My Custom Jedi Outfit for "The Last Jedi"

Brevin Din-Shay

Sr Member
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I have many more pictures, but they aren't adjusting correctly. If someone can help me fix the thumbnail pic, that would be awesome.

Anyways, I appreciate any feedback! It was so exciting to wear this into the theater!


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Love it, especially the extra long sleeves and the boots!

It looks custom made, can you break down all the pieces for us?

What are the boots?

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Love it, especially the extra long sleeves and the boots!

It looks custom made, can you break down all the pieces for us?

What are the boots?

Sent from my VS996 using Tapatalk

Sure thing, Dann! Thanks for the comps, guys!

Well, it's actually a lot simpler than it looks. I'm wearing a mock turtleneck and black jeans! The robe was custom made by my mom, out of fabric I received as a gift from Mr. Creep here. The exact name of the material is escaping me, but it has a real genuine Star Wars look to it. I asked my mom to not hem the sleeves so that it gave a more rustic feel.

My boots are genuine WW1 German riding boots, the same used in the OT. I got them back in '99 for the premiere of TPM.

My saber is a Graflex I pieced together from real / replica parts. I use a belt key hanger for my belt attachment.
It's cool that you came up with a costume that's in the spirit of Jedi garb, without being a slavish reproduction of any particular character. With the possible exception of that Graflex:rolleyes

That said, I might have gone a different way with the belt. Maybe something wider or a Obi/sash underneath. Other than that, a commendable effort.
It's cool that you came up with a costume that's in the spirit of Jedi garb, without being a slavish reproduction of any particular character. With the possible exception of that Graflex:rolleyes

That said, I might have gone a different way with the belt. Maybe something wider or a Obi/sash underneath. Other than that, a commendable effort.

Hey now, lay off the Graflex! It's the reason I'm here in the first place, LOL!

I really love that you noticed how I designed one "in the spirit of Jedi garb" without being a ripoff. Since I have been a member here, and even came up with my name, I never wanted to be a clone or the like.

I know, the belt was a last-minute thing. It worked, and honestly, I don't know how I could have attached my saber with an obi or the like. Unless you are talking about something that covers the belt, but it still wouldn't make the saber hang right. Suggestions?
Oh, sorry if I wasn't clear. An Obi/sash in addition to the belt, just to add a little visual interest to that part of the costume. The detail, for lack of a better term, in that area seems a little sparse (that's just what I think). But like I said, it still is a good interpretation of the Jedi concept.
Hey Brevin Din-Shay ! What Tan Djarka is talking about is the piece of material that wraps around Obi-Wan's inner robe and is directly underneath his belt.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Stand-Up - 01.jpg

It's the light khaki cloth band beneath the brown 'Star Wars Belt'. I don't know that you need to go that far with it. I like the simplicity of your outfit, I would however replace the dress belt with a homemade Tandy Leathers 'Star Wars Belt' or the like.

And as far as your lightsaber choice goes.... NAILED IT! Nothing beats a GRAFLEX!
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Hey @Brevin Din-Shay ! What @Tan Djarka is talking about is the piece of material that wraps around Obi-Wan's inner robe and is directly underneath his belt.

View attachment 825470

It's the light khaki cloth band beneath the brown 'Star Wars Belt'. I don't know that you need to go that far with it. I like the simplicity of your outfit, I would however replace the dress belt with a homemade Tandy Leathers 'Star Wars Belt' or the like.

And as far as your lightsaber choice goes.... NAILED IT! Nothing beats a GRAFLEX!

Thanks, Ridire Firean! Yes, it makes sense now. I actually had one for the prequels that had a buckle on it, so it was kind of two-in-one. The saber clip was mounted with rivets.

I know that my belt could have been better. I didn't have the money to get a Tandy or the like when it was made.

And hell yes, GRAFLEX ALL THE WAY!!!
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