RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *FINISHED 5/14*


Master Member
These past few months I had been in discussions with RS, discussing various details over the Snowtrooper costumes and providing some insight where I could and vice versa. They're currently in the process of re-sculpting their armor as well to improve their accuracy, which I think will be a great thing to see.

I was fortunate that they offered to send a few kits to me to take a crack at and build. While they've got their build system down pat, I may take my own liberties and play around with it. It won't be too much different, but I'll see what I can do, namely as it relates to the cowl's appearance/cut. The one thing they were able to locate is proper material which they matched w/ some other screen used helmets in collections elsewhere. It will take me a bit to get "used to" but they sent me plenty to play around with.





Faceplate/goggles next to my Laws Commander helmet


Just a note- I am not sure if/when they will be offering these in kit form, so I am not sure if how I received this will be identical to how their final shipped product will be

This should be a relatively quick build once I get going, but I will need to develop the cowl patterns and play around with them, which will likely take me awhile. I do plan to build one of these helmets as closely as possible to the same exact way the originals were, to include an accurate interior construction, so I'm excited

Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

Since I will be producing a build/review video for this helmet (which will have better production value than my Anovos helmet review), it'll be on the back burner until mid-May since my buddy with proper video filming equipment and skills offered to help film a multi-segmented video. What I will be doing is building the 2nd helmet for trooping purposes but also as a "practice" piece for the more overall "built as the originals were" helmet.

The other thing I re-confirmed, is my post from 2013, where I discovered there's a 2nd layer of vinyl. This was confirmed in the Star Wars Costumes book in 2014 where it states that the original snowtrooper helmets had 2 layers of vinyl glued to each other and added to the helmets. The material RS Props found, is without a doubt the same or modern equivalent to what was used for the original helmets. There's enough material sent that I will be also doing this for both helmets built. This explains the overall "stiff" appearance, combined with the shape of the pronounced nose of the face.

Can't wait to really get started..
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

Is this their new Snowtrooper kit?The base for their signature helmets?
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

I would also be interested in a kit.Is the Anovos kit not the same?The shape and details are looking very similar to me.
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

I saw this before...great review.So your problem with the Anovos is that they reworked or scanned from too perfect dome ,right?
And that you must rework the glasses a little bit.Is that all?
Is the RS kit a complete new ST-Kit or a longer available kit?I´m a little bit confused now.:lol
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

I saw this before...great review.So your problem with the Anovos is that they reworked or scanned from too perfect dome ,right?
And that you must rework the glasses a little bit.Is that all?
Is the RS kit a complete new ST-Kit or a longer available kit?I´m a little bit confused now.:lol

Well the anovos is just a mixed bag of issues. Yes it was scanend from an original but overall construction is questionable, the cowl is not good and the added physical features on the eyes that shouldn't be there.

As for the RS it's cast directly off of a production made helmet, putting this a step above the Anovos in the sense of accuracy
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

If RS would sell just the vinyl sheets, I'd buy that in a heartbeat. I have one of their Signature Edition Snowtrooper helmets on order. But, I'd buy a vinyl sheet to replace the crappy one ANOVOS used on their Snowtrooper. Like you said in your review, the ANOVOS is unwearable.
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

If RS would sell just the vinyl sheets, I'd buy that in a heartbeat. I have one of their Signature Edition Snowtrooper helmets on order. But, I'd buy a vinyl sheet to replace the crappy one ANOVOS used on their Snowtrooper. Like you said in your review, the ANOVOS is unwearable.

To be fair I did find ONE person local to me who got the full costume who was capable of wearing it :lol
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

So for me:

RS-YES..but must wait for a kit..:(
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

It would be nice to know when RS is selling their Snowhelmet in kit form.
Its a lot easyer and cheaper for me to get something from the UK.The Anovos kit is not available here in europe..only the finished helmet.
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

It would be nice to know when RS is selling their Snowhelmet in kit form.
Its a lot easyer and cheaper for me to get something from the UK.The Anovos kit is not available here in europe..only the finished helmet.

I imagine in the coming months they will be, at least after they sell the 2nd half of their signature edition helmets
Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

Got started on one of the kits. This will be for both a practice build and serve as an alternate trooping helmet for special occasions. The 2nd helmet will be for the video build/review and will be a more "production accurate" build in terms of overall "rough" appearance, and accurate interior construction as well. Already enjoying this so far

Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build

I'll be making a more comprehensive build thread over on the Blizzard Force forums once I get this one completed, but this is my progress from yesterday. Had a couple test-fits prior to tweak the finer aspects to get it fitting how I would like. As you see it here, it's all taped together so the next step is gluing it all. I may try and increase the flair though..

Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/23*

This is where I pondered whether I used enough E6000 or not. I'll find out tonight.

Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/23*

Chipping away at this. The dome and outer shroud are holding steady, so happy about that.


I decided to give my hand at attaching the cowl to the faceplate. Traditionally, I've always had the faceplate already mounted to the helmet itself, and then had to go and glue to cowl to it. This time, however, due to quality control of how it looks, I've opted to follow how RS has been doing their order of operation. I will say, this being my first time using this material, it is NOT forgiving. I actually ruined the first attempt, believing using CA glue was fine, after doing some tests. I soon learned that this was a mistake, as the glue will created visibly ugly bumps. I may use CA glue on the outside/non-visible portions to better secure the cowl, as this will be an alternative trooping helmet for me.

I will say this- when attaching the cowl using this material, start by attaching the underneath the eyes FIRST. Do one side at a time. RS is using a spray adhesive, I chose to use a contact cement. Screen used helmets used Barg cement to hold the cowls. My next helmet will specifically use Barge for the build.

When attaching the cowl, to be screen accurate, the portion that is over the nose-bridge is NOT attached to the face plate. It is loose, and you'll see a very minor but obvious separation of the cowl VS the plastic. The best reference to get a good look at this is with the 2012 Auction helmet. This is why I messed up my first attempt- I began by gluing it along the front/center nose first, which caused distortion along the sides, resulting in misalignment. The use of CA glue on exacerbated the problem. At the end, I tore it off, sanded the face down and started over

Using the contact cement takes time unfortunately. It asks to wait 15 minutes after application before combining the pieces, but patience is necessary to get it done right



Here you'll see that gap I was replicating. Seeing how it sits with just adhesive underneath the eyes (and to the sides) makes me believe that it is unnecessary to adhere it to the center of the nose



Re: RS Props NEW Production-Cast Snowtrooper Helmet Build *Update 4/25*

That's so cool to hear the cowl is supposed to sit off the nose. I was getting ready to "doctor" my helmet, & apply a bit of glue.

You saved me me from doing something stupid!
I thank you. :D
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