Lost Boys Cosplay [help/advice needed!]


New Member
~Hi guys,

I'm looking to cosplay both David and Marko next year to my local comic con.
With David - I'm pretty confident in sorting his costume out as it's pretty simple (although finding the correct overcoat is proving to be a challenge!), but I honestly have no idea where to even start with replicating Marko's jacket.

Any advice would be hugely appreciated!
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How to start, well you`ve done that already, by getting a idea on what you wanne make. :D

Always keep a smile, and stay treu to you`re self, and be happy!

My approach is:

1. Get as manny pic. and intell on the item you wanne make, so from all side`s and the more the better.

2. Look at what kind of material the have use`d for the original, and either you can obtain it ore not, other wise look at simulair materials ore other sort`s you can use to imitate the item you`re making.

3. Make a list on what you need, and don`t over think it, start whit the basic`s and than you can increase you`re items along the way. So this way you won`t have a ton of materials laying around, and it become`s harder to focus, on the things you`re working on.

4. Look at the price`s of the items, and than you can see what the cost wi`ll be to make it, so you wont get half way and realise you`re running low on cash and need to skipp ore jiggle whit parts, later on the build. This is killing, as you can end up whit a mess ore half done project.

5.The MOST important, Start just start, and than you`ll be fine. And keep in mind, every mistake ore misjudgement is a learning moment, and not a failure!

6. Keep posting you`re progress in this topic, and along the way there are alway`s ppl around here, whit unlimite`d nolege to help you out.

7. Wear it whit pride, and don`t look to hard to the original, as you`re piece is 1 of a kind, and that`s worth more than doing kopie - paste!
David's overcoat is a black wool military trench coat. The key to identifying is the cuff straps have 2 buttons. Top and bottom. MARKOs jacket is going to be difficult as the ebay and etsy well for all the tapestries used on the jacket has been dried up for a while. I have 2 marko replicas. One is a personal one with almost all patches being original now. I also have another with replica patches that's almost compkete, that I'll be looking to sell soon. The denim base coat is autographed by alex winter!
PicsArt_10-08-08.27.29.jpgI just did a David for this Halloween and a local Vampire Ball. Made a blood bottle and everything, including going blonde for reals.
I would suggest you to read some blogs for cosplay and take ideas from there as they have the best costume ideas. And when it comes to shop you can avail discounts on various online stores that are offering huge discounts on all costumes. As this is seasonal sale month and Black friday is about to come so you can use any Black Friday Sale Coupons to have the best costume at best ever price.
@bdude93 Thanks for the advice! With David's coat, is that just a leather jacket being worn underneath?

and oh man that's crazy cool - Alex Winter is THE MAN! How much are you looking to sell it for?
@bdude93 Thanks for the advice! With David's coat, is that just a leather jacket being worn underneath?

and oh man that's crazy cool - Alex Winter is THE MAN! How much are you looking to sell it for?

It is. I’m assuming the weathering on the edges was done with paint as was the distressing on dwaynes (was stated when it went up for auction last year) make sure the colloar and lapels DO NOT have buttons.

As for the marko jacket. My autographed one, I’m looking to get $800 for it. Negotiable. If interested. I can PM you pictures of it. The last thing to add is the green/yellow squid for the shoulder
It is. I’m assuming the weathering on the edges was done with paint as was the distressing on dwaynes (was stated when it went up for auction last year) make sure the colloar and lapels DO NOT have buttons.

As for the marko jacket. My autographed one, I’m looking to get $800 for it. Negotiable. If interested. I can PM you pictures of it. The last thing to add is the green/yellow squid for the shoulder

Hey! Do you still have the autographed version available? I'm deff interested!!!!
God, I'm making a mess of this thread but I literally made a whole account for the express purpose of finding out about this jacket. Can you maybe pm me (bc I have no idea how) so we can discuss?
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