Cabin In the Woods

Why is Thor the only recognizable actor in this...*has a bad feeling about his career after this*

The only part that peaked my interest was the force field and the zombies. Bleh...looks like terrible acting with maybe a few cool effects.
I just ready some very positive reviews on this one...Now I may actually try to see it!
Although the trailer does give away some things the plot seems to be deeper than your average horror film.
I saw a screening of it last night. Director,Drew Goddard, and lead actress, Kristen Connelly, held a Q&A afterwards.
I greatly enjoyed the movie. Without giving anything away, it pays homage to many films, but is unique in it's own right. I went in expecting one thing from the trailer and got something surprisingly different. I'd go see it again.
Ok, just got back from seeing it. This film is beyond awesome. I knew it would be good but not that good. Run, do not walk, to see this film. Also, the less you know about this movie, the better it is. They did a great job with the trailers not revealing anything.
I'd like to keep the spoilers on here down to barely any as this movie is pretty much ruined if parts are described. Throw spoiler tags on if you guys can.

I loved how they mentioned deadites on the white board, the shining twins and the cenobyte ripoff in the cage
I hear there have been a lot of awful, hate-filled reviews. Even someone setting up a Twitter bot of some sort to auto-tweet negatives and spoilers in response to any tweets mentioning it.

What is this - some kind of payback campaign by Whedon's enemies?
There are negative reviews, but the positive reviews outweighs it significantly, it even has a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes.

From a lot of the negative reviews I've read, it's of people hating it going in to see it or people expecting something and not getting it.
For what it's worth, I was curious as to what was up and read the wiki page.


Go into this cold. I have a feeling it's the kind of film you'll love if you like the genre/style and know nothing else about it, but will think is stupid if you hear it described initially.
I'm going to see this tomorrow night at Cinema Cafe, probably down a Kevin Bacon Cheeseburger and a few pitchers of beer while enjoying all the horror goodness. I'm absolutely stoked to see this, and I've been trying to avoid spoilers or any additional info on this like the plague. I didn't even let myself finish watching the entire trailer.
The trailer doesn't reveal anything bad. The Wiki page really blew it for me, though. I'll catch this on Netflix, but it won't have the same impact for me that it will for anyone who goes in cold.

Put it this way.

When I first saw The Matrix in the theaters, I hadn't seen a single trailer, and was simply told it was "a movie about computer hackers." So, I shrugged, and went to see it. It was AWESOME. If someone had told me it was all a big computer program and blah blah blah, it would've been cool, sure, but not nearly as cool as going in cold.

Go see this knowing nothing about it.
Ok, just got back from seeing it. This film is beyond awesome. I knew it would be good but not that good. Run, do not walk, to see this film. Also, the less you know about this movie, the better it is. They did a great job with the trailers not revealing anything.

I'm gonna see it tonight!!:thumbsup I knew after the Fangoria review I would love this!
This is intriguing the hell out of me.

It's bad form to pirate films, and I do support cinemas and buy DVDs of things I like - but in this case I'm going to have to download. The Australian release date is some time in July! Why do they do these things? A film that depends on a twist/secret for its impact and they still play 'dick around with release dates in the OS markets like it's the 1980s and there is no Internet' games.

I'm certain to be unable to avoid spoilers that long.
This is intriguing the hell out of me.

It's bad form to pirate films, and I do support cinemas and buy DVDs of things I like - but in this case I'm going to have to download. The Australian release date is some time in July! Why do they do these things? A film that depends on a twist/secret for its impact and they still play 'dick around with release dates in the OS markets like it's the 1980s and there is no Internet' games.

I'm certain to be unable to avoid spoilers that long.

Yeeeesh, yeah, that's a bit ridiculous. I'd probably download it too if I were in your shoes, as long as you supported the movie when it finally arrived in Australia. ;)
I'm not a horror movie fan and have no intention of every seeing this film anyway so I went to Wiki and spoiled myself.

It's okay . . . I mean from positive reviews, everyone was calling this a "game-changer" and the best horror movie of the last decade and all that but from reading the summary and the twist ending, I just thought it was cute but that was it.

Maybe it's the sort of thing that needs to be seen to be truly appreciated but I wouldn't be comparing this movie to The Matrix or anything where the twist was truly pretty mind-bending, awe-inspiring, and different.
That's the beauty of this film...It's been a few years since I've seen something this awesome. And the ending wasn't a complete cop out like I'm used to in most films. And it pays homage to those that came before it, while also setting itself apart, and explaining itself quite well.
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