Cabin In the Woods

Really? The ending was the best bit for me. By that point, I wanted the world to end; it felt like the less unjust outcome. "Maybe...the world should end?" - yes! Exactly! That's how I felt the filmmakers wanted the audience to think; the fact they actually had the characters stick by each other no matter what, even though it meant the end of the world, really that was pretty enjoyable. Not a win, but the biggest '****-you' they could deliver to the demons.

Yeah. Those japanese school girls really deserved the horrible death that our heroes decided to bestow upon them. I don't buy it.
Actually, I figured that one out pretty easily.. the guards that come to capture them when they leave the elevator are the ones that would normally man that booth. They left the booth to try to catch our heroes.

What they should have done was left the elevator sealed until more reinforcements arrived to handle the two interlopers, and those guys should have stayed in the booth.

My question was more WHY ON EARTH would you have a "purge" button in the first place!?? Under what scenario would you EVER want to purge those holding cells!??... ALL AT ONCE!?!? :confused

Other than that, I really liked it. I thought it was a fun flick!

-B89! :D
Could hardly sit through this tonight. I literally had to force myself to let it play and not shut it off. I know some of you liked this, but I was TOTALLY let down.
Could hardly sit through this tonight. I literally had to force myself to let it play and not shut it off. I know some of you liked this, but I was TOTALLY let down.

Really like what were you Expecting Star Wars?
it DELIVERED man move was funny and different
...It's the explanation behind every slasher/horror film ever made.

Thanks for this, in retrospect that is rather clever and has changed my opinion. I watched this for the first time last week and was furious over how this movie made me feel because none of it made any logical sense. Heck, now the movie's name gives me a chuckle.
My aunt works for universal and sent me the press release. It sound ridiculously awesome. Love that Goddard is involved. I really need to get down there.

Best movie of 2012! :)
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