Jared Leto Joker

The cartoon I posted isn't just funny, it nails why it's incredibly stupid.
The Joker would cover himself with that jokery crap.. He is THE Joker afterall.
Unless this is all a trick and that is just a Joker goon. I cold see a criminal
infatuated with him to start covering himself with that stuff.
I think we all have to wait for the movie.
When news got out Ledger was going to be The Joker, 90% of the people hated that idea..
Same with Michael Keaton, Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, ...
The cartoon I posted isn't just funny, it nails why it's incredibly stupid.
The Joker would cover himself with that jokery crap.. He is THE Joker afterall.
Unless this is all a trick and that is just a Joker goon. I cold see a criminal
infatuated with him to start covering himself with that stuff.

Dude this is real it is Jared leto and he is the joker it is not fake,goon etc.
The cartoon I posted isn't just funny, it nails why it's incredibly stupid.
The Joker would cover himself with that jokery crap.. He is THE Joker afterall.
Unless this is all a trick and that is just a Joker goon. I cold see a criminal
infatuated with him to start covering himself with that stuff.
If there's anything I know about the Joker, he's obsessed with TWO things....
Himself and Batman.
If there's any villain I know of who is into himself enough to get tattoos of things that describe him, and of his own mouth, none the less, it would be the Joker and Handsome Jack.
The difference is, Handsome Jack isn't crazy enough and cares too much about how "handsome" he is to get a tattoo of himself... but the Joker? He doesn't care. He'd do it as a joke, and is crazy enough to do it after 5 minutes of deciding.
Me being nearly 50 maybe it's changing beyond what I know him as to fit modern younger eyes.
I have my street cred for having a viable idea of what The Joker should be, going back through 35 years
of consumption and having read all the establishing materials at one point or another from silly to psycho.
I didn't go near that face cut off thing. Too radical a change to me, just running out of ideas I guess so up it a notch into
horror I guess.
For me, it's just stupid if they go with this "look". Crazy kids get off my lawn.

I am actually less afraid of this. This looks like the type that would take several 9mm from me trying to bust into my house.
Common street filth.
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Well, the leaked image is a leaked image, and this one was posted by the director of the film.

I could see him covering the tats on his face with makeup, maybe in reference to the part in TDKR where he puts on his lipstick. Maybe he has them to play the role of a lifetime prisoner and dolls himself up after he busts out, getting ready for his closeup.

I dunno. I'm trying hard to rationalize it.

That is what makes me think it is likely a farce; the leaked image, unless "leaked" on purpose as most leaks are, is more likely to be true to the actual production. The official image, firstly, as many have shown elsewhere, appears to be photoshopped, and secondly, makes a lot less sense in context of the other information we've seen.

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How does this Joker not fit in? Let's not forget the version that wears his own severed face as a mask. We rarely see Joker shirtless and the two times that come to mind are one, he had a large tattoo covering his entire torso and two, no tats at all.

"anyone with taste and knowledge of the character" .... None of the true Joker fans I know dislike this. It represents who Joker really is. I suggest brushing up on your Joker facts before you throw jabs like that because Joker is THIS.

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Firstly, I don't think the image you provided suggests that this look fits in with the history of the character at all. The common factor in all of those depictions is white skin, green hair, red lips. Here's a breakdown:

All of the depictions except for Ledger and possibly the first appearance are a result of a chemical accident, meaning his hair and skin aren't colored on purpose, they are dyed and bleached.

All of the depictions except for for Ledger and Nicholson have a permanent smile from the accident or a chemical rather than something more like scars.

None of the depictions have other identifying marks, such as false teeth, tattoos, or anything that isn't a result of the ACE Chemical accident, outside of the New 52 Joker, which a lot of fans really dislike.

All of these depictions, except for The Batman image which... is a pretty strange depiction, are a textbook narcissist. All wear the clothes of an outlandish sophisticate: suit, tie, dress shoes, in some cases an overcoat and a hat. Whether the character is shown as a gangster, an outsider, a ringleader, or even somewhat of a potential homeless person (like Ledger), they dress well, despite using the colors of a clown. The character is often seen picking dirt or remains off of their clothing and trying to look put together and collected. In other words, he doesn't have to telegraph his "madness" through his appearance. His expression and actions do that.

The two depictions you are focusing on are both recent and short lived; New 52 is ending and many people took issue with the depiction of the Joker, and the tattooed Joker is literally seen in one comic, and those tattoos aren't visible when dressed.

The character isn't a low-level street thug, which is what the face tattoos and classless appearance show. You know who does look like that? Someone far less intelligent, far less capable, and with a considerably limited amount of screen time who Batman doesn't have any trouble putting down.

What I don't like is the image looks more like hero (or in this case villain) worship. I could see a member of the Jokerz gang displaying the classic iconography of the the grinning mouth and "HAHAHAHA..." but not the Joker himself.

Though it does remind me of Ninja from Die Antwoord.
The look at first glance is a total disappointment. The tattoos are, off. Had they been some stuff that maybe joker would've tattooed on himself because he's insaine and locked in a prison cell; I would have been on board. But the tattoos are ripped right of the pages of his own comics( just change the font, I mean, c'mon). They just don't seem like those are tattoos someone with that mindset would have. The idea a member had of Batman bashin in jokers teeth and that's why he has a supposed "grill." Kind of a cool thought. Fingers crossed that Leto's take on the joker won't be prancing around shirtless the entire film. Let's see some more purple other than just that glove. We'll have to wait to see Leto's joker in context and what he does. Leto is an amazing actor, and really could be the only other actor to bring Joker justice after the late Heath Ledger.
His teeth aren't chromed. They're dentures that resemble real teeth.


Like I said in an earlier post, he is older and seasoned like Batfleck. Tired of hijacking the dentist chair for high end veneers and just went with sturdy replacements. The point of The Joker is much like the point of Batman, ANYONE CAN DAWN THE COSTUME. But there is only one Joker. In a purple suit, leather compression shirt, Arkham orange, white face, plastic mask, acid burns, big wig, long hair, doesn't matter. He is an enigma, he supposedly has no motives but always has a calculated plan.

Whether he has chrome teeth or no teeth, it doesn't matter. Having fake teeth doesn't drop you down to a low level thug and being shirtless doesn't make you a tweaker. Golly.

I'm so disappointed with people's reactions right now. Using stereotypes and cliches to label the Joker. It's the Joker. He is unpredictable with no real back story, spends his days in an insane asylum or prison. Why wouldn't he have a mess of tattoos? Do you know what dental care is like in prison? This is exactly what a criminal of Joker's nature would look like... after a career of crime.
Like I said in an earlier post, he is older and seasoned like Batfleck.

It has yet to be confirmed if these even exist the same story or universe. These are two seperate movies from two different directors released five months apart. Neither actor is listed as being in the other's film.

Whether he has chrome teeth or no teeth, it doesn't matter. Having fake teeth doesn't drop you down to a low level thug and being shirtless doesn't make you a tweaker. Golly.

It sure makes him look like one.

I'm so disappointed with people's reactions right now. Using stereotypes and cliches to label the Joker. It's the Joker. He is unpredictable with no real back story, spends his days in an insane asylum or prison.

You're ignoring an important part of introducing an image like this to the public: all we have is stereotypes. We all know what the Joker is, and we all know the stereotype that associate with the image that has been released. The image is supposed to say something, and what it has said to many people is much more low brow than it seems people would prefer.

Why wouldn't he have a mess of tattoos?

Why would he? He's never needed to show anyone with his appearance that he was "damaged" before. It's like the aunt everyone has that wears ridiculous outfits and feels the need to tell everyone how weird she is. She isn't; she's boring, and shallow, and replaces personality with a facade everyone can see rather than learn. It's for teenagers who haven't learned what a personality or sense of self is yet.

Do you know what dental care is like in prison?

Lacking? I doubt they're offering Lil Wayne grillz. Just a guess, considering how many stories we see about people dying from lack of basic health care in prison.
There's been mention of Affleck appearing in Suicide Squad, they're setting up a universe. That's been stated numerous times. And I'm sorry, that is NOT a Lil' Wayne grill. Please highlight the diamonds, or gold or even that it's chrome and not the dirt cheap material they use for fillings.

I don't see how you can call Joker the eccentric aunt for having "damaged" tattooed on his forehead but not for wearing a bright purple suit and painting ridiculously bright red lipstick all over his mouth. What's the difference? Hey everyone, I'm loud and crazy. I act out and scream my every word, heck I even use giant mallets to launch harmless cream pies into traffic but getting a tattoo on my forehead?! That is far to over the top for me.

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"Hi, nothing I do is a cry for attention."
It's not over the top, it's not the character.
But but he's crazy right? that seems to be an excuse for anything goes.
There's been mention of Affleck appearing in Suicide Squad, they're setting up a universe. That's been stated numerous times. And I'm sorry, that is NOT a Lil' Wayne grill. Please highlight the diamonds, or gold or even that it's chrome and not the dirt cheap material they use for fillings.

I don't see how you can call Joker the eccentric aunt for having "damaged" tattooed on his forehead but not for wearing a bright purple suit and painting ridiculously bright red lipstick all over his mouth. What's the difference? Hey everyone, I'm loud and crazy. I act out and scream my every word, heck I even use giant mallets to launch harmless cream pies into traffic but getting a tattoo on my forehead?! That is far to over the top for me.

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"Hi, nothing I do is a cry for attention."

You're using what is essentially a variant one-off Joker as your example of a character with 75 years of history. Try not to do that. I'm not familiar with a Joker that "screams every word" (I'd link to any monologue from Nicholson, Hamill, or more recently, Baker's reading of the Killing Joke, none of which are "screaming every word"). I have never seen a Joker "scream every word" that wasn't... well, a poorly-understood representation of the character. It's like going to a convention and running into a Harley cosplayer who feels the need to always be at 10, always be screeching, and always be the center of attention. It's not the character who's at fault for someone else's poor interpretation. Also, out of the many on-screen representations of the character, only two I can recollect wore "lipstick" (Ledger, again, and DKR animated). Mallets and pies were also CBC era, when murder was no longer an option for the writers. You're reaching.

I think the point is, yes, the character will be changed, adapted, and reimagined by each person wanting to add their taste to the character they are working with. However, changing the character to a degree that makes them something different almost entirely isn't adaptation. It's a different character. If the Joker were obsessed with puzzles rather than comedy, he would be the Riddler. If he were obsessed with wealth and erudite presentation of my self image, he would be the Penguin. In a recent adaptation that many fans took issue with, if the Joker were infected with some sort of toxin and became a massive monster with more overwhelming strength, he'd be much more like Bane or Croc than Joker. If he appeared more like a common street criminal covered in tattoos that he used to depict his "insanity" rather than letting his actions do it, he'd... well, be this, which I don't think is what the character is.

I think at this point I've said roughly everything I could say without repeating myself to make the same points. I doubt we're going to agree, and that's fine. Have a good one.
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Zack synder is co producer of suicide squad he even tweeted the pic himself so yeah its the same universe.
We should be exited for this, ben is the perfect batman Imo, Jared is a great actor and looking great as the joker and we are going to be seeing killer croc also so I am VERY exited!
This is deja vu everybody hates but when the movie arrives it will be a different story.
We don't have to agree at all, personally I have no interest in the DCU if Man of Steel is their idea of a tone. I'm just having a hard time listening to people throw dirt at this re-imaging, even though it isn't even original. It's been ripped directly from Joker's nature, throughout all of those 75 years.

Put a purple suit on him, a touch of white makeup and all is well. No more complaints about his reasonable tattoos or the fact that he has a body underneath his clothes.
And I'm sorry, that is NOT a Lil' Wayne grill. Please highlight the diamonds, or gold or even that it's chrome and not the dirt cheap material they use for fillings.

Grill as in teeth or mouth. example "...up in my grill.."

Whether he has chrome teeth or no teeth, it doesn't matter. Having fake teeth doesn't drop you down to a low level thug and being shirtless doesn't make you a tweaker. Golly.

??? He looks like a tweaker or strung out or whatever you want to call it. One of his traits certainly doesn't define him but its the combination of several things. He is pretty skinny (drug use tends to dull the apetite), full of bizarre ink (drug use often leads to clouded judgement and poor decisions), Poor teeth condition (again drug use leads to deteriorating oral health), etc. So whatever you want to call it, he looks like a drug user.
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