Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out?)

Re: Man of Steel Sequel in Active Development

See, thats where youre wrong. Superman isnt struggling with who he is. Thats how Zack Snyder is portraying him because the guy is a crappy story teller. You know who has done Superman well recently? Marvel, with Captain America. THATS how Superman should be, minus the "man out of time" aspect of it.

No, youre not understanding where Im coming from. Superman isnt bi, dont change him just for the sake of change. Why do you think Marvel comic sales are floundering? Because their editorial staff changed the core super heroes to be more diverse. People that followed those characters for years feel betrayed because instead of creating new characters, Marvel is trying to bank on the names but changing it to try and get new readers, but alienate their old ones. Then nobody buys them.

That really says that we like our characters for who they are and what they represent. When you take those things away, those things dont make the character anymore.

It doesnt hurt me at all, but when its something I care about being changed to accommodate people just bothers me. It doesnt "help" other people either. It obviously didnt help the movie either, because it didnt do will critically or financially.

Are you sure Superman being gay or bi wouldn't hurt you? I am reading a whole lot of hurt over the idea.

Let's just say for a moment that he was gay. Superman likes men. You know what I'm saying. Laying with other men. Of the same sex.

Now let's say that for the most part, in the comics and movies, we don't actually see much man love. Maybe the odd kiss, or wakes up in bed and his companion thanks him for not using his super strength on him.

We really don't see that, but we KNOW it's there. He's gay.

IF he were gay, what is it about that, do you find bothersome? It changes nothing about WHO Superman/ Clark is. It changes NOTHING about WHO he helps or WHY he helps anyone. He still pisses standing up (or sits, whatever). He still eats his Wheaties. He still fights for the American Way of Life.

Okay, now let's say that the comics and movies don't even show anything Mano a Mano. Let's just say they acknowledge his boyfriend now and then.

"Hey Lois, no, I can't hang out. I have a big date with Rog. Yup... Captain A! Eh? ;) "

But we never see it.

Is it okay then? NOTHING else changes about who or what Superman is...

Except that.

How is that an issue for you? It really shouldn't bother you, and you say it doesn't.

But such things are incredibly powerful to marginalized people. People who feel they can't fit into society.
Re: Man of Steel Sequel in Active Development

Interesting concept about Superman Returns, If Singer was trying to get"gay" undertones into the story I think he failed. I've watched it quite a few times and never saw these undertones. What specifically were they? Apart from wearing his underwear over his tights I mean. ;-)
Re: Man of Steel Sequel in Active Development

I think that just made him a bit disorganised, really putting your pants on over your trousers!
Re: Man of Steel Sequel in Active Development

Interesting concept about Superman Returns, If Singer was trying to get"gay" undertones into the story I think he failed. I've watched it quite a few times and never saw these undertones. What specifically were they? Apart from wearing his underwear over his tights I mean. ;-)
What he said was him feeling like an outsider and never being able to raise a family of his own. Hence Supes being a tad mopey in the third act, watching his son from the outside etc. Like I said, they were very subtle, and just one of the reasons the movie wasnt very good. Hell, I didnt even like the costume, the kid aspect, a bunch of things. I already mentioned that. I just wish someone else would have directed Superman Returns, and Singer could have finished off X3, cause both movies seemed to falter.
Re: Man of Steel Sequel in Active Development

The suit needed to be better, and the gay undertones needed to be axed. But yeah, everything what you said was spot on, especially the kid.

However, the airplane rescue sequence was a damn feel good moment for me, the music kicked in, Superman saving the day, it was glorious. Too bad that was the highlight of the whole film.

Update: I just watched the clip on youtube, and man. Brandon Routh was a great superman, he was just stuck in a ****ty movie. Such a bummer. I sure as hell like him more than Henry Cavill.

While Bryan Singer claimed it was a sequel to the original series, he failed to do the most basic things.

Firstly, the movie's color pallette was atrocious. The costume was pathetic, maroon brown instead of red and poor Routh had one of the worst costumes ever made in film history.
The neckline on the suit was terrible as were the panties.

Routh was basically shafted due to Singer's inability to make a basic villian and have a cohesive story.

They could easily have done an origin story, kept the original music, but reintroduce the story and continue the tradition, but they failed miserably.

The movie did have great scenes though, its a shame they screwed it up for Routh.
Re: Man of Steel Sequel in Active Development

While Bryan Singer claimed it was a sequel to the original series, he failed to do the most basic things.

Firstly, the movie's color pallette was atrocious. The costume was pathetic, maroon brown instead of red and poor Routh had one of the worst costumes ever made in film history.
The neckline on the suit was terrible as were the panties.

Routh was basically shafted due to Singer's inability to make a basic villian and have a cohesive story.

They could easily have done an origin story, kept the original music, but reintroduce the story and continue the tradition, but they failed miserably.

The movie did have great scenes though, its a shame they screwed it up for Routh.
You know what else I couldnt stand? His boots. They were cumbersome, gigantic rubber abominations. And they even had the stupid logo on the hell. For some reason I couldnt stand those. Yeah, the neckline was especially problematic, the colors were completely off, and the S shield was WAY too small.
Re: Man of Steel Sequel in Active Development

What he said was him feeling like an outsider and never being able to raise a family of his own. Hence Supes being a tad mopey in the third act, watching his son from the outside etc. Like I said, they were very subtle, and just one of the reasons the movie wasnt very good. Hell, I didnt even like the costume, the kid aspect, a bunch of things. I already mentioned that. I just wish someone else would have directed Superman Returns, and Singer could have finished off X3, cause both movies seemed to falter.

I thought the whole kid subplot sucked but never got a "gay" connection to it, seemed more like an absent father's regret. Regardless of it's failings it's on my DVD shelf in place of Superman lll !
On the topic of this thread, I really hope MV gets the job, I'd love to see him bring the color back to the big blue boyscout.
Re: Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out)

Re: Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out)

Shame actually thought he was good in the role.
Re: Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out)

Man, this franchise is snakebit. A shame, too, because I really like the notion of Jason Momoa as Aquaman.
Re: Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out)

DC is doing what they want to do. Agree or disagree. Love or hate. They are doing what they want to do. It's as simple as that.
Re: Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out)

Cavill was fine, but never really owned the part like Reeve did in my opinion. Mostly I think that's due to the botched writing and wrong-headed tone of the new DC flicks.
I don't have any preference for who eventually replaces him, but I'd like for Superman to be super again. They were nearly there at the end of JL.
Re: Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out)

What's happening is what's happening. History taking its course...
Re: Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out)

I had read this was so they could focus on Supergirl instead.

Translation seems to be they realize not enough people liked that take on the character so they're shelving him until they get a better idea. If he simply wanted out, they recast and go on.

Problem is DC cares about one thing only - box office returns. They don't seem to care about story.
Re: Next Superman Movie (Henry Cavill Out)

WB should take a long break from their "A" list characters and start lower budget projects with "B" and "C" list characters. They can take better risks on creative writers/directors without as much $$$ on the line. Use those films, TV shows to flesh out their universe and fanbase from lesser known characters. Then, after several years building confidence, they can announce, say, a new Superman movie. This time don't program so many footage and news "leaks." They don't work at generating buzz. Have faith in the legacy of the character. I guarantee that would be big.