Done / Completed DREDD 3D Lawgiver kit by morganthirteen & joatrash (OPEN))

Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

Is there still room on this run? I've been lurking and I think I'd really like to get in on this if I can.
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

Hi everyone, we are ready to start accepting payments, but I want to lay out in more detail later tonight what the kit will include, what your casting options will be, how we've tried our best to make the piece as easy to build as possible.

Thanks for all the kind words, and your patience. I'll post more later this evening.

Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

When Joe first pitched the project to me, we both thought it would be more practical to make it a solid piece designed and built primarily for costuming. That agreed upon, we still wanted to give people something more than just a solid chunk of resin. To that end, we decided to make the lower magazine a separate and hollow piece so that dummy rounds could be inserted along with some clear plastic that could be used as "windows". I originally thought magnets could be employed to hold the mag in place but the configuration of the mag, along with the decision to make it hollow scuttled that idea. I did wind up adding a strip of styene into the forward section of the well that was the same dimension of the groove the front of the magazine has. This acts as a guide to help place the mag in position and helps reinforce it once it's been glued.



I've also decided to include some 9mm ammo castings (in a group) that you can insert into the magazine. I will also include two pieces of the clear plastic to seal off the mag as seen in the film. This way you don't have to order them yourselves or take an extra trip to your local hobby shop to buy a whole sheet of the stuff. Not part of the original plan, but it should make things a little easier and save you a few dollars.

You also have your choice of a solid cast resin pistol, or I can rotocast it and fill it with foam. The latter will make the piece lighter for costuming (although more fragile) and make installing any electronics a lot easier. I will assume solid cast unless you say otherwise.

I will also include a casting of the extended supressor. Again, not part of the original plan, but why not? lol I will also include three different vinly decals of the read out panel. Joe's made three versions, which you can see here. I'll include a copy of each.




The only olive in the ointment is the engraved plaque. I was hoping that these would be inexpensive enough to order directly from Shapeway, but with shipping they come out about $17.00. I've got one on order, but it won't be ready for a couple of weeks. However, because my schedule is tight, I don't want to wait until then to start taking orders and shipping out everything else. So, if it's not a problem these will ship separately to everyone at a later date. I know that Joe has plans to offer customized plaques (which I think is awesome), so if that's an option you'd like to pursue, just let him know and I won't send one out when they're ready.

The kits are $200.00 (shipped in the US). For overseas shipping, please factor in an additional $20.00. However, if you're in a country with strict laws on the importing of replica weapons you buy at your own risk. We cannot be responsible for stuff that is returned or seized by customs.

The first ten people on the list should PM Joe for payment information as he has graciously offered to handle those details to give me as much time as possible to just produce, package, and ship the kits, and I'll post updates here with more photos of the other parts when I have them (just remember that I'm in the US and he's in Switzerland, so the time zones are different).

Thanks again for all your patience. And thanks to Joe, because he made a brilliant model.

Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (NEW photo!)

This is truly amazing, thank you both for all your hard work and artistic talent which you are willing to share with the rest of us. PM has been sent and I too am standing by with PayPal primed!
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (READY TO ORDER!)

First post edited will all relevant information! Please bear with me if I am slow in responding for a couple days as this caught me RIGHT in the middle of MOVING. My apartment is in CHAOS and only my PC is still up. I WILL answer everyone ASAP. Please send any questions my way or post here- Shawn will be busy casting! THANKS!
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (READY TO ORDER!)


The first ten slots are NOW FULL.
It will ba another week or two until we start accepting payment for #11-20, so those of you that want in then, be ready to send your PMs when I again update the first thread!

DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (READY TO ORDER!)

Amazing work! I'm hoping I'll be able to place an order when you're ready for the next ten!
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (READY TO ORDER!)

Fantastic to hear it's almost go-time (#13!). I've somehow managed to sit on the money for a few weeks just in anticipation of this!
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (READY TO ORDER!)

Fantastic to hear it's almost go-time (#13!). I've somehow managed to sit on the money for a few weeks just in anticipation of this!

Dollor, just to make sure there is no confusion... the interest list was just to gauge if it would be worthwhile to do this run and to estimate how many. Since there is no "limit" on the run, we have to do them in order of payment. Recent runs on the RPF haft seen a lot of interested parties drop out when runs actually happen and since there are so many interested here we could potentially end up waiting on people if we went by the list and this would get all confused. This is the first time either Shawn or I have taken up a run this large so we want to keep things moving and streamlined. Especially since so many want to have them at the Dredd gathering this summer. Just keep watching the thread for us to start accepting payment again to get in on the next batch! Shouldn't be more than a week or two... and our aim is to keep doing these as long as people want 'em and the molds hold, time permitting.

THANKS again all for the support! The first ten have now paid up and casting is underway.
Re: DREDD 3D Lawgiver castings... (WAITING ON BATCH #2!)

Hey, would it be possible to make a list of the runs just so we can keep track of who has paid, if they were shipped, etc?
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