access to the Tennant prop just the Season 1 prop. My replica has been extrapolated from the Season 1 prop" The Celestial Toystore: The turd that won't flush

"Little is really known about the Aztec and there has been a lot of myth that surrounds the original Season 1 prop. I had the pleasure of measuring one of the Season 1 props: the 'wide slider' version that featured the 0.25mm step below the struts but this version, although able to extend, was not really considered a 'hero' prop as such as it was quite battered and had to be held in such a way as to hide the 8mm wide slot in the body". The Celestial Toystore: Secrets of the Aztec

You have consistently claimed for the past few years that you had access to the wide slider prop, not the Aztec prop. But now you seem to be changing your tune.

Mostly all of your defenses from this point relies on your claim to have used the Aztec cad files for your Tennant mk1 sonic, so I'll forgo further dissection of those points.

You state that the emitter on the MFX was cast metal because it "corrodes easier than the rest of the sonic and appears to rust in places, which suggests a casting alloy". First of all, I've never seen anyone's MFX sonic with rust on it. Rust is the result of Iron oxidation and the MFX head has no iron in it. (Use a magnet to test this if you don't believe me) There may be aluminum oxide on the emitter head, aluminum does oxidize, but it's not rust. But, beyond that aside, you're missing the more obvious answer to your theory of different alloys, which is that oxidation occurs more rapidly on a piece of metal with a dull finish than it does with a machine polished finished. The emitter heads became dull during the deburring process. The rest of the aluminum parts were not deburred in this way so they retained a higher shine. As time when on the dull parts oxidized quicker. Go take a piece of aluminum. Put a nice freshly machined shine on one part. Now take some scotchbright to another part of that same piece of aluminum and remove the tool marks, but in the process rough up the surface. Now watch which part oxidizes first.

Eventually in your response, when you run out of reasonable answers to my objections you just turn to insults and off hand dismissals without answers "You have no interest in finding out what is correct, you're just hell bent on making it look like I'm wrong. I don't give a **** as I've seen the prop, you haven't, so **** off you loser and go CAD up some more proof to support your dogma"

What dogma am I trying to prove? I have no interest in the MFX sonic. I have no association with the people who ran or worked for MFX. I didn't put any stock in them, and even if I did they're all sold and gone now.

Furthermore, with this post "I used the Perfetto brand because it was easily available. It is IDENTICAL to Aleenes. It is the exact same stuff, molecule for molecule you retarded ****. Do I use it? Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But I will say something, those of you out there who know the truth are secretly pissing themselves over how big a fool you have made yourself look with this last bit. I'll save that for another day. ;-)" makes me wonder if you've ever actually gotten a hold of any Aleene's crackle because if you did, you'd know that the consistency, application process, and appearance of the two products couldn't be more different.

Oh, and there is one other point that you did not answer. Which is that you lie, that you posted lies about me and insulted me before I had ever said two words to or about you.
You assert "This project was something you had discussed and had talked to Russ about. I know this for a fact"


I know for a fact that you cannot support these assertions in any way because I know for a fact that they are 100% untrue.

You write "you had a project and the intent to do so and you had made arrangements to make it happen" This is a complete fabrication and you cannot possibly have any support for your claims because they never happened. You just made it up and lied about it. Now you're caught and you think you can worm your way out by persisting in your lie and you think that if you just keep saying it over and over it will become true. But I'm sorry, that's not how lies work.

You tell your fans "I may be an *******, but I'm an honest one". But in your blog about me you didn't address how you saw someone else making a NS sonic screwdriver replica and decided to post lies about that person on your blog in order to discredit the project with ABSOLUTELY no basis for your assertions.
You say "I've never wanted enemies but some idiots just hate me for no reason. So I give them a reason". That's exactly how I felt when you started making up **** about me and insulting me, when I had NEVER ONCE SAID A SINGLE THING ABOUT YOU.
You say that "The last vestiges of respect I had for Stokes has vanished"
Well I the last vestige of respect I had for you vanished when you started posting lies about me before you even knew who I was. When you see someone make up lies about you, and tell other people these lies, you start to question what else they have lied about in the past. That's why I think your blog is full or ****. That is why I don't take any claim you make at face value. Because I know for a fact that you are a liar.
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BTW- A word of warning to anyone who might engage in an argument with CT. He likes to go onto your facebook page and those of your friends and take pictures of you to use in your blog. If anyone is wondering, the picture that he posted of me eating a g-plate when drunk was on a friend of mine's facebook album. Which means that he presumably went through her folders looking for pictures of me that he could use. It's really rather creepy. So I would recommend preemptively blocking him so that he won't be able to look through your personal life.
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