Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

At face value this seems disappointing. Too many tie-ins just shrinks the universe all over again. I don't need to see Vader in action again. I also don't need to revisit the detention block or the trash compactor.

Whereas I feel if done correctly, which I feel confidant it will be, it's a great opportunity to show how terrifying Vader has become sine ROTS and would make his entrance in ANH that much more impactful.
That's awesome! I work and live in the real world.

and your a real world ass

but I would expect that from someone with an avatar that describes them as a obnoxious little kid

Realistic "female" hero roles in an action, "BAD-ASS ROLE".... where are these girls in real life on the front lines?Navy Seals? Rangers? Delta? No they don't exist.So no I don't want to see unrealistic depictions of so called "heroes". I want to see something tangible and realistic, to make me feel about the actions and actor involved.

I have a sister who has been in the army and has done tours of duty in both the Iraq and Afghanistan war, on the front lines. She is currently a firefighter in Philly. I think she would beg to differ as well
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I want to see why Vader is the most feared Sith in the galaxy. I want to see him wreck a bunch of rebels without mercy.

Just a shot of him plowing into an army base with a lightsaber would be cool...

I wonder if it would be too much to show flashback shots to his past and see him get angrier and angrier every time a new memory pops up, or if that would be over doing the fan service a bit.
Let's go back on topic and enjoy the trailer and the upcoming Rogue One news please.
Personally I'm quite happy we'll see something happening in the OT period.

And Tarkin was right:

Women cannot compete with men physically. It's not sexist. It's not misogynistic. It's science.

Show me one--just one--woman in Major League Baseball. Show me one woman in the NBA. Show me one woman in the NHL. Show me one woman in the NFL. There aren't any. There never were any. And there never will be any. Women are too weak, too slow, and to fragile to compete with men in top-tier athletics (and combat).

That's reality.

Now, when it comes to fiction, I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, to varying degrees, depending on the movie or show. I absolutely loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and cheered Buffy on as she beat up the monster of the week, every week. But that was pure camp. I also love Sarah Connor, and thought Linda Hamilton played a great badass in T2! But they limited what she could do, and kept it grounded in reality. As for Rey, the Force is strong with her, and so I was willing to see her do some extraordinary things, even without any training. But the writers took it waaaaay too far. For her to beat down a near-Sith Lord who can throw her 30' in the air with a flick of his finger, and can stop a laser blast in mid-flight, in a duel with a weapon she's never wielded before in her life was the height of absurdity.

Star Wars is not Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I expect it to be grounded more in reality. Some of you don't, and that's your prerogative. But I want my Star Wars heroes or heroines to be plausible and relatable. Rey was neither. (FTR, though, I adore Daisy and think she did a fantastic job with the role they gave her. It's just that the role was ridiculously written.)

The Wook

You forgot to put in the "I'm not sexist because I have friends that are girls" comment.
Re: Star Wars Standalone Film (Dir: Gareth Edwards)

That would be quite interesting, it's such a shame that they don't consider The Old Republic canon anymore, but it could be, I mean it can't affect the events of the saga, so why not, eh?
Let's wait for the movie and then you can bash any character, but only after seeing what he/she does in that context.

If only that were true. Any criticism at all of TFA was immediately attacked by rabid jackals on this site. Those of us who dared to criticize TFA were ignorantly labeled JJ-haters, sexists, misogynists, and racists. We were called trolls, simply for venting our own personal frustrations with the film. We even started our own thread, just for those of us who didn't care for the film, leaving the TFA-lovers to wallow in their own TFA lovefest--but we were followed there by many of the rabid jackals, whose clear goal was censorship, as they cried out in each post that our thread should be shut down! I've been a member here for 14 years, and it was the most loathsome and despicable display of trolling I've ever seen.

So no, my friend, anyone who does not care for Rogue One after they've seen it, will not be able of post those opinions on this site without being personally attacked by those same rabid jackals, I'm afraid.

Now, I do agree with you that we should not jump to any firm conclusions about characters or the movie until we've seen it. But @CessnaDriver said it best, "once bitten, twice shy". Those of us who were turned off by Rey's absurdly fast and advanced facility with the Force have just been shown a trailer featuring another scrawny female lead who's shown kicking ass in close combat. And this girl, presumably, does not have the Force to explain her abilities.

It's just a glimpse, to be fair, but it's made me and some others think, Oh God, here we go again. Girl power run amok. Listen, I agree that some women are way more capable than the classic Hollywood stereotype of them falling down as they attempt to flee the monster or bad guy. But apparently it's not good enough for girls to not fall down as they flee danger. No, they have to turn around and beat the living crap out of that danger, even when it defies the laws of physics and common sense. The pendulum has swung waaaay too far to the other side. I'm hoping it will settle in the middle, in reality, some day soon.

If this new girl kicks ass the way Rey did, if she's another Mary Sue, Disney will never see another dime from me.

But I don't think that will happen. I think the filmmakers heard the Mary Sue gripes, and will avoid repeating that mistake. I'm cautiously optimistic.

The Wook
I'm sorry I want to see some light saber throwing, force choking walking in to my bad ass music playing Vader swag. I want to see just how many bothans died to bring us these plans. If that is the only scene in this movie that Vader is in I will be happy.
The Bothans died getting plans about the 2nd Death Star. There's no mention of how many people died getting the plans for the 1st Death Star to Leia.
Personally I don't want Jedi in this film. Jedi are just a tiny part of the Galactic war (albiet a crucial and central part) but I'm happy to also see the war from the side of the grunts for once.

It's like WW2 films - sure there's a great story to be told from the perspective of the generals and world leaders (e.g. Patton, A Bridge Too Far) but it's also fascinating (arguably more) the stories that come from the field (e.g. Band of Brothers, Das Boot, The Great Escape ...). I want Rogue One to be the latter kind of film.
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