Deagostini Falcon. Anyone seen this?

Just read this over on the RS forum written by someone who saw the DeAgostini booth at Celebration and talked with them at length about it... here's what he said:

Originally Posted by Chr2win I was there this weekend and talked to them at length. Some of the things that I took away from it:

-The paint job is not as bad as the photos make it seem. It was a rush job. It was mainly done in 24 hours.
-They are considering doing a paint tutorial at the end of the original subscription period with paint possibly being included.
-He is most likely going to move it down to a 12 month subscription at the end of the year.
-The instructions are very well done in my opinion. The front half of the booklet have some cool looking articles and the back half include detailed instructions.
-In the last kit (I think) they are including a rotating swivel wall mount that will allow you to display your Falcon in a variety of poses. I actually LOVE this idea.

For those of us that do not have the MR Falcon, this seems to be a great alternative for a cheaper price. You also get the enjoyment of actually putting it together yourself which I enjoy. I'm not a great painter but I follow instructions well so a paint tutorial would be very helpful for me. It had a good solid weight (25lbs I believe they said) and will be a very good addition to your collection especially, as I've mentioned, for those of us who could not get the MR Falcon at the time it came out. I was very skeptical when this was first announced. However, I am pretty sure that after seeing it in person, I'm in.
Dip those windows in future floor shine, let em dry and they will look like real glass and be super clear! The only reason the filming miniatures did not have cockpit glass was because of reflection issues from lighting while filming. I mean, can you imagine a model car without a windshield? Or a model jet fighter with no canopy glass? Of course not. Do the glass right and it will look fantastic and make the ship look more realistic.
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Dip those windows in future floor shine, let em dry and they will look like real glass and be super clear! The only reason the filming miniatures did not have cockpit glass was because of reflection issues from lighting while filming. I mean, can you imagine a model car without a windshield? Or a model jet fighter with no canopy glass? Of course not. Do the glass right and it will look fantastic and make the ship look more realistic.
If you want your star wars models to look like the movies..NO GLASS is the way to go... Even the Bandai models have no-glass options for the same reasons.
Agreed re: no glass. I use the Future trick on aircraft canopies, but I want my Falcon to look like the studio model so no glass. The glass on the DeAgostini prototype was very thick and looked wrong. It may be different in the final release.
Agreed, no glass! It's gotta look like the studio model. We can say, "well if they didn't have to worry about studio lighting they would have put glass", but the fact of the matter is they did and didn't use glass, so if your going for accuracy no windows all the way! Honestly I don't think there is anything you can do to that clear plastic to make it look good. You can see the seems on the other side of them. They look like some old dudes bifocals! They look super thick.
If you want your star wars models to look like the movies..NO GLASS is the way to go... Even the Bandai models have no-glass options for the same reasons.

If you want them to look as close to the filming miniatures as possible then that is true and for lots of people here that kinda thing is important. For me I definitely like accuracy, but not at the expense of looking finished. We've all become accustomed to seeing SW models without the glass but it does look kinda odd and unfinished nonetheless. I will say I'll have to withhold judgment until I can see the actual canopy glass they provide. If it's just too thick and won't look realistic after treatment then I'll likely leave it out as well.
Agreed, no glass! It's gotta look like the studio model. We can say, "well if they didn't have to worry about studio lighting they would have put glass", but the fact of the matter is they did and didn't use glass, so if your going for accuracy no windows all the way! Honestly I don't think there is anything you can do to that clear plastic to make it look good. You can see the seems on the other side of them. They look like some old dudes bifocals! They look super thick.

Treating canopies with future will totally eliminate any seams that have been sanded and reduce the "thick" look pretty much every time. It looks crystal clear and like real glass after it's dried if done properly. To each their own. :)
If you want them to look as close to the filming miniatures as possible then that is true and for lots of people here that kinda thing is important. For me I definitely like accuracy, but not at the expense of looking finished. We've all become accustomed to seeing SW models without the glass but it does look kinda odd and unfinished nonetheless. I will say I'll have to withhold judgment until I can see the actual canopy glass they provide. If it's just too thick and won't look realistic after treatment then I'll likely leave it out as well.
I have the EFX Xwing and EFX Tie fighter.... Strange that the XWING has "Glass" and the Tie fighter has nothing... While the xwing still looks cool..seeing that glass in there just makes it feel a tiny bit off...... Any version of the TIE FIGHTERS (models) that I have seen with glass look more like the toy... I agree there SHOULD be glass on these models...just that we have seen them so many times without the glass...having it just makes em a tad off..

As for the falcon..the main problem I see with adding the glass is you are going to block out all the cockpit details with glass reflections :) Had you asked me about this 10 years ago..I would have been one to say they need I'm more a purist or something :)

Also... the FALCON glass/plastic looks like it's super thick...
If you could make the glass look good, big if, then that would be the way to go if you are making a model of the actual Millennium Falcon.

If you want a copy of the Studio Scale filming model no glass.

See, that was easy. :)
I think unless your gonna get a custom display base with a Perspex or glass top it would probably be better off in the end to put the 'transparisteel' glass in. That cockpit looks like it's just waiting to gather dust and crap inside it after a while if displayed outside a box and it'll be a ***** to clean if it's all glued in place.

So was it the UK or the US or both where they were thinking of making it a 12 month subscription instead? That'll be good to know if it's 12 months.
F yeah!

Looking at the deagostini site I wonder if they'll eventually make the falcon ready to buy as a complete series like the rest of their model part subscriptions.
F yeah!

Looking at the deagostini site I wonder if they'll eventually make the falcon ready to buy as a complete series like the rest of their model part subscriptions.

They sometimes do that, but it would only be after the subscription has run its course.The kits they offer as a complete kit have already finished their subscription run so they have the full set in stock to package as a complete kit.
I just got the notice this morning that my first batch of magazines has shipped! Woohoo I'm super excited. I'll probably have to pick up some pieces at Shapeways too.
I wrote Deagostini german support like Wednesday last week asking why one can't order the Falcon (says on their web site that no more orders can be made) and I still did not get an answer. Is there any German guys/girls (unlikely that girls are prowling around in the Studio Model section here but what the heck) that have more info on this topic, please let me know.

Mike C
Mike It may be that they are doing a test run for the Falcon in Germany.They will issue a couple of sets of parts and then stop the subscription.If they sold well during the test run it will be made available as a complete run. it also may be possible they are out of stock of parts.
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