Sylvester Stallone threatens to sue Profiles in History


Sr Member
Im just gonna copy and paste from TMZ, and also post the C&D letter from his lawyer. Pretty interesting considering PiH has been known to sell replicas without fact checking.

A pair of boxing gloves said to be worn by Sylvester Stallone in the original "Rocky" movie have just been pulled from a high profile Hollywood auction -- all because Sly himself is calling BS on the authenticity of the items.

The gloves were set to hit the auction block next month during an event organized by Profiles In History -- a pretty well-known memorabilia dealer.

But once Stallone got wind of the event -- his lawyer, legal pit bull Marty Singer, fired off a cease and desist letter to POF stating, "Be advised that these items are not 'Sylvester Stallone's boxing gloves from the first Rocky' and they are not authentic."
Stallone threatened to sue if the items weren't 86'd from the auction ASAP.

POH obliged -- and says it is "withdrawing the items pending further research." Though a rep tells us the company is VERY confident the gloves are legit.

C&D Letter
My standard response is what do you expect from Profiles?! :lol

As to where the originals are I bet Sly knows!
I reached out to Profiles in History the other day and received some information to add this to this subject.

If Martin Singer, Sylvester Stallone's lawyer, also responds to my contact, I will post that information as well.

As I state in the article, I make no claims as to the gloves or other items attribution, I figured why not just contact both parties and get their input instead of speculating like some others may do.

Rocky gloves
I reached out to Profiles in History the other day and received some information to add this to this subject.

If Martin Singer, Sylvester Stallone's lawyer, also responds to my contact, I will post that information as well.

As I state in the article, I make no claims as to the gloves or other items attribution, I figured why not just contact both parties and get their input instead of speculating like some others may do.

Rocky gloves

You wrote up a pretty good article, I liked it. I think everyone (including myself) jumps at PiH because they have been caught a few times in the past for selling knock-offs or replicas. Most likely they didnt know but they also arent that good at fact checking. Although with there Lost auction, they were notified numerous times about certain props werent used in certain scenes or at all, and PiH ignored everyone who brought it up.

Ive bought props and sold props at PiH. Whenever I want to bid on something from their site, I try and do the fact checking myself or try and match up tells or inperfections from the prop to the screen. Although when I sold a few props through them, they would ask me for a screen shot of the film (which I thought was kind of weird), but hopefully they would double-check the sellers work.
Stallone just got back his car from Cobra;

Sylvester Stallone has reached a settlement with a car company following a long legal battle to regain a vehicle he alleges was stolen from him 17 years ago.

The Rocky star claims the custom-built 1950 Mercury, which featured in his 1986 movie Cobra, was driven away from a storage garage in 1994 and later turned up in the possession of a collector who rents out vehicles for movies.

Stallone filed legal papers back in 2009 asking for company bosses to hand him the keys and after two years of legal wrangling, the two sides have now reached a deal which will see the star get his car back, according to

Details of the deal were not disclosed. The car is said to be worth a massive $250,000.
Stallone is known as an egomaniacal liar, so I wouldn't put too much salt in these stories, regardless of their origins.
The word from those who would know is that the glove is authentic, and that Stallone knows this but is trying to get it through some legal maneuvering.
So far after both calling and emailing Lavely and Singer (Mr. Stallone's lawyers), no answer to the questions I put forth in my article.

If anything changes, I will post about it.
Sorry for the de-rail. I hate TMZ. I was flipping through 9 bazillion channels and I landed on the TMZ show, or channel or whatever. It's like the kids in detention knocked up (not the UK knock up) a defensive driving class and they gave birth to TMZ.

OK rant over.
Comes as no surprise, the only answer we will get is if the case goes to court.

So far after both calling and emailing Lavely and Singer (Mr. Stallone's lawyers), no answer to the questions I put forth in my article.

If anything changes, I will post about it.
Realistically, though, as soon as the claim against their legitimacy is raised by someone like Sly, the value of the item plummets, so they'd probably pull 'em anyway.
Didn't they have an episode where they got the golden ticket from the woman who played the Salt girl, and it was in pristine un folded condition? The believed her that is was screen used and sold it for her. That shows research that needs much improvement.
Didn't they have an episode where they got the golden ticket from the woman who played the Salt girl, and it was in pristine un folded condition? The believed her that is was screen used and sold it for her. That shows research that needs much improvement.

I bought one from her and Mike TeeVee 10 odd years ago for $10.
A reputable custom shoe maker in CA is very bitter with Stallone who never paid for his custom made shoes with 3" inside lifts, the shoe maker is highly reputable and makes shoes for all the big movie stars, If I find the article I will post it.

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