HALO 1:1 assault rifle

I don't see a need to scale it down at all. Its a big, clunky gun. Looks to me like the original design was to have a grenade launcher mounted under the barrel much like the M-16 with the M203 grenade launcher mounted. In that case the gun is not much bigger than an M-16. Just looks like Bungie never actually made the grenade launcher used in Halo.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tommin @ Jan 5 2007, 05:04 PM) [snapback]1391298[/snapback]</div>
I, personally, don't agree with keeping it the way it is. But, hay.. ...it keeps the topic active eh? :D Although it may be comfortable to hold as a sheet of foam core, when it goes 3D and you start adding fiberglass, resin, ABS, metal, etc, you won't be able to swap magazines with one hand.

Yeah, I know what mean about the foam core. It can be misleading when heft and mag swaps aren't considered. I may have to go for broke and mock it up a bit more.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tommin @ Jan 5 2007, 05:04 PM) [snapback]1391298[/snapback]</div>
Your drawing is very nice. I've printed a copy this afternoon and plan to study it over the next few days. You've done an excellent job with this. :)

The thing is, its not my drawing. I grabbed it from the tubes of the interweb :D and have been futzing with it because it was (at the time) the most accurate side drawing I could find. It does help get the feel of the weapon though.
Thanks. This is a project I've wanted to do a while and have never gotten past the "planning" stage. These posts may make me get off of my lazy butt and start working :p
I like the size
And as I mentioned when this thread started
If somebpdy can build it
I would be happy to mold it

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Badd Blood @ Jan 5 2007, 06:54 PM) [snapback]1391404[/snapback]</div>
I don't think scaling it down a tad, say 5% would be a bad idea.

I agree. Taking it down 5-10% would be enough to make the gun more reasonably sized, and yet still maintain it bodaciousness ;)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ripper 714 @ Jan 6 2007, 06:52 AM) [snapback]1391496[/snapback]</div>
That picture was in the Art of Halo book.
If you would like a scan, let me know.

Is it possible to have the OTHER weapons? I'm modeling them in 3D (possibly to make REAL models) and I'm working with the lo-poly models from the game, and with the few references found online...
I need the needler, plasma pistol and rifle (and everything interesting like that...)
Let me know if it's possible.
Thanks in advance :)
I have been kicking around the idea of a full set of Mjolnir armor and was thinking abaout the way the master chief sticks his spare gun to the back of his armor. I was thinking of mounting a good and powerful magnet on the back of the costume and then mounting a metal plate on whatever guns I make to go with the armor. What do you guys think?

When I say strong magnet, I'm taking about one that will be under the plastic and paint and invisible.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(M Bison @ Jan 6 2007, 11:01 AM) [snapback]1391749[/snapback]</div>
I have been kicking around the idea of a full set of Mjolnir armor and was thinking abaout the way the master chief sticks his spare gun to the back of his armor. I was thinking of mounting a good and powerful magnet on the back of the costume and then mounting a metal plate on whatever guns I make to go with the armor. What do you guys think?

When I say strong magnet, I'm taking about one that will be under the plastic and paint and invisible.
That's a good idea, in theory. You'll be walking a fine line with the strength of whatever magnet you choose. It will need to be strong enough to support the weapon but not so strong as to tear apart your armor or weapon when you try to remove it. You will need to consider the amount of physical leverage that you have depending on where the weapon is placed, as well. For example, the AR mounted on the MC's back. I would imagine that it would be pretty tough to break a magnetic field powerful enough to hold 15 to 20 lbs behind you. But I've never tried that,... yet. :D
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Weazel1 @ Jan 5 2007, 07:43 PM) [snapback]1391434[/snapback]</div>
Thanks. This is a project I've wanted to do a while and have never gotten past the "planning" stage. These posts may make me get off of my lazy butt and start working :p
Get on with it, then... :p :D

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ripper 714 @ Jan 5 2007, 09:52 PM) [snapback]1391496[/snapback]</div>
That picture was in the Art of Halo book.
If you would like a scan, let me know.
Thanks for pin pointing the source, Rip. :)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TK648 @ Jan 5 2007, 10:22 PM) [snapback]1391523[/snapback]</div>
I like the size
And as I mentioned when this thread started
If somebpdy can build it
I would be happy to mold it

Thanks.. That's good to know.. :D

After being somewhat agitated about some design differences I've been seeing, I decided to warm up photoshop to put some things to rest. From top down: 1. a color inverted version of the Art of Halo's interpretation, 2. (possibly a screen capture from the game - horizontaly flipped from first post), 3. Screen capture from the Halo 3 trailer...


The third rendering suites my tastes rather well. I've cut away all of the background noise from the original screen capture & distorted it only a little. The original image had a little perspective thing going on and I've done what I can to try to minimize that. It's not perfect but, you should be able to see what I'm getting at. :)

Which one would you folks prefer?
I've been wanting the look of the in game version from the first Halo, but I must say that now having seen that comparison, I'm really leaning towards the way it looks in the Halo3 trailer. It's had a few design clean-ups and I think has much more Real-World Gun feel to it.
Just needed to add my 2 cents

I would prefer to see the orginal Halo assualt rifle made
before making any from Halo 3
But I am still willing to make the molds of what ever version is made

Adjusting topic sub-title to get some more input on the style. Please remain seated until the captain gives the word to move about the cabin. Emergency exits can be located to the left at both ends of the center aisle. If you will need special assistance, an attendant will be with you shortly. Thank you. :D
I would shrink it just a tiny bit. Even with when my Halo Armor is done, I'll be around 6'5" in my outfit....but that will still be pretty big comparison wise to MC
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Badd Blood @ Jan 6 2007, 12:54 AM) [snapback]1391404[/snapback]</div>
I don't think scaling it down a tad, say 5% would be a bad idea.

Nice work so far guys, but I agree with BB, that the vector scale test does look a little big...maybe it's just down to personal preference, but I would never have imagined that the H1 assault rifle would be anywhere near as big as that...I've always imagined it being slightly bigger than an MP5 (plus the large bit on the front), remember the marines all still use the assault rifle too and the vector does just look a lil too big in my honest opinon. If it was down to me, I'd scale it down slightly, but it is your project, so it's up to you. :)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tommin @ Jan 6 2007, 12:47 PM) [snapback]1391829[/snapback]</div>
Which one would you folks prefer?

I like the first one (Art of Halo) best. It seems to have the best balance aestheticly, even if it is a big bulky mother. :D
Thanks again for your feedback, fellas. :)

More HALO reference in red, white, and blue:




Is it just me or does the shape of the 'O' in HALO resemble the derelict ship from ALIEN? :D