Cabin In the Woods

It is better to go in cold. But unlike an M. Knight Shamalamading dong, knowing the twist would not ruin it. The writing and dialogue is so good that it would keep you interested. Although this movie defies genres, it could best be described as a Horror parody, with action and scifi mixed in. But unlike every other horror parody ever created, it does not fall into campiness at all. It is unlike anything you have ever seen and was brilliantly wrote and directed.

Since I don't know how to use the spoiler/hiding text feature, I will not use any actual spoilers, but I may draw allusions from here on out (but not much):

If you like most of Joss Whedon's Work, RUN AND SEE THIS MOVIE!
This is some of his best work and fans familiar with Dollhouse and Angel may see evolutions of ideas from these shows in this movie.

If you like Drew Goddards modern take on Godzilla movies (cloverfield) go see the movie
Drews directing was surpisingly good.

If you like the dad from Stepbrothers, see it. he is very funny.

If you like EVIL DEAD, Shawn of the DEAD, or Resident EVIL, RUN AND SEE THIS THING!

If you like the idea of comic books, tv and movies as modern myths, see this movie.

If you liked hellraiser, ringu, the crawling hand, the Strangers, the Devil Bat, The hills have eyes, or just about any other horror movie, go see this movie.

If you have a Pulse, Like Movies, and Have Enough money for a ticket, go see this movie. This will be a cult classic. guaranteed.
The spoiler tag is
and then [(/)spoiler]

Just remove the brackets so it reads /spoiler and you're good to go.
I just got out of this one and its a great movie! The ending was epic, I'm sure everyone is going to be freeze framing the crap out of it whenever it comes out on dvd.
Thanks Scareb. Useful knowledge for the future. I don't think anything in my previous post was a spoiler, but if someone feels different let me me know and I will edit it accordingly.
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I went out and caught it yesterday with my brother. It was a blast. Just the right mix of comedy and horror for my tastes. I heard that this film was made a couple years ago and sat on a shelf, I wonder why, I thought it was frigging great.

I didn't realize it was a Joss Whedon movie until I saw a few of the actors and recognized them from Dollhouse.
LOVED THIS MOVIE! Joss knocked it out of the park with the writing. I'd have bought the DVD walking out of the theater if it was an option.
I'm sure everyone is going to be freeze framing the crap out of it whenever it comes out on dvd.

Already on it ;) this list is from the whiteboard and pods.

Obviously Spoilers....These were taken from watching the film, and also pausing it on a few key scenes and the script

Heres all that I saw:
Alien beast - Aliens(bet on by bio-med)
Ancient god - Lovecraft, Mythology
Raping tree - Evil Dead (bet on by Wranglers)
Bloody bride (bet on by Digital Analysis
Clowns (Bet on by Electric
Deadites - Evil Dead (Bet on by Story Board)
Dismembered Goblins
Demons - Night of the Demons
Doll Faces, summoned by Doll mask - The Strangers
Dragon Bat
Escaped Prisoners
Evil Doctors/Surgeons - House on Haunted Hill
Fat vomiting zombie - Left 4 Dead Boomers (from the script)
Giant Spider
Gremlin - Looked like Stripe
Hell Lord of Bondage and Pain, summoned by puzzle box - Cenobites (Bet on by Sitterson)
Japanese girl - The Grudge
Kevin (was on betting board - most likely a reference to Jason)
Killbots - Chopping Mall
Kraken - 20,000 Leagues
Merman, summoned by Conch - Creature from the Black Lagoon (Bet on by Hadley)
Mummy - The Mummy (bet on by Psychologists)
Mutants - Wrong Turn (Bet on by Demolition)
Patience Buckner- Silent Hill
Reptilicus (On betting board)
Sasquatch / Wendigo / Yeti - was a failed Norway team shown on the tv (on betting board)
Scarecrow Folk - Dark Night of the Scarecrow (Bet on by Data Archives)
Sexy Witches - The Craft (bet on by Archives)
Snowman - Jack Frost (bet on by Communications)
Sugar Plum Fairy aka Ballerina Dentata - Summoned by Music Box
Twin Girls aka Grady's Daughters - The Shining
Vampires - (bet on by Distribution)
Werewolf - (Bet on by Finance)
Witches - (Bet on by Operations)
Wraiths - 13 Ghosts
Zombie Redneck Torture Family aka the Buckners, summoned by Diary - (Bet on by Maintenance and Ronald the Intern)
This is one of my favorite movies of the year, so far. I thought they were going to wrap things up a couple times, but dang...that last reel was totally unexpected!
heres what me and my girlfriend dont understand
what were all the other research teams doing? the japanese, and all the rest? trying to sacrifice people as well? if the old gods required certain sacrifices, how would 10 year old school girls fill any of the required slots? and if their result percentages were so low... how come the world hasnt already been detroyed by the old gods?
Anyone notice if the monsters attacked each other? Or did they just go after the humans?

I didn't see any, but I also got the feeling they were created/trained to go after people and not each other. They were also probably all captive of the facilities for a long time, so they might have been pissed off at the humans and wanted revenge too.
heres what me and my girlfriend dont understand
what were all the other research teams doing? the japanese, and all the rest? trying to sacrifice people as well? if the old gods required certain sacrifices, how would 10 year old school girls fill any of the required slots? and if their result percentages were so low... how come the world hasnt already been detroyed by the old gods?

Yes, each site was involved in human sacrifice as far as I could tell. Each culture had different requirements it seemed. I'm honestly surprised the Japanese one didn't involve having young teen girls raped to death by tentacles. As long as one site was successful it seemed like maybe that was enough to keep the Ancient Ones in slumber. But with all failing, they got pissed and woke to destroy the world. Personally, that was a pretty damn selfish thing of the the girl and the stoner. She seemed to get it initially, but didn't follow through with it and shoot the stoner. Assuming she had living family, she consigned them to death. As well as everyone she knew.

I was thinking how they could do sequels and I think showing the one in Sweden might be cool, see how they failed and what happened there. No point to showing us Japan, we saw how that essentially panned out.
This movie was absolutely fantastic. As someone who got burned out long ago on horror films and feels like the grizzled old man of genre ("You think that's something, you should see...), this movie made me laugh out of sheer awesomeness a few times. This movie, while fun far anyone, was a love letter to those who've seen way too many horror films.

And I absolutely LOVED the sugarplum fairy (different creature than the ballerina, I think) and the clown. The fairy was in the background a couple times, and just cracked me up every time I saw it. Oh, and the scarecrows! And if my eyes weren't deceiving me, I believe the white board said something about a Jack O'Lantern? Would have loved to have seen that...
And I absolutely LOVED the sugarplum fairy (different creature than the ballerina, I think) and the clown. The fairy was in the background a couple times, and just cracked me up every time I saw it. Oh, and the scarecrows! And if my eyes weren't deceiving me, I believe the white board said something about a Jack O'Lantern? Would have loved to have seen that...

Sugar Plum Fairy and ballerina Dentata were the same, and would be summoned by the music box. Goddard (writer) said he got the name from The Nutcracker.
The Jack O'Lantern i saw as well but Im pretty sure they were part of the Scarecrows same with the headless one. Check out my post on page 2, I have all or almost the monsters that were listed on the whiteboard and who bet them and also everything that was seen in the pods and the TVs from the different countries :)

Also this might help some of you but like i said its all on Page 2

Saw this last night and LOVED IT!!!!! The actors did an amazing job!! :D

The merman scene! BWAHAHAHA!!
Anyone who's had any doubts about seeing this, GO SEE IT RIGHT AWAY. This movie was amazing, and I too absolutely LOVED IT. I was lucky enough to have avoided all spoilers before seeing it, which made it 1000 times better.

It 's definitely not your typical horror film. It's far from it. Although the trailers might make you think otherwise, it's only to avoid spoiling the awesomeness of the movie. It intentionally hides the best parts of the movie/story, and frankly I don't understand how someone could watch a small trailer like that and then honestly think, "Based on this 90 second preview, I have everything figured out, and know exactly what kind of movie this is going to be. It's going to definitely suck. *Pretentious comment about Joss Whedon*"

It is something you definitely have to see. Reading a Wiki page and saying, "Oh, I know the "twist" now, sounds cute. I don't get what the big deal is." isn't what you should be doing. Even if you've spoiled the movie for yourself, it's still something you actually have to see to fully appreciate. Spoiling it for yourself is a real shame too, because like I mentioned earlier, seeing the movie without knowing what's coming makes the whole experience more awesome.

Seeing Cabin in the Woods was the most fun I've ever had in a theater, and considering the amount of movies I've seen in theaters, that's saying something.
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Sugar Plum Fairy and ballerina Dentata were the same, and would be summoned by the music box. Goddard (writer) said he got the name from The Nutcracker.
The Jack O'Lantern i saw as well but Im pretty sure they were part of the Scarecrows same with the headless one. Check out my post on page 2, I have all or almost the monsters that were listed on the whiteboard and who bet them and also everything that was seen in the pods and the TVs from the different countries :)

Also this might help some of you but like i said its all on Page 2


I figured that the sugar plum fairy was the dopey flying creature with tiny little wings that you see in the background in a few shots. Made it funnier. :) But it might have been something else though? The jack o' lantern is listed on the bottom right, while the scarecrow folk are on the top right, so I'm thinking they're separate?
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