Hanzo Anniversary Skin, Mk I


Well-Known Member
As many of you know, I'm already doing another suit project called "ODST, Mk II." I'm doing this for a friend on the side before Anime Expo in February, 2018. So far I'e got the basic pieces down for the body.


I just need to work on the neck pieces and the V-Taper before doing anything with gluing onto a suit and coloring. So I say I'm doing well in terms of progress.
Sorry for the long absence, needed to finish one project of another suit before a big con that I went to. But now that I’m back, I got one more time for this suite. Got one leg almost built. Will send pics when completed.
Got the legs caulked. Now going to try and apply the straps.


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I got the straps applied, no I just need to work on the upper body. There some scores that are a bit difficult to do, like the circle-rivets, once it’s already painted. To cut out a mini circle though is also quite difficult as well., but I’ll try to figure out a way around it.
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