Revenge of the Nerds - Ogre's Trophy


Active Member
Ogre.pngDoes anyone know what it says on Ogre's Trophy in
Revenge of the Nerds? I think the first word on the top says "Ogre." But I haven't
been able to get a clear photo of the rest.
Thanks!! Belching Champion looks like a possibility.

Yeah gotta kinda just keep watching the segment, screen grabs alone don't seem to work.
That last line is a bear though and those last couple letters or numbers at the end???
It even looks like it has an apostrophe at the beginning. The cursivey font doesn't help.
That's awesome. That font is a bych to read to be sure. And most likely an unseen joke has been discovered! That's impressive.
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I sent an email to Mr. Gibbs. I also found a phone number....but I aint gonna call it.