Favorite Movies from the 80's that nobody seems to talk about anymore

Darius Alucard

Sr Member
After reading some of the nostalgic threads posted recently and hearing Love is a Battlefield on the radio during my trip to work today, favorite films of mine from my younger days started popping into my head and I decided to start this thread.

I'm leaning towards posting films that we loved that people don't seem to talk about anymore. Most of these aren't great movies by a LONGSHOT, but they were fun and I enjoyed watching them time and again back in the day.

I'll start it off with the first ones to come to mind...

- The Legend of Billie Jean
- Three O'Clock High
- The Secret of My Success
- Zapped!
- Seems Like Old Times
- They Call Me Bruce?
- Lucas
- Steel Dawn
- Used Cars
- Gotcha!
- My Bodyguard
- The Beastmaster
- A Fish Called Wanda
- Space Camp
- Summer School
- Real Genius
- Some Kind of Wonderful
- License To Drive
- The Sword and the Sorcerer
- High Spirits
- Trading Places
- Splash
- Bloodsport
- Dead Heat
- Iceman
- Amadeus
- Graystoke: The Legend of Tarzan
- Altered States
- Cat People
- Better Off Dead
- Stakeout
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- The Neverending Story
- Eddie and the Cruisers 1&2
- LaBamba
- Monster Squad
- Explorers
- Stand By Me
- The Burbs
- Innerspace
- Flight of the Navigator
- The Great Outdoors
- E.T. (at least no one I really know talks about it much)
- Willow

Those are some off the top of my head....
Some nice additions everyone!

How about some more...

- Battle Beyond the Stars
- Space Hunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
- Starman
- Solor Babies
- Major League
- Soul Man
- No Retreat, No Surrender
- Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
- Something Wicked This Way Comes
- Bad Boys
- Wild Cats
- North Shore
- Gleaming the Cube
- Cyborg
- Stir Crazy
- Project X
- Wargames
- Ladyhawke
- Family Business
- Caveman
and more...

- Stand By Me
- Legend
- Transylvania 6-5000
- The Blob (remake)
- The Fly (remake)
- From Beyond
- Nighthawks
- Silver Bullet
- The Company of Wolves
- Wolfen
- Creepshow
- Revenge of the Nerds
- Once Bitten
- Super Fuzz
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I love some of these movies and rewatch them from time to time. Not all of them, there are some absolute stinkers listed, but there are some real classics too.

I think a lot of people of my generation do remember and enjoy a lot of the films mentioned so far. Whether they get discussed or not is entirely dependant on the company and circumstance.
Young Sherlock Holmes

"Kids, 3d and driving just don't mix."

"Why would Mars want to attack the puny, insignificant forces of Earth?"
"Because we'd win!"

I loved Spaced Invaders
I didn't think about animated fims.
I can only remember a handfull that weren't Disney or out of Japan (which I didn't see much of until the early 90's anyway).

- Heavy Metal
- Fire and Ice
- The Last Unicorn
- The Secret of Nimh
- Here Come The Littles
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