Star Trek: The Next Generation--Unseen


Sr Member
Not too long ago, I inherited several boxes' worth of material from an unproduced episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation: script drafts, storyboards, sketches, maquettes ... the list goes on.

As I am now more or less the "curator" of all this, I would like to catalog and present it in some meaningful fashion. But for now, I present you this.

Consider it the tip of the iceberg.



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Re: ST:TNG Unseen

I'd like to check it out too. I've been talking with plenty of producers and actors from TNG as part of the Enterprise D Bridge restoration who all still have a warm place in their hearts for that show, some of them may be interested in seeing your bits and pieces once you've written them up.

Re: ST:TNG Unseen

Not too long ago, I inherited several boxes' worth of material from an unproduced episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation: script drafts, storyboards, sketches, maquettes ... the list goes on.

Why can't coolness of this magnitude happen to the rest of us.
By Inherited I hope you don't mean somebody passed on, cause if
somebody has I'm sorry for your loss.

That's one heck of a good score though. Can't wait to see the rest.
Re: ST:TNG Unseen

That looks wonderful, so far... very TOS'esque looking on that maquette, especially the defelctor. Can't want to see more!
No deaths, Scrap Droids, but thanks for your concern; just someone who had worked on the show and didn't want these things cluttering up his place anymore. His loss.


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Spent today sorting through all the material: there are scripts, sketches, more models, even a floppy disk! Some of the hand-drawn (i.e., old school, primitive, ancient, beautiful) artwork is enormous, so I need to find a big flatbed scanner to archive it. Give me time and I'll post it here. Viva TNG!
Incredible. How are there not more trekkies in here getting their minds blown?

Never before seen Concept of the Enterprise K...
Ok, someone please wake me up because this is way too cool to be real life! How can anyone get this lucky? Or should I say how can anyone give away such a gold mine? Incredible.
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