The Ultimate Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi Real Vintage Parts Lightsaber Group

Can't imagine being happy just throwing money at the problem in one fell swoop. What would be the fun in that? It's all about finding and acquiring the various bits.

And figuring out how to make the bloody things fit together right. :-/

The real reward is in the quest, I think.

Which of course, will likely make disposition your kids or spouses problem. Because, what would it take, exactly, to give up all that accomplishment...???

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fezfox ... welcome aboard ... indeed finding and tracking down vintage parts is half the fun ... and with that interlude ... I suggest we return and stay on target, yes? :)

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Okay, how about this? Comparing my corroded example to the chrome perfection I received from Roman, I find I personally value originality above mere beauty.


Not that I would ever kick beauty out of bed...


I now know what it looks like after you flip the cubes. :)

Interestingly, while my Roman handwheel is transparent yellow under all that chrome, my more conventional vintage handwheel is black plastic. And I noticed that others are white plastic under there. I guess it goes to figure that AS would have used whatever color plastic was convenient at the time for the handwheels they were going to chrome anyway.
@ataru72ita ... hi Alberto ... sorry mate I totally overlooked your post ... please do post some pictures of your OB1 saber, please :)


Here You go, converted male pipe:


Grenade and HS Handwheel:


The Exacta TI Calc and transistors:


original 3 Cell Graflex courtesy of Mugatu:


still in need of a real booster, but I have a spare grenade to trade in my sleeve for that purpose!:angel




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Yeah, although the pattern is really cool. :)

And it doesn't look that - dramatic - in normal lighting. But I'd still like to get an original finish correct example in much better shape for my Obi Wan.

And, of course, there is the little matter of a booster...

Too bad all the interesting bits & pieces are all on the wrong side of the water from me.

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Great vintage parts Alberto thanks for adding and welcome aboard :) ... Post a picture of that spare grenade too if you will, please?

Fusion ... go get yourself a nice wool jedi robe and nobody will see the difference once your OB1 lightsaber is on your belt clip :)


(Picture taken by Alexander Meter on B/W negative film with a real G R A F L E X Graphic Crown Special 4 x 5" camera © Chaïm Murzan)

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I prefer the old one!

I had two original andwheels in the past, one perfect chromed, and one damaged, with small dots and white spots, of course I kept the second one!
I traded the first one with no mercy.
I was much sade to let go the second one, on my complete vintage saber, but needed money to buy the house.

Both were gray plastic handwheels.
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Here's what I go so far, with a Washer/transistor set coming from ParfaiteLumiere. They being said Chaim knows the problems I've been having with bubble strips so I'm terrified to even breathe on the Exactra. No progress is being lined up for this as I need to build up funds as well.
It would appear that I literally have a museum piece as a part of by light saber to be...




How about that? Too bad bad all I have is the frag body and the vanes. I would love to catch up with the rest of it and reunite all the pieces once again.
Same color as mine, your brass trunk is better than mine (accurate shape on yours), my windvane and frag body have more accurate look (groove on windvane and straight cuts on body)