Fifth Element Grappa Bottle - Original - Free - HERE IT IS !!

Would like to say thanks to AMP, the bottle labels look beautiful. Just need to track down a bottle this weekend. Thanks again for the generosity.


Joined this forum just to say thank you to alan. It is awesome that you uploaded the label and its much appreciated. I am thinking I will laserprint this onto some lightweight construction paper and glue with some non acidic rubber cement. I will upload pics if anyone is interested.

p.s. I am sure you have found homes for all your vinyl labels by now AMP, but on the off chance you still have a few and the offer stands, I would be interested.
I believe this was the one originally posted here... though I might have sourced it from elsewhere...


  • grappa.jpg
    274.3 KB · Views: 115
there is jus a bit of cropping and some color changes to do to get the same visual as the movie
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