Battlestar Galactica Finished pics

Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

To get all the original parts in styrene, at today's prices, more than $10,000.
Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

Good God.

For that kind of money, my wife would demand that it actually was space worthy.

Seriously though, that is an amazing build, and as a kid growing up, I had three Sci-Fi Faves. Star Trek, Star Wars, and of course Battlestar Galactica.

Except for BSG 1980, which I still haven't forgiven them for.
Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

Well, you can get a big set of cast parts from Custom Replicas for $2500+. I don't know how much more you'd have to fill in after that. It's a big investment, no matter how you swing it.

Even if you plan to mold/cast everything, you still need all the original parts to mold! :confused
Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

Completed the top neck plate. Looked simple enough until I got to stringing all the miniscule wires.
I took care to give the suspended wires some slack so they match the "sagging telephone line" look of the studio model.



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Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

Wow! It always makes my heart skip a beat when I see one of the babies underway!
Great work!

Just how many Studio Scale BattleStars are "out there" now anyway?

seems to me there's a lot more than the original 12 now....

I say the hole fleet should "Sortie" and have a "Meeting of the BattleStars" at say, something like the next Wonderfest!

What a photo op that would make!

Just so it's out there... in case it's been missed:

At no time in any "canonical" information (argue over the definition of that, but I take it to mean the original show, the show scripts, the director's notes, and the novelizations) has it ever been stated that there were only 12 Battlestars. That is a popular concept that started in fan circles and somehow has continued to be perpetuated.

Glen Larson himself stated in an interview that he had never laid that out as part of the mythos of Galactica. Fans have just thought it was a neat idea that every planet would have one Battlestar.

In the original telemovie, a total of five battlestars are seen at the "Peace Conference" (also called the Battle Of Cimtar, or alternately The Destruction). Background dialogue indicates that those were The Galactica, The Atlantia, The Pacifica, The Triton and The Acropolis.

The Pegasus appeared later in "Living Legend".

The Solaria, The Cerberus, and the Prometheus are all potential Battlestars that appear in the costumer's notes, but were never written into the show.

But there was never a cap on the number of Battlestars.

I know... I'm a geek with a capital "G". Spreadin' the good word.


P.S. That model work is so beautiful... I may cry.
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Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

This build is so Nice. WOW!
keep up the good work!

Well, regardless of how many Battlestars there were/are ...

I still think it would really be cool to "Sortie the fleet" so to speak
and have all those privately-made Studio scale BattleStars all in the same room together

Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

This build is so Nice. WOW!
keep up the good work!

Well, regardless of how many Battlestars there were/are ...

I still think it would really be cool to "Sortie the fleet" so to speak
and have all those privately-made Studio scale BattleStars all in the same room together



I'd pay to see that!

Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

Its a daunting task putting together one of these things but it makes it that much easier with words of encouragement from you guys. Thanks

Finished a neck side panel and some of the back of the head this past week.
Jim Creveling


Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

GOOD LORD JIM!!! You are a Battlestar Machine my friend!

This is BEAUTIFUL work! Absolutely TOP NOTCH!

You realize that Clay will never be able to go near that beastie.... because his drool will ruin it! LOLOLOLOL... better make it drool proof! LOLOLOLOL.

Most excellent Jim! (y)cool:thumbsup
Re: Battlestar Galactica build - studio scale

I'm not a model builder in any way, shape or form. But I do CG modeling a lot, and seeing builds like this remind me of why I still prefer practical models over CG, most of the time. It has just tons of organic and interesting details we just wouldn't think to model. They're all over this ship, and the star destroyer, and the Falcon, et. al. There's just something to them, which makes them so beautiful to look at, and interesting for light to play off of. I am a huge practical model fan, and this type of build is part of the reason why. Solid, solid work!

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