What if Disney made Star Wars?

I didn't catch that all of the songs used are Disney songs modified to fit the Star Wars/ESB theme. My nieces and nephew (and sister and mother) had fun trying to figure what song was what...
I literally just fell out of my chair laughing...that is...so...fantastic hahahha....

But...horrid hah. In all honesty though Disney will do an awesome job. Disney owns Marvel and they did an alright job with Avengers and stuff :p

In all honesty though Disney will do an awesome job. Disney owns Marvel and they did an alright job with Avengers and stuff :p


Exactly! I don't know why people think Disney will "Disnify" it. They have the rights to most things people love and they probably didn't know.
Exactly! I don't know why people think Disney will "Disnify" it. They have the rights to most things people love and they probably didn't know.

Exactly! Haha. Disney has their fingers into quite a few different companies.

List of Disney Assets

That link shows everything Disney either owns completely are partially owns. It's HUGE. Eye opening really :p

Disney owns ESPN!!!! What?!?! No wonder I am always seeing Mickey in the top plays of the week.
Yep 80% is theirs :p

That's why there is ESPN Zone Sports Arena in some of the Disney Parks! :lol

It blew my mind as well..

I thought it wasn't very funny....until the part where he got his hand cut off. I wasn't expecting that song and I started killing myself laughing.
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