New B5 animated movie coming out

I feel like everything they've attempted to do after Season 4 has been 'meh'.... I love me some B5, but the whole season 4/5 problem with the network really caused some ripples. I even liked the concept of Crusade and was enjoying it as well. Hopefully this one will be good.
I'm not holding my breath. B5 was lightning in a bottle. I don't see how they can do anything the same way today, especially given Hollywood over the last decade or so.
I saw this earlier and it could go either way. Let's see if JMS has some B5 magic left. The only problem is that they have so few of the original characters to work with unless they recast the voices.

I wanted to add that if this is a continuation after the series ended, then Lennier deserves a redemption!
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I'm curious, but I'm not sure what's left to do that wouldn't be something mostly new and therefore potentially uninteresting. Crusade actually did seem interesting to me (much more so than Stargate Universe, for example), but then it got canned and it seems a little late to revisit it now. I'm not sure I'm even interested in an animated version. I do not watch the Star Wars cartoons, for example as they feel cheap by comparison. I generally want live action or not at all. Cartoons seem like a MAJOR step backwards to me (does anyone really equate the animated Star Trek series from the old show with the original TV Show or Movies?)
I'm curious, but I'm not sure what's left to do that wouldn't be something mostly new and therefore potentially uninteresting. Crusade actually did seem interesting to me (much more so than Stargate Universe, for example), but then it got canned and it seems a little late to revisit it now. I'm not sure I'm even interested in an animated version. I do not watch the Star Wars cartoons, for example as they feel cheap by comparison. I generally want live action or not at all. Cartoons seem like a MAJOR step backwards to me (does anyone really equate the animated Star Trek series from the old show with the original TV Show or Movies?)
I liked Crusade, whereas I didn't much care for Stargate Universe because they lost the feel of Stargate by making it dark, dank and disgusting like Battlestar Galactica. That wasn't what I was looking for, dark for the sake of being dark. I'm sure, considering most of the cast is dead, that an animated version is the only way to get it done using the old characters, even if you need new voices. I guess we'll have to see.
If Warner's animated DC movies are anything to go by, then I have high hopes for this B5 animated movie (not cartoon). Just as along as Warners is smart enough to have given JMS free reign to do more or less as he pleases, this should be good. I think that JMS might be on of the few old time writers from the '80s & '90s who might have lost their touch; I'd say that Lucas, Cameron, and Scott have all since lost their touch.