Metal Gear Solid Costumes

That Cyborg Ninja (my favourite character from the MGS series) costume is amazing, and nice Snake costume, Ramiel.

I'd be really interested in a Cyborg Ninja helmet, if someone were to do a run. :love
MGS1, I used a grey coverall, instead of the "underarmor/scuba" shirt and pants... And that pic is really bad... I think I should do a photoshoot for that costume...
And maybe upgrade it a bit:D Saga/Metal Gear Solid/PC Captures/095.jpg Saga/Metal Gear Solid/PC Captures/100.jpg Saga/Metal Gear Solid/PC Captures/135.jpg

("Twin Snakes" pics) Solid The Twin Snakes/Screenshots/002.jpg Solid The Twin Snakes/Screenshots/008.jpg Solid The Twin Snakes/Screenshots/31.jpg

I was working on a MGS3 costume, Mostly because THAT Snake looks more like me actually, but I can't find a couple of things here in Italy to make it accurate... So I put that idea on a shelf for a while...:confused

Good ole Playstation Snake... :) If you play twin snakes once you never play the Pixel Version of MGS again. Only if I want to hear german translation on Playstation.

What kind of costume you want to make from MGS3? I wouldn't choose the olive suit from the beginning, I would choose one of the camouflage suits like the Oxmox Figure...

You got no army stores in Italy??? Or try ebay... You should easily get some parts looking like stuff in the game...

If you try an MGS1 Suit, you can do the mgs3 suit for sure...

I make some plans to make a mgs3 camo costume but I decide to finish some other projects first... Well, 5 or 6 of them... :lol

If you ever start another MGS Costume, good luck... :thumbsup
I want to do the "tiger stripe camo" suit of Naked Snake, everything it's quite easy, it's just hard to find the holster and the EXACT pouches (canvas M14 mag pouches) and the buttpack... EBay could be very useful for the buttpack, but I need a repro of the 1911 black holster and the pouches (I've found them online, but, don't ask me why, they always cost a fortune!)
Actually I have a couple of costume to do on my list as well (Altair from assassin's creed, probably Sweeney Todd and THEN Naked Snake...)
Man I just hope the upcoming MG movie will be good, so, all of us will put another costume on the list!:lol
Man I just hope the upcoming MG movie will be good, so, all of us will put another costume on the list!:lol

No director, no writer, no producer, no release date... it seems unless Uwe Boll has a hand in it this is going to be stuck in development hell. Actually, IIRC, Uwe Boll wanted to get the rights and Hideo Kojima basically told him to go **** himself. :)
No director, no writer, no producer, no release date... it seems unless Uwe Boll has a hand in it this is going to be stuck in development hell. Actually, IIRC, Uwe Boll wanted to get the rights and Hideo Kojima basically told him to go **** himself. :)
Yeah, Hideo is my hero!:D
I think he cares too much of his "child" to let it ruin... I know that Hideo Kojima is the "supervisor" of the entire project, from the story to the final product, and I know also that this project is "stuck" at the moment...
A good idea for a MG movie could be a 3D movie, but I'm to curious to see a live action movie (maybe with Christian Bale or Hugh Jackman as Snake... Preferably Bale... I think he would work...:D) Honestly if I should make a movie out of the saga I would "mix" the first two games ("Metal Gear" and "MG2: Solid Snake") Into one story, so we will see a young Solid Snake on a rescue mission to find Grey Fox on the misterious (fictional) land of Outer Heaven, just to discover that he and his Boss (Big Boss AKA Naked Snake) are in fact the bad guys. Snake will defeat Fox and BB (and the metal gear), sure to have killed his old mentor and his old friend, and I will end the movie with Snake that goes in Alaska (retired from Fox-Hound)... So, I could make a sequel (Metal Gear Solid!) :D
Honestly if I should make a movie out of the saga I would "mix" the first two games ("Metal Gear" and "MG2: Solid Snake") Into one story, so we will see a young Solid Snake on a rescue mission to find Grey Fox on the misterious (fictional) land of Outer Heaven, just to discover that he and his Boss (Big Boss AKA Naked Snake) are in fact the bad guys. Snake will defeat Fox and BB (and the metal gear), sure to have killed his old mentor and his old friend, and I will end the movie with Snake that goes in Alaska (retired from Fox-Hound)... So, I could make a sequel (Metal Gear Solid!) :D

I like that idea! Sometimes I forget about the original Metal Gear game. Metal Gear Solid (PS1) was my favourite, I thought it had the best storyline to it, plus it was the very first MGS I played.
I like that idea! Sometimes I forget about the original Metal Gear game. Metal Gear Solid (PS1) was my favourite, I thought it had the best storyline to it, plus it was the very first MGS I played.
Yep, me too:)
I discovered the first two original MG games only after playing MGS.
MGS3 has a VERY nice storyline too, MGS2 story is a little too complex, but it would make a nice movie too (if well adapted), and now I'm waiting for MGS4... Looks promising (even if I don't know if I like the genetically old Snake...)
I have only this pic of mine...

Very nice! What is it you are using as the upper body vest there?
No director, no writer, no producer, no release date... it seems unless Uwe Boll has a hand in it this is going to be stuck in development hell. Actually, IIRC, Uwe Boll wanted to get the rights and Hideo Kojima basically told him to go **** himself. :)

Shame on me, Im from the same country as Boll...

Boll send a script to Konami/Kojima, but Kojima was not very happy with it... :lol

Maybe I know why... Maybe everyone knows. :)
Very nice! What is it you are using as the upper body vest there?
I've used just a blue jacket, I removed the sleeves, then I have done the "muscle" pattern with a sewing machine, and I have used the shoulder straps from an old backpack (lucky for me it was the same color of the jacket!:D)

I've made also a custom leg tactical holster and the mag pouches!:)
I've used just a blue jacket, I removed the sleeves, then I have done the "muscle" pattern with a sewing machine, and I have used the shoulder straps from an old backpack (lucky for me it was the same color of the jacket!:D)

I've made also a custom leg tactical holster and the mag pouches!:)

Good skills with the muscle pattern!
This wasn't meant to be accurate to any of the games, but here are a couple quick test shots that I took for the director of the MGS short film I posted earlier. Me as Big Boss.



- John
(rubs chin...)
I have one of those FOXHOUND patches on a shirt of mine.. my brother has one too.
(not really in costume, but wearing my shirt)
Christian Bale or Hugh Jackman as Snake... not to wild about that idea. To be honest i am to much of a fanboy to want a MGS movie out, the only good that would come of it would be props IF done right...:wacko
Once pay off the government and my car bills:cry planed on sculpting spider man face shells maybe i'll give ninja a shot for the hell of it.
Here is my patch for the hell of it.
If they do a move based off the first MG games do we really want to see a gain robocop like cyborg big boss:lol
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Yeah, I love that FoxHound patch. It's not too obvious, but easy to spot for fans of the game.

I, for one, think Tom Jane would make a good Snake. At this point, I'm still not quite sure about how the movie will turn out, but I just want it to be good.

- John
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