Borderlands Male Mechromancer Cosplay with guns!!!


New Member
Hi there, you may have seen a previous thread of mine to create two Borderlands guns, but those sadly had to be shelved. Luckily I have found time in my college and job to make a full costume.

My only issue was finding a costume to go with the guns. Luckily, with the idea from a friend, I decided on the Mechromancer. If you haven't guessed from my screen name, I am male and thus would not look good in a skirt, so I am going to gender swap the character into Greg, the Mechromancer.

With the two guns, I scaled back and decided on the Actualizer SMG and a caustic Maliwan pistol with a Jakobs barrel.
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Here are the blueprints for both guns. If the site scales them down, sorry.

View attachment Temchant Torment Blue Print FINAL .jpg

Actualizer Blueprint FINAL.jpg

(9/12/2013): Remaking the blue prints for the remake. This time I'm going to make the gun into separate pieces of MDF the use that MDF "blank" as a master piece for a Silicone mold. I'm thinking of using a heavier grade resin to keep the proper gun like weight and make sure they are durable.

PS. Awesome job to Womble for giving me pointers on the blueprints to keep them accurate and clean. Grids to the Rescue!!!!
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SO I'm going to layer the MDF with some Foam Board, here are some early cuts from today.

Im going to need to use one layer per side, here are two cuts with a tracing of the third.

Here's a close up of the Actualizer

I have decided to make the pistol caustic instead of slag, so green lights instead of Purple.
And here's the Trenchant Torment
Sorry for the recent silence, I have been finishing finals for college. Progrss is going to be awesome and slow right now though. I want to make sure the details come out right so the carving i'm being careful on. Here is the first side to the Actualizer.

So I got to learn about lighting!!!! and soldering and the importance of resistors.

So now I can glue away!

I'm waiting for this to dry. Then gonna cut the pieces for the robotic arm.
heh heh Heh, Greg the Mechromancer. :lol

Good luck with your build.... I've just started playing BL2 and am playing a the Mechromancer so looking forward to seeing your completed costume.
Good luck with the project. Will love to see how it turns out.

And thanks for sharing the blueprints.

However, I'm having trouble with the Actualizer plans. I can't get them to line up; even with scaling there seems to be significant differences between the side, front and top views.
Good luck with the project. Will love to see how it turns out.

And thanks for sharing the blueprints.

However, I'm having trouble with the Actualizer plans. I can't get them to line up; even with scaling there seems to be significant differences between the side, front and top views.

Odd, it might be the size the Jpeg imported into. I can send you the original files to see if that fixes it. If not, I suggest using a ruler or measuring tape like I did and scale it to how it could fit you then usingn a simple editing program to rescale.

Most people use UInkscape or Gimp.

- - - Updated - - -

Funny thing about that Bondo.....

I live in SW Florida, so the heat & Humidity really did a number when drying. Luckily, I found an alternative in some roofing caulk. It takes a couple of hours to dry, but is much easier[

ATTACH=CONFIG]225155[/ATTACH] to clean and work with.


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Well, here it is, finished and all.
I couldn't post this earlier, Iits a 12 hour drive to the con for me and I have no mobile way to upload these pics. Here is the costume with a pistol I got at the con. The Actualizer sadly met an accident on the drive up and is in pieces. I'm going to use this chance and the off season to redo this costume and prop and do it right.

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