Force awakens Star Destroyer


Active Member
I'm thinking About starting on a model of the new star destroyer from the new trailer

I just can't figure out how the new nose goes together any ideas ?

You can see quite a lot of detail if you lighten this screen grabs ... image.jpg

To me it looks like a large bottom hull with other star destroyer hull layers stacked on top... almost like it could separate into several SD's - how cool would that be :).

The nose/tip looks like a ramming prod or something like that. A vertical "whatsit" that wraps top to bottom across the front like a fin or something.

But really I'm just guessing :D

Jedi Dade
something Like this :

new SD nose.png

Yes I know its crude inaccurate blah blah... the red part would be how I think it attaches based on the little info we've seen.

Jedi Dade
the one thing that strikes me about this ship is that the sides of the top and bottom seem to be parallel. But that doesn't make sense if the bottom sticks out that much further.

So my belief is that the top isn't a full triangle. I think it stops flat (with a pointy bit on each side)

So that if you look from the top down, the trangle shape looks like this:


  • TFA SD.jpg
    TFA SD.jpg
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I drew that pic fast and dirty... I actually think that is "stepped and undercut". Like the top half could separate from the bottom and the top would be similar to the OT SD's.

I didn't take the time in the doodle to depict that as I was focused on trying to explain my theory of "what is the front of this".

Jedi Dade
kinda like this... again just a thought that I think it looks like it "could" do...

new SD nose.png

What do you think? I think it would be totally cool to have that entire giant lower half be essentially a shield that protects the primary ship from planetary assault... How cool would a scene by to have the planet blast the holy heck out of an SD just to have the bottom detach and the SD keep fighting... Oh baby :cool:thumbsup:cheers. I know I'd LOVE to see that. We probably wont - but how cool would that be?

Jedi Dade
As the first post mentioned... I adjusted the brightness and contrast of a screen cap from the trailer... here is the result:

New SD.png

glad I did this - can see a TON more detail - and my detachable upper SD is still viable :D

Jedi Dade
The thing about that is that if the upper triangle were shorter, then the sides would not be parallel. And now that I see more detail, I'm gonna stick to my hypothesis.

When you see the port side of the upper half go back, you'll notice that it stops and goes perpendicular to the ship. As if it has that stubbed nose I put in my mspaint drawing
The great thing is - we'll eventually see :D. I've watched that little clip a bunch of times while taking the screen grab... and to me they looked stacked on top of each other. but you could be right ;).

But I think it goes something like this:
new SD top.png

Jedi Dade
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Ive done some playing with the picture and made it a little clearer and sharper you can see a lot more detail now

I think the top and bottom triangles are parallel but the top one steps short so in effect the brim trenches are equal

The front fin appears thin and there is some structure along the front and the sides creating a shelf along the main structure

Also there is now just one shield dome..

Star-Wars-7-Force-Awakens-Teaser-Trailer-2-New-Star-Destroyer (2).jpg
Damn that's impressive lightening... re-contrasting...

only one shield dome that we can see...

I'm still stickin' with my theory... because I want it to be true :D. I think that the angle of the camera is creating the illusion that the upper edge of the trench is running parallel. I say this because of where it "ends" in relation to far side. if we assume its symmetrical then that's quite a bit short on the far side for that trench. just sayin'

Jedi Dade
Wow! However (rut-row!) the row of 'rods' projecting from the port side edge (far edge) are not visible on the near side - so either they inadvertently left them off or it is an intentional asymmetry (why?)

Cool looking, but definitely way off from an SD (or a Tyr-shuttle... and what are those boxy looking things acting as escorts?)

Once again, ol' JJ is stomping on the "canon" almost like a dare (Abrams: "Oh, yeah? Well I dare you NOT to come see it, Fan-boi-ee!") I just don't understand why they have to mess with perfectly good concepts simply in the name of putting their "own" stamp on it... good gravy....) Perhaps there is *another* time-line altering wormhole event that does away with all that is from before (and got rid of the Yuuzhan Vong too, dang mouse-turds!)

Of course, it may simply be another 'newer model' of Star Destroyer-type warship and not an actual 're-imagining' of the old SD. Yes, I know - "stuff" happens, plus movie makers have issues with 'continuity'. And, yes, Disney paid a lot to 'own' the franchise so it is indeed their dime. Well, so be it... grumble, grumble.

R/ Robert
Hmm.... Could the bridge be "V" shaped? And could the new SD have Falcon like mandibles?


  • Star-Wars-7-Force-Awakens-Teaser-Trailer-2-New-Star-Destroyer%20(2).jpg
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Hmm.... Could the bridge be "V" shaped? And could the new SD have Falcon like mandibles?

You worded that so much better than I.

That's exactly what I was trying to portray in that little diagram I did above. Because the top and bottom seem to be parallel.
I think there is a single structure protruding from the Middle front it starts thin and then widens out where it meets the main hull

Bridge appears to have two structures on its top , looking at the sides there appears to be little wings coming out at the front and then lots of spikes on the far side odd..
Yep, some 'wonky' is built in for sure... If I were the draughtsman I once was, we could have a projection analysis on the obvious 'centerline' points... such as the center of the front vertical 'plate' up along the center of the 'superstructure' features.
R/ Robert
Cool looking, but definitely way off from an SD (or a Tyr-shuttle... and what are those boxy looking things acting as escorts?)

Once again, ol' JJ is stomping on the "canon" almost like a dare (Abrams: "Oh, yeah? Well I dare you NOT to come see it, Fan-boi-ee!") I just don't understand why they have to mess with perfectly good concepts simply in the name of putting their "own" stamp on it... good gravy....) Perhaps there is *another* time-line altering wormhole event that does away with all that is from before (and got rid of the Yuuzhan Vong too, dang mouse-turds!)

Of course, it may simply be another 'newer model' of Star Destroyer-type warship and not an actual 're-imagining' of the old SD.

What makes you think it would be a 're-imagination' of the classic ISD? The pictures of ISD and SSD wrecks in the desert prove they didn´t try to give old ships a new look, they even included them unchanged (well... damaged) as homage. This simply is a new class of ISD and I think it´s great there´s something new. There have been so many great fan designs (Ansel Hsiao...), why shouldn´t they introduce a new SD in a new film? There´s no 'stomping on the "canon"' when you see unchanged old designs - even an old X-Wing wreck - and new designs which simply portray newer vessels in the same film.
What makes you think it would be a 're-imagination' of the classic ISD? The pictures of ISD and SSD wrecks in the desert prove they didn´t try to give old ships a new look, they even included them unchanged (well... damaged) as homage. This simply is a new class of ISD and I think it´s great there´s something new. There have been so many great fan designs (Ansel Hsiao...), why shouldn´t they introduce a new SD in a new film? There´s no 'stomping on the "canon"' when you see unchanged old designs - even an old X-Wing wreck - and new designs which simply portray newer vessels in the same film.
Just thinking of "J.J.'s" track record, ala Star Trek... not having seen the other images you mention, I broke out a little 'sweat'. Good news then! So evolutionary designs, not replacements (as in re-writing "history") that works for me. Thanks!
Regards, Robert
PS: Got any links to those images, or was it all in the trailer? Sorry, I just Googled it...
Just thinking of "J.J.'s" track record, ala Star Trek... not having seen the other images you mention, I broke out a little 'sweat'. Good news then! So evolutionary designs, not replacements (as in re-writing "history") that works for me. Thanks!
Regards, Robert
PS: Got any links to those images, or was it all in the trailer? Sorry, I just Googled it...

All in the second trailer. :) Some awesome pics I think...
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