Interesting article on new xbox

I did not catch it if games like COD or Battlefield are X1 only or cross platform. Also, is the PS4 backwards compatible?

Sent from somewhere in time & space...
I did not catch it if games like COD or Battlefield are X1 only or cross platform. Also, is the PS4 backwards compatible?

Sent from somewhere in time & space...

COD and BF will be multi platform. PS4 will not be backwards compatible. Their Gaikai cloud service will offer titles from previous consoles.
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COD and BF will be multi platform. PS4 will not be backwards compatible. Their Gaikai cloud service will offer titles from previous consoles.

Well this will solve that issue for me. Yeah, PS4 is clearly the big winner in the next gen platforms.

Sent from somewhere in time & space...
To quote a infamous line at E3 2011: FIST BUMP!

Yeah, I think I'll pass on the Xbox One. The price tag is stupidly high right now, and frankly, I already have other devices that do the same thing it does. A new HALO game doesn't make me give a crap about buying one, either.

Quoted for the frakking truth! Especially since they managed to screw up everything but three things with Halo 4, MC's and Cortana's voices and the warthogs horn :facepalm no amazing Martin O'Donnell music anywhere :cry

They didn't even try to have it work with Aliens Colonial Marine.

It's not a game you want to play either way.

MS have already said the Kinect can be turned off.

Even if you could it does-not-matter. Who's to say that even if the "ON"-light isn't litt up it isn't still on and listening....

PS4 it is then. Coming from a guy that doesn't own a single Playstation and owns both of the Xboxes

R.I.P. XBOX: 2001 - 2013
I wonder what's going in behind the closed doors at MS. Are they freaking out at how things have gone compared to the PS4 and trying to figure out how they can fix the situation or are they gonna lie in the bed they made and not change a thing?

I'm actually surprised at just how badly the new Xbox has been whipped by fans and media alike compared to the PS4. It almost seems like the system is universally hated.

I bet MS is ****ting bricks right now.
i love love my xbox 360....i always enjoyed it more than my ps3.....the controller is easy to use and they have better games such as gears of war and halo....

xbox one is an awful idea and i wont be purchasing it at launch......i probably wait a few years after launch and wait until the price drops drastically and work out all the bugs.........everything is bad...the kinect, access 24 hours for internet, cant use used games....just pure bull****.....

i can will cut xbox live for xbox 360 users to force them to upgrade.......

just not looking forward to the next gen of games.....

can someone confirm that the video game retail is jumping to $99?

here is a part of the ps4 conference regarding xbox one
Sony Sticks it to Microsoft on Used Games and Always-Online - E3 2013 Sony Conference - YouTube
Even if you could it does-not-matter. Who's to say that even if the "ON"-light isn't litt up it isn't still on and listening....

I'm pretty sure there are laws against that, otherwise phone companies could listen to you while your phone is in your pocket or Logitech(or other) could just decide to check out your webcam when they please. There seems to be alot of conspiracy surrounding the Xbox.

Does everyone remember the fuss kicked up about requiring an internet connection to play HL2, that went away pretty quick and that was years ago.

It also seems that as soon as piracy starts affecting these consoles, X1 has the upper hand with publishers. So far Sony has said there will be no charges to trade/sell games but make no mention of whether publishers will. MS have said first party games will be free to trade and sell but 3rd party publishers have the option to charge.

Its all fuss over nothing. The console will come out, millions will buy it just like the PS4.

Please note, I'm not an MS fanboy, I'm a PC gamer....although MS could be onto a winner if they support keyboard/mouse :D
i love love my xbox 360....i always enjoyed it more than my ps3.....the controller is easy to use and they have better games such as gears of war and halo....

xbox one is an awful idea and i wont be purchasing it at launch......i probably wait a few years after launch and wait until the price drops drastically and work out all the bugs.........everything is bad...the kinect, access 24 hours for internet, cant use used games....just pure bull****.....

i can will cut xbox live for xbox 360 users to force them to upgrade.......

just not looking forward to the next gen of games.....

can someone confirm that the video game retail is jumping to $99?

here is a part of the ps4 conference regarding xbox one
Sony Sticks it to Microsoft on Used Games and Always-Online - E3 2013 Sony Conference - YouTube

i really doubt they'd do this. More likely they'd simply make it so that newer versions of XBL wouldn't work on the X360, so if you wanted all the razzle-dazzle content, you have to upgrade. They've got to recognize that there'll be at least a 2-3 year window where people are still insisting on hanging on to their 360s. At that point, they'll probably just count on console wear and tear to kill the devices, and discontinue hardware replacements and support for the consoles.

I'm pretty sure there are laws against that, otherwise phone companies could listen to you while your phone is in your pocket or Logitech(or other) could just decide to check out your webcam when they please. There seems to be alot of conspiracy surrounding the Xbox.

Does everyone remember the fuss kicked up about requiring an internet connection to play HL2, that went away pretty quick and that was years ago.

It also seems that as soon as piracy starts affecting these consoles, X1 has the upper hand with publishers. So far Sony has said there will be no charges to trade/sell games but make no mention of whether publishers will. MS have said first party games will be free to trade and sell but 3rd party publishers have the option to charge.

Its all fuss over nothing. The console will come out, millions will buy it just like the PS4.

Please note, I'm not an MS fanboy, I'm a PC gamer....although MS could be onto a winner if they support keyboard/mouse :D

I think things will even out over time, but the price point itself will be a sticking point. The X360 ate much of the PS3's lunch early on because of similar price differentials, as I recall. It evens out over time, but it hurts them in the short run.

Honestly, I still think MS just isn't aiming for gamers, really. They're aiming for their device to be the family entertainment center, and if you think about a family that DOESN'T have a blu-ray player, Roku/Apple TV, or a TV with various internet sevices, it's not such a bad idea. Or if you have a family that wants to integrate its media stored on its PC more easily, for example. The gaming stuff seems to be an afterthought.

So, yeah, PS4 wins this round of CONSOLE wars, but I still think MS isn't really fighting that war in the long run. That said, because I've got plenty of other devices that do what the XboxOne does....why would I pay for one? But then, again, I don't think I'm their target market.
MS done F'ed up. I'm a loyal Halo fan but this is a stretch for me. The online requirement on top of the fact that you can't share games is a horrible move. These execs that decided this crap need to be dragged into an ally way and beaten with a super nintendo until they get the point across
I don't play consoles, but I do have a PS3 for the BR player.

I like the concept behind the XB1, that being more interconnection. The failing seems to be the internet connection and used games.

The internet connection would seem to be an easy fix. Just chance the OS on it. Simple as that. If a vendor wants to make a game requiring a connection for enhanced stuff using the clound servers, so be it. Other than that, it's pointless. You can have titles (games or movies) run checks on your current OS version and have it tell you if you need an update, then connect and update that way. I know the PS3 does that now. I assume the 360 does as well.

Used Games, doesn't affect me but I see why it bothers some. Something that people fail to realize, though, is you don't buy game when you buy a game :) (Yes I know it sounds weird). You're buying a license to play the game. That fight was fought in the late 90's/early 2000's as I recall on the higher end software side and the consumer side lost. So you've always been at the mercy of the publisher they've just never been able to flex their muscles til now.

I guarantee you that both these things were pushed by Vendors and not MS. A fair question on that is why did MS bow the pressure and not Sony? Regardless, If you buy a game you're not allowed to resell, it's on the vendor. It'll be interesting to see the company's defense when they make a game for both consoles and ban resale on the Xbox side only - you know it'll happen. My guess is it'll be EA.

From an outside perspective, i find it next to impossible to believe the xbox can hold it's lead over the PS. Then again, I suppose anything is possible. If you're worried about connect, it's NOT a hard fix at all - unplug the damn thing. It's a USB type connection I believe. Hell, Cover it with a scarf, etc. Still, it seems the only shot MS has is if the integration is amazing and that's what sells the unit. Like I said, i like that part of it. I had a media center machine set up a couple years ago. I LOVED being able to check schedules, sports scores, stats, movie trailers, netflix, etc at the click of a button instantly at core2duo speeds (basically instantly) as opposed to what i've seen on the latest cable and satellite boxes which are much more difficult to navigate and ungodly slow comparitively speaking.
Used Games, doesn't affect me but I see why it bothers some. Something that people fail to realize, though, is you don't buy game when you buy a game :) (Yes I know it sounds weird). You're buying a license to play the game. That fight was fought in the late 90's/early 2000's as I recall on the higher end software side and the consumer side lost. So you've always been at the mercy of the publisher they've just never been able to flex their muscles til now.

Not really. They've actually flexed those muscles back in the mid 90s with DIVX. You bought a copy of the movie, but you had to pay a license just to watch it. In the end, consumers wanted the format that reflected more "ownership" on their part, and as a result, DIVX was obliterated and the consumers won. Don't underestimate the consumers' resolve in the prospects of ownership, because some don't let a little thing like "pay for license" stop them from doing what they want to do with what they paid for.
Microsoft has Apple envy and let it override their brains. This is just another move the proves that Sony actually listens or at least understands gamers.
Not really. They've actually flexed those muscles back in the mid 90s with DIVX. You bought a copy of the movie, but you had to pay a license just to watch it. In the end, consumers wanted the format that reflected more "ownership" on their part, and as a result, DIVX was obliterated and the consumers won. Don't underestimate the consumers' resolve in the prospects of ownership, because some don't let a little thing like "pay for license" stop them from doing what they want to do with what they paid for.

I'm not referring to that at all - i'm talking higher level software. You used to have that ownership feeling up til around 2000, but it's gone. Try and sell your used copy of nearly any multi-thousand dollar application - you can't. Not unless the publisher approves.

Divx vs DVD is a good analogy for PS4 vs XB1 though. From the descriptions, it sounds like XB1 should get trounced. However, the ONLY difference between Divx and DVD was Divx being cheaper out of the gate because you payed per viewing and costing more in the long run. The hardware was basically the same and the content identical. Neither had features the other didn't. XB1 does seem to have a good amount of ability that the PS4 doesn't. I think they'll do fine if all publishers don't play the used game banning card.

Then again, MS has one ability the DIVX camp never did: $$$. They can afford to pay publishers for exclusives. Not to say Sony can't, but if MS gets a lot before sony catches on......well, who knows. As they say, content rules all. It's not like it's a foreign concept for a company to buy a market. Sony did it with the PS3. They took massive losses on each PS3 sold out of the gate. The unit itself didn't achieve break even status until it was 3-4 years old IIRC. I'd venture they still haven't turned a profit simply on console sales themselves. All done in order to win the HDDVD vs BR battle.

Not sure what XB1 has to do with Apple at all. I mean, it's ios7 borrowing from android and wp8.
I guess the question for me is when do they stop making games for the XBox 360. I have no real interested in switching to either of these new systems until I am forced to - and by forced to, I mean no new COD or whatever and no online play. XBox 360 is the first system I've owned since my SNES and I am definitely not interested in the XBox One for obvious reasons... it will be PS4 or something else.