Favorite Movies from the 80's that nobody seems to talk about anymore

Absolute Beginners (1986)

David Bowie, Ray Davies ... and a 27 year old Sade!

Opens with an impressively choreographed 3 min tracking shot (off the top of my head I can recall one cut hidden in a camera flash). A later Janet Jackson music video was a direct ripoff ... well, they were both directed by Julien Temple so I guess that doesn't count.
in hot tub time machine, when they are first back in the past in skis.. john Cusack is on the mountain you can hear someone say in the background
..(where's my two dollars)....and he reacts.

watch the first 10 seconds

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in hot tub time machine, when they are first back in the past in skis.. john Cusack is on the mountain you can hear someone say in the background
..(where's my two dollars)....and he reacts.

I still like the the "two dollars" jokes in Not Another Teen Movie
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