AMC theaters Solo replica dice


Legendary Member

Hell i got my fan event tickets, I didn’t know we were getting dice?!!

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Dang, I'm not going to be able to go. Does anybody know what the dice actually look like? For all we know they're just plastic.
My nearest AMC changed to Hoyts back in 2015.

I am looking forward to seeing this new Star Wars Story.
For some reason when I checked for tickets the other day it wasn't working, but it works now so I just bought mine. I'm honestly more excited to get those dice than I am to see the movie!
Got a look (and feel) of the dice today. They are smaller, but are in fact made of metal. Here's a pic of the poster and buttons as well...
Just some observations from someone who spent way to long analyzing the Last Jedi screen used dice:

-The actual icon shapes are not too bad. The six sided icon is twisted for some reason. They also could have been a bit deeper.
-The icon positions are not movie accurate. Specifically the faces they were placed on, and their orientation. Example: The top of the pentagon shape points to the split circle, when it should point towards the six sided shape.
-The icons are not oriented correctly when you compare the chain link position to the Last Jedi screen used dice. The link should be located between the 2 (Circle), 5 (Pentagram), and 1 (i) icons.
-The corners are not rounded off correctly. They have a uniform small diameter cornering, which is easy to do in 3D CAD software. The screen used dice have a different diameter in the corners then the edges. This is difficult to duplicate in CAD software.
-They are a bit to dark in color, but this is most likely due to a zinc die-cast. This would be more forgivable if it weren't for that ultra bright gold chain attached.

A few months ago a promotional company wanted my CAD design for a limited run related to the movie. I wonder if this was them? I gave them a price and they went radio silent. I guess they decided to do it themselves.

You can of course gold plate anything, so these may make a good item to purchase and upgrade yourself.

Screenshot 2018-01-11 17.42.40.png

I can't wait to watch the movie, I have my tickets for tomorrow!
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