My Spider-Man costumes through the years "10 Years of Trying to be Amazing!" PICS

El Fett

Sr Member
Since I'm only a few more days away from getting my MCL34N ASM suit (SO EXCITED BTW) I decided to start this thread for my very own reveal pictures and personal review.

I also realized It's been almost 10 years to the day since I got my very first suit made. I thought it'd be fun to do a trip down memory lane and visit each one again. Most of these are gone now, some of them were actually made by and/or for other people. I only kept the OLLIE suit which I felt to be the definitive Raimi suit. That, along with my new ASM suit will be all I need to have an AMAZING collection!

So without further a do...Here's the pics!

Check out the time stamp - almost 10 years to the day!

Old school pics since it was before I even owned a digital camera. This suit was made by a seamstress for me, I actually airbrushed the muscles onto it and eventually upgraded the mask to latex webbing and better, more accurate eye frames as they became available. Not too shabby for my first suit, wore it a couple of times for Halloween back in the day.

My next suit was leaps ahead, Made by a fella going by the name of Spider-Ham. This is the suit I owned but not me wearing it, for some reason I couldn't find those pics. I think they are on a CD somewhere.

My next suit (circa 2004) was also made by Spider-Ham and I wore it to Dragon-Con that year. Got into the Masquerade but won nothing :(



I purchased urethane webbing from Bob Causey and upgraded the whole thing. I don't know if you can tell from the pictures but I actually attempted to do a face shell with magnetic frames. I could never really get them to align correctly though...The cool thing was I could switch out my frames though and I made a couple of different looks for it.

Circa 2005-6 I started taking commissions on suits for doing all the web gluing labor and eventually even produced my own prints and offered to have them sewn (by a seamstress I knew) and kept purchasing urethane webbing sets and frames to lay in myself and deliver a fully finished suit. I sold about 3 and eventually got very burnt out by the process as school got a little more demanding.



The finished product:


The suit on the very left was the third Spider-Ham I came to own.



More after the jump.
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But first, a C-C-C-C-C-Combo breaker!


Next, my Brad (Spidey4fun) suit:



Around 2006, I was finally able to afford an Ollie suit (one of my most prized pieces). The definitive raimi suit IMHO.




And finally here we are...June 2012. 10 years later with my MCL34N ASM. Beautiful 100% hand crafted work. I couldn't be more excited to be first owner of this AMAZING piece!


Lots of pics and review coming soon
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Re: My Spider-Man costumes "10 years trying to be Amazing!" LOTS of PICS

Sweet suits! There's nothing like putting on that Spidey suit for the first time and looking in the mirror eh? My first was a Sio Chack suit from China, since then I've got multiple suits from Brad and was lucky enough to get one of Ollies before he went sideways, but that first suit with the shoes that are to big and the faded colors was one that I wore with great pride lol. I'm looking forward to seeing pics of the new addition Fett, I'm sure you'll wear it well!
Re: My Spider-Man costumes "10 years trying to be Amazing!" LOTS of PICS

Does that mean he died? :confused

No he had one of the best suits out there I have ever seen, but he started not delivering and some of the product he sent out had major flaws with the webbing falling apart on its own.
Re: My Spider-Man costumes "10 years trying to be Amazing!" LOTS of PICS

You cant beat a Spiderman got a Spidey4fun suit myself and do a lot for Make-a-wish best ever feeling when the kids see you

nice suits dude
Anyone doing the new suit?
Re: My Spider-Man costumes "10 years trying to be Amazing!" LOTS of PICS

10 years of dopeness man. Wish ollie was still around, that suit looks tops, by now the flaws would have probably been worked out.
Re: My Spider-Man costumes "10 years trying to be Amazing!" LOTS of PICS

10 years of dopeness man. Wish ollie was still around, that suit looks tops, by now the flaws would have probably been worked out.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Who knows if there is a way to avoid the webbing from breaking though. Even in the film, with the foam latex webbing, you can notice a bunch of parts in the movie (before battle damage) that the suit showed broken webbing. It was just such an ambitious design in terms of materials. The suits Ollie made looked great but they were definitely more of a display piece than a costume to go out and about in. Great looking but very very fragile. Towards the end though, like somebody here mentioned, they just started getting a little sloppier...probably more took on more orders that he could handle....
This is awesome, SPider-man is awesome...You are awesome ! the details on those suits are amazing, shout out to your seamstress too.
Re: My Spider-Man costumes "10 years trying to be Amazing!" LOTS of PICS

You cant beat a Spiderman got a Spidey4fun suit myself and do a lot for Make-a-wish best ever feeling when the kids see you

nice suits dude
Anyone doing the new suit?

Good for you Beetlejuice, I do work for the make a wish foundation too. With great costume comes great responsibility LOL. Was looking forward to Fett's unveiling, have to wait 3 more days :(
Wow, fantastic collection of suits. What an awesome ten years :D. I would be proud to own any one of those suits. Now you have me really excited for your new reveal!
Man, this is giving me a definite trip down memory lane...back to the ol SHH days of "making the perfect Spidey suit."

...and I definitely remember seeing almost ALL of your suits (and many of those exact pictures...that one sans lenses and in front of Batman definitely rings a few bells) years ago. In fact, I think I was briefly entertaining buying a suit from you right after I lost my 1st or 2nd self-made digital pattern.

I remember a site from those days where Spidey costumers could post pictures of their suits. Prior to the TKComics pattern coming into existence, I remember drooling over Ham's and Wam's suits, so you're a lucky guy to have had one of Ham's just for the history of it all.

Glad to see Spidey is still going strong for you, and I can't wait for the big reveal. I haven't been this excited to see someone else's Spidey since back when Ollie/ODVH was still churning them out.


PS: It looks like the only makers you didn't buy from were SpiderTim and SpideyFan43. :lol
Oh yeah! That's where I used to roam back in the day when we were all still trying to figure out how to recreate the "perfect" suit. Fun times! I guess I did go through most of the makers and suits out there LOL. I always wanted to get a SpideyPlanet kit but once I got the Ollie, I was pretty satisfied and that quenched my thirst for the perfect suit...til now :)
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