Blade Runner 2049 Sapper Morton's Colonial Medical Use Bag


Sr Member
I have taken a bit of an obsessive interest in this prop, so I decided rather than clutter the main 2049 prop thread I would branch off.

I will try and lay out all the for sures, as well as unknowns I hope to find out!

Anyway, off we go!


The main bag, is an ITS Tallboy trauma kit pouch, in black. The bag comes with a patch on the velcro, as well as a red velcro strip on the top handle, and black paracord zipper pulls. These are all removed. The bag is hung from the carry handle, and looks like it might be clipped on to the front right pocket of Sappers coveralls.


Two split rings replace the paracord zipper pulls, the 30mm ones I tried are too small, so I am estimating 40mm and can confirm as soon as they come in the mail.

There are also 2 black eyelets of unconfirmed size in the right size PALS webbing. There is also a Amsler hurricane razor knife, and yet another unconfirmed item. It has dosages in 200, 400, and 600, and looks like maybe a plunger, all held in a black plastic or rubber clip that also connects it to the webbing.


This is the best blow up I can get of it and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it could be, unless of course it is custom.


Here you can see the bag hung by the carry can also see there is a patch on the velcro, as well as something else reflective below it off the velcro.

My best guess is the velcro patch is a blood type, or NKDA patch.



Not sure if grey looks more fitting or black, as its so hard to guess how the light is hitting in a studio.

Last detail, is sappers glasses which he places in the bag before grabbing his scalpel. Gold or bronze colored, oval, fixed nose piece, and wrap around the ears. Havnt found an exact pair, but "Santa Clause" style glasses give similar looking frames.

I will continue my search for the mystery item next to the scalpel, as well as try and get a better look at the patch on the front, but id bet on a blood type patch!
My 10-year-old daughter ask me for a first aid kit tonight. I’m going to model it after your Sapper version. Have you looked into whether the mystery tube is smelling salts of some sort?
My 10-year-old daughter ask me for a first aid kit tonight. I’m going to model it after your Sapper version. Have you looked into whether the mystery tube is smelling salts of some sort?

I dont think so, I blew it up on my 4k TV and you can clearly see 200, 400, and 600 with a plunger inside.
I think the other thing on the pouch may be a thermometer. The kpa scale on some thermometers goes from 200, 400, and 600 onwards.
That would make sense from a movie standpoint. Maybe Sapper’s more of a “doctor” than “medic” in the later years. A medic wouldn’t have a thermometer, but if he was watching after Rachael and himself, then maybe he would have one.
The thermometer could be for checking the temperature of the pools in the greenhouses on the farm as thats his primary job now.
I just picked up the Ansler knife. From where did you get the gunmetal eyelets? Where the 40mm ones the right size?

I think amazon...I used 4mm eyelets since its common but 5mm is screen accurate. 40mm split rings seemed perfect and you can get them on ebay from china dirt cheap.

SO we still need to decode the patch and other label or patch on the front, and the mystery tube.

Also the glasses are called windsor style, oval frames in gold, and can be found for 5-20$ on ebay, or up in the hundreds if you need real gold leaf :)

At this rate ill have a full shelf of just Sapper props!
I received the Tall Boy in the mail today and I’m going to work on the eyelets and split rings tomorrow. Any luck on IDing the patch and mystery tube?
after a bit of time tweaking in photoshop, the name on the back rubber (maybe) part of the mystery tube reads
Heres the mystery part folks.

Its a Drager Dosimeter tube. They are used to detect gasses and other tubes are for measuring radioactivity.
I think its the middle one in this picture.
Theres loads of tubes with different measurements.

That’s an amazing find! Very well done!!!

This seems to match perfectly with the screen shot. The 200, 400, and 600 markers are in the right place. All it needs is the plastic holder, which you can find on the same website.

Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 9.08.02 PM.png

This what it does:

Looks like it's about $180 for 10 (I think) tubes and 3 plastic holders in the US. If two more people want to split the cost three ways, I'm in.

Mystery solved!!!
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