Jabba The Hutt Spin-Off

Ahhhh Man... I think Disney has taken a finished landscape and ripped the ground up and is building a whole new unnecessary set of ledges to StarWars. This is how franchises die. R1? Good fim. "That made money!". Han Solo? Eh I'll try it out. "Lots of people are getting angry... Keep pressing on!". Jabba the hut? Boba Fett? Let's just make a Silicious Crumb movie and call it a day..

....and don't call me Shirley;) @MooCrikit

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I'll say it now. Not a chance.

Now, could there be a tales of mos eisley typ thing and jabba happens to show up in it? Sure, but no, there won't be a Jabba stand alone feature. Just no. You can disagree with any of the stand alones they've done or are doing - but there was easily an audience for them. There is no audience for a Jabba star vehicle flick. I'm that'd be right up there with 'TK-421, why aren't you at your post?', Jar-Jar BInks, Gungan Jr High student', and 'Admiral Motti, the acadmeny' years as movies. There's just no audience that's going to pay for it.
I'll say it now. Not a chance.

Now, could there be a tales of mos eisley typ thing and jabba happens to show up in it? Sure, but no, there won't be a Jabba stand alone feature. Just no. You can disagree with any of the stand alones they've done or are doing - but there was easily an audience for them. There is no audience for a Jabba star vehicle flick. I'm that'd be right up there with 'TK-421, why aren't you at your post?', Jar-Jar BInks, Gungan Jr High student', and 'Admiral Motti, the acadmeny' years as movies. There's just no audience that's going to pay for it.

Well, we've already met Gardulla The Hutt. Maybe it'll be a Rom-Com about her and Jabba. You know, their first kiss, under the bleachers, at the Boonta Eve pod races. Chicks love Rom-Coms, so there's definitely an audience.

Jen Aniston can do the voice for Gardulla.
I'm not sure what to think about this. Jabba would have been waaaaay down the list of characters I'd want to see movies about. He would even be after characters with less screen time like Wedge and a "this movie practically writes itself" Rogue Squadron movie. It's Top Gun in space, except more realistic to the material...
They should do a Tales from Jabba's Palace-style thing with several short, thematically- related bits. Think Creepshow but Star Wars and not (necessarily) horror. Even let different directors do the different bits. I don't think you could do 2 hours of just Jabba, but he could be used as a unifying theme throughout several vignettes.

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I thought the Boba movie was in the works. I even heard that Josh Trank was attached to direct before Craptastic 4 sank his career.

It's just internet speculation that it was a Fett movie. It could have been anything for all we know.
They should do a Tales from Jabba's Palace-style thing with several short, thematically- related bits. Think Creepshow but Star Wars and not (necessarily) horror. Even let different directors do the different bits. I don't think you could do 2 hours of just Jabba, but he could be used as a unifying theme throughout several vignettes.

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That would make a excellent Netflix series!!
It's just internet speculation that it was a Fett movie. It could have been anything for all we know.

Was it? Sure, there was never any formal announcement – but I recall reading that Trank was actually on site at the convention where Lucasfilm announced Rogue One ( and showed that very preliminary pre-viz teaser) and they had the teaser and everything else ready to go for the Trank film to announce it at the very same panel. Then he was fired (actually, wasn’t the excuse given at the time that he was in his hotel room sick or something?). But all indications were that the teaser that was ready to be spooled in that panel was in fact for a Fett film.
Man...how times have changed.
i used to say George Lucas is milking that cash cow for every penny. Boy was I wrong! Disney turned our to be a bigger ***** than HIM!
Lucas did six movies over a span over the span of 40 years (based on Star Wars).
In less then four years in thr driver's seat, what has Disney created?

1. The Force Awakens
2. Rogue One
3. The last Jedi
(announced projects)
4. Han Solo anthology
5. OBi-Wan movie
6. Boba Fett movie
7. (Third installment of Force Awakens)
8. Jabba the Hut movie
Not to mention the new SW expansion at the parks.

They are going to run the magic out of SW much like what Marvel/DC is doing to the magic of Superheros.
I'll say "Fake News":D...Oh, I got "news" for you: they'll do a stand alone movie based on the...wait for it: Ewoks!!! With subtitles of course:behave
It seems more likely that the Jabba and Fett movies are one and the same. From the Variety article being quoted in the AV Club piece:

"Some of the other standalones in development include a Jabba the Hutt story and a Boba Fett movie."

There's no real evidence to suggest these are actually two movies.